It wasn't me!

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(A/N); I regret nothing 


"Doflamingo... yay, it seems everybody REALLY is jumping aboard this crazy pixie hunting game. For the love of everything that is sweet... I am NOT THE PIXIE!" I barked, struggling against the strings that now bound me. "Fufufu~ Nice try! You might fool the others, but you don't fool me." He grinned maliciously, as I noticed from the corner of my eye Law, who looked at the man with such intense hate in his eyes. 

'Hold the phone.... is he even aware that Rosinante is alive?...' I then went to look warily at Doflamingo. 'Maayybbee I'll tell him later... preferable when he's not here, at least.' I sigh, before weighing out my options. "Hey.... my man, my fellow coat enthusiast, my compadre, mi ami... would you do your homegirl a solid and... let me go?" I asked nicely, going to bat my eyes innocently to really sell it. Of course this didn't work. If anything, all it did was fuel his ego. "How very cute, but why would I do that? It would be like removing the net after capturing a rare butterfly!" He chuckled, seeming for now in a good mood, as I thought out my next course of action. 

"Hey, we're on a resort island, right? How about we call for a truce, eh? No pixie-netting permitted here! You'll have to save it for the next island, unfortunately." I continued to hold the cheesy smile, as Doflamingo simply laughed. "Fufufu~ You're a real hoot, aren't you? Again, any attempts you are going to make to escape will not work... I got you just where I want you." He smirked, as I felt myself get weaker the more I am bound like this. 'Thisisbad, this is really, really bad!!'  

"What do I have to do to get you to release me?" I questioned him seriously, which seemed to pique his interest. "Oh, so (y/n) is finally getting down to business; I like it." Contradictory, he dropped all the strings around me, which caused me to eye him skeptically. "Come with me, (y/n), and join the family. You'll do this, if you of course want your friend Law here to live." He smirked, going to lend out a hand for me to take, as Law continued to seethe at him, before turning to me, going to do a familiar motion with his hand. "Room." "Don't you fucking dare, you brat." "W-wait, Law, NO!" "Shambles.

Just like that, I found myself sitting on top the counter top of some restaurant. "Heeeyyyy, (y/n)! You gotta try the food here, it's delicious!" A certain captain told me with a mouthful of food, as I looked to him seriously. "N-now's not the time to be relaxing; Doflamingo is going to kill Law!!!!" 

At my words, Luffy went to turn just as serious as me. "Where is he?" "At the shore where we had docked." At my words, Luffy went to go straight there via slingshot, as Nami went to look at me straight in the eyes. "Let me guess... Doflamingo is here to get you, too..." "Unfortunately... I-I tried telling him I wasn't the fucking pixie, but of course he didn't believe me... I-I do not want for this insanity to continue. It seems left and right, there's all these people trying to get me! It's just going to get worse with the stupid 1 trillion bounty on my head!! A-and now... Law might get hurt because of me..." I bit my lip, as my hands trembled angrily. "T-this is not what I wanted at all... I want all the people I care about to be safe!" I cried out, not going to be able to help the tears that streamed down my face, as all of the crew stood silent, except for one. 

"That's the life of a pirate. It's not all just island hopping and glamour. What you are experiencing is the dark, real side to the life." Zoro told me, going to look at me sternly. "Whether you are really this pixie or not doesn't matter... there is a bounty on your head for 1 trillion beris regardless. The world government doesn't give a damn if the bounties they make are factual or not. All they care about is fulfilling their ambition, and whether that is peacefully or destructively, they will by any means do what they have to do to get their way." He continued to look at me sternly as he talked, as if he wanted this to really sink in. "We all have to deal with the same thing, so it's not like it's just you. However, you do make yourself an easy target with having no combat skills." He informed me, as I went to grip my arm shamefully. "Y-yes, I know..." I sigh, as he continued to stare at me. "So, instead of feeling bad for yourself, how about you finally take back control? As useless as you may think your devil fruit is, a devil fruit is a devil fruit. Luffy has a point that if you try hard enough, even the ink-ink fruit can do wonders to protect you. You just need to use your imagination, since the sky is the limit for devil fruit users. You also need to train with your abilities, because how do you expect to get better if you never train?" He questioned me, before getting up from the seat he was sitting at. "Now, let's go check on our captain. Law is going to be fine; he survived much worse." He informed me, as everyone got out, and proceeded to follow Zoro out of the restaurant, as I stood there, taking all his words in. 'Use my imagination?... the sky is the limit?...' 

