The 1 Trillion bounty... is for ME?!

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Magically appearing out of nowhere on the Strawhats' ship has caused quite a bit of an uproar. Some of the crew distrusted me more than others. However, Luffy didn't even seemed bothered by it, going to proceed on like he usually does. Of course, this suspicion around me caused for quite an awkward dinner.

"Excuse me, madame, but may I-" "No." "B-but, you didn't know what I was going to ask!" "Actually, I do, and no, I do not want to show you; never ask me that question again." I mumbled towards the skeleton, as the crew all looked at me in stunned silence, before Luffy clapped with a laugh. "Ha ha ha, that was a good one, (y/n)!" Nami, however, was not so amused. "How did you know he was going to ask you that?" She demanded more than asked, as I tried to think of a not-so-strange response. "Word around the block says he asks all the girls he sees that." I quickly came up with, which seemed to satisfy the suspicious redhead for now, who folded her arms. "Guess that figures..." 

Sanji then went to plate the table with all sorts of food, before turning towards me with a charming smile. "For you, my dear.~" He purred, going to present me with a wonderfully prepared plate of food. "Thanks." I smiled, before going to dig in. "So, how does it taste?" The blond asked me with a lovey dovey smile, as I grinned to him. "It's delicious." At my compliment, he went to swoon like the lovesick dork that he was, which earned a snarky comment from Zoro, which THEN resulted in one of their typical fights, with Nami trying to calm the situation, saying this wasn't the time for another of their stupid fights. 

In that very moment, a 'thump' was heard on the deck, which caused Usopp to pale, as he reached for his iconic slingshot in fear. "W-what is up with today? Is it raining random people?" He questioned, as Luffy, being the curious soul he was, went to investigate. Everyone naturally went along with him, in case danger was afoot, so I decided to tag along as well. 

Instead of a person, a banded up newspaper was on the deck. It seemed to hold no information out of the ordinary, but what caused my blood to run cold, was a certain wanