You got that

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(A/N); These amuse me, so I hope they amuse you. 

*IMPORTANT NOTICE; This chapter will contain what i'd like to call a bonus designated feature. What this means is that the chunk of the story that is sandwiched between these things; ****, will contain content that you can either take or leave, depending on how you feel about the content in particular. I am doing this so romance could start to blossom between you and the guys, so it isn't so one sided. So, for example, if you like Law, these little sections would be dedicated for some good old you and Law time, that is mutual. These features are just basically extras, and wouldn't really affect the main story line. However, each feature would connect with the other in one way or another to form as building blocks for the relationship, so if on chapter x, for example, if your guy and you did something, then in like a few chapters later, where another feature is present of that same guy you like, they'd recall what you two did in that feature, but it wouldn't be brought up in the main story line. I am just doing this so it feels more personalized for yall, and not like you're constantly putting the poor guy in the friend-zone( At least in the features, heh heh). Anyways, that's all I needed to say, so enjoy the story!~ We'll see how this baby works out-


With things turning out to not be a total loss, despite the big bomb shell that had been dropped, the sniper king decided to throw a welcoming party for us, despite the major fiasco that happened today. I like to think of it as more of a thank-you party to Marie, who decided to stick around for a while. 

I also didn't fail to notice how the townspeople looked at us with disgust, probably because we were pirates. W-well, more like the people I surround myself with were pirates; I was a completely innocent bystander who is just heavily targeted by the WG; nothing more and nothing less! 

"(Y/n), do you feel better now?" Katakuri questioned me, as I went to simply nod at him in response. It was very nice to have him so concerned over me. In fact, it was even nicer when he comforted me through that horror. However, that thought from earlier continues to plague the back of my mind. 

'Yes, we may of had Marie this time to reverse all that, but what happened still happened. That image is still buried in my head... a-and the thought of there being a time where somebody would actually die, with us not being able to do a damn thing about it... e-especially if it's because of me... I-I wouldn't be able to forgive myself...' I thought, going to wrap my arms tightly around myself, before reaching for a heavy drink; damn did I need one right now. 

I chugged that sucker like Zoro chugged his booze, but despite my head buzzing a bit, it didn't really do much to curb my worries. 'Guess I'd need to do something else... m-maybe something crazy to get my mind off things..' I thought, just as Nami went to drag me away from Katakuri. "Oh no you don't! It isn't his turn to be on watch yet! It's still too soon!" She told us, as I could practically feel Katakuri's displeasure at that. 

"Oi Ace, you are put on (y/n) duty." Nami told the raven-head, who went to blink in shock at that. "But wasn't Luffy suppose to be doing-?" At the look that she was giving him, he went to instantly shut his mouth, before nodding. "Y-yes, I understand..." I then went to sit right next to the fiery guy, going to lay my head on his shoulder, as I went to take instant notice at those sweet abs of his that were back in their full glory. With the heavy drink in my system taking full affect now, my thoughts just went to exit my mouth without filter. 

"Damn, Ace, you really got it going on." I flirted, as his freckled cheeks went to burn a crimson red, before he glared at me. "N-not this again!" He then went to hold my cheeks, so that my eyes were forced to be fixated against his own frustrated ones. "I-I can't take this anymore! Your teasing has me all sorts of confused!" He frowned deeply at me, as I went to gulp nervously at his intense gaze. He really wasn't playing any games now; he looked furious. 

"You need to tell me... do you actually like me? Yes, or no?..." He questioned me, still holding on to my cheeks, so that all that I could do was look at him. 

"Well... you're a handsome guy..." I admitted, as he continued to glare at me. "Stop evading me, (y/n), I have to know; do you like me?" He questioned me, as I went to take a deep sigh. Damn, was he a stubborn one... 

"I have the right to refuse to give you a proper answer." I told him with a frown that matched his own. "So, you're not going to admit it aloud, huh?" He questioned me, raising a brow, before he went to draw his face closer to me, which got me into a blushing mess. "W-what do you think you are doing?" I frowned at him, as his frown turned upside down, with him going to smirk wildly at me now. "Well, I have a way of getting the truth out of you." He grinned mischievously, before he ran a finger of his over my lips, which caused me to shiver at the sensation. The look his eyes were giving me made me feel weak, and like I could topple over at any second; this was not good. 

I noticed that the two of us were a bit isolated from the rest of the party, so the chance of somebody jumping in to end this awkwardness was low. 'Oh, screw it; I don't even care anymore' 


"I know what you are planning, so just do it already, sexy; kiss me!" I huffed to him, as it didn't even take a second for him to do just that, as his warm lips molded awfully softly onto mine. That was how it started, however, because the kiss just grew more passionate the more seconds that had passed by. 

'Oh woooww, I am on cloud 9!~' I thought, really enjoying this lovely sensation, as I couldn't help but let my arms rest around his lovely broad shoulders, bringing him closer to me. 

As if the kiss wasn't already pulling my mind into a whirl, the scent of him just added to the joy. Though it was faint, I could still make out the scent of sandalwood on him. 'God, why did you have to be so sexy?~' I thought with a pout, as he went to gently push me onto the ground, the kiss now taking a bit of an aggressive turn. I could practically feel the frustration oozing out of him; it doesn't seem like he takes kindly to all the teasing that I had did to him. Now, it was all coming out in the most primal way possible, as he went to wrap his body around mine, so that the two of us were intertwined. 

As with all good things, this had to come to an end, with us going to part for air momentarily, before he proceeded on with kissing me, which was something that I didn't expect. 

'I am actually kissing Portgas D. Ace right now... I am the most luckiest girl in the world!~' I squealed internally, as his calloused hands went to run down my (b/t) body, as I couldn't help but feel so good in his arms. My heart felt like it was lit on fire, since it was burning so much at the intimate contact that I was having with Ace. 

'Please nobody call us out now... this feels so good~' I purred, as he then went to pick me up, going to look at me with lidded eyes, as our kiss ended for the second time. It seems he was just as caught up with this goodness as I was, as evident by his slight heavy breathing. 

"It seems I got my answer..." He murmured to me, going to softly stroke my face, as I nodded at him. "Y-yeah..." I squeaked out, as I was now standing on my feet. 


"Hey (y/n)-ya, get over here; I want to inspect that injury of yours!" Law called out to me, as I went to sigh at that. "W-well, would you look at that? I must get going now!" I chuckled nervously towards the freckled male, as he went to simply give me a smile in response, before nodding. "Of course." He then went to lean down towards my ear, which caused me to shiver. "We'll continue this later." He purred, as I went to simply nod at him, before heading off to see Law. Why did I feel like this craziness was just getting started?... 

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