"Don't think you're the only one whose gotten stronger, strawhat!" Doflamingo cackled, as Luffy kept swinging at him. "How dare you try to take our crew member away! (y/n) is my friend!" He screamed, before going to throw quite the swing Doflamingo's way, who very narrowly dodged it. "Strawhat-ya, I don't need your help." Law barked to the ravenhead, who seemed to have not been listening. "You guys, stop.

The trio went to look at the person in question who stood there in utter surprise, before Doflamingo smirked. "Ah, so you have considered my proposal." He chuckled, as I went to stand my ground. "No, I have came to a conclusion..." At that, his grin widened. "Oh really? And what conclusion is that?" He asked me, as Luffy and Law looked at me with shock. "(y-y/n), you're not really going through with this madness, are you?!" Law questioned, as Luffy kept looking at me in stunned silence. "I am, Law, because you know what, Doflamingo?" I folded my arms, going to look at him sternly, as he continued to look at me with a cocky smile. 

"If anyone wants me to join their crew, then they're going to have to give me enough reason to join their crew!" 

At my words, everyone was stunned silent. However, it didn't last long, as Luffy went to frown at me. "What are you talking about, (y/n)? You're apart of my crew already!" He whined, as Law and Doflamingo looked to him, before Law looked to me. "Is that really true? I highly doubt it is." He murmured, as I scratched my head awkwardly. "I never officially stated my allegiance to anyone, yet... I think of you guys more like... friends." I smiled dopily, as Luffy fell to the floor in shock. "Don't be stupid, (y/n)! You are apart of my crew!" Luffy huffed stubbornly, as Doflamingo went to simply laugh, though this time it seemed more dry. "Why wouldn't you want to align yourself with a king?" He questioned, as if genuinely wondering, as I quirked a brow. "Uh.... of where?.." I asked, confused. "Of Dressrosa, of course." "Uh... nuh-uh." "Yes-huh. Haven't you read any paper ever?" "Yeah, and those papers told me a different story altogether." "What did they tell you?" "They told me... you know what, never mind, because this is getting us nowhere." I then went to lend my hand out, before turning it into ink. "This is my power, Doflamingo. I ate the ink-ink fruit, and that's the only power I have. I have no combat experience whatsoever, so i'd no doubt lose to anyone in a fight, since I just do not have the strength." I then went to smile. "However, what I do have to my advantage, is my imagination!" I giggled, as everybody looked at me like I had two heads... well, all except the crew that was hiding behind some palm trees, and Luffy, who grinned brightly at me. "Yeah, that's the spirit!" He cheered, as Doflamingo stopped smiling at me. "What are you trying to get at?" He questioned me, as it was my turn to smirk. "Just this." I then used both my hands to conjure up some ink on the floor, particularly where he was standing at. 

"Illustrate; the floor is lava!" 

Upon my command, the ink soon took transformation, going to take the shape of authentic lava shortly afterwards, which caused the pink coated male to screech at feeling his feet on fire, as he went to instantly seek to put it out. "Illustrate; tidal wave!"  I called, going to make a small wave of ink, that soon transformed into gushing water, that went to engulf the male completely. "There; hope you feel refreshed!" I grinned, before striking a sassy pose, with a hand on my hip. "And, for future reference, if you want me to still join your family, don't threaten my friends while doing it, because it'd be a 'no chief' every time you do that." I attempted to snap my fingers, as the crew came out of hiding, and went to give me a big group hug, with Luffy joining shortly afterwards. "That was so awesome, (y/n)!! You can draw things to life with your powers!" He chirped, looking at me starry-eyed, alongside Usopp and Chopper. "You were so cool out there, (y/n)!" Chopper chirped, as Usopp nodded in agreement. "Yeah, you were very brave out there!" 

"I... must admit... I was being too careless... I should of expected for you to use your powers at one point... they are very impressive, and with some refinement, they could even be used for great destruction, instead of cute little attacks like those two were..." Doflamingo cackled, as he got back up from the ground, his clothes drenched in water. "However, despite your feisty behavior today... I am willing to let this little thing slide. After all, when you realize that I am the only one that can get you back home, you'll come running back to me. You'll be on your knees, kissing my feet, and begging for my help, and you know what I'll say?" He grinned mischievously, as I felt my entire body just freeze up in shock. "'Sure thing, doll face.'

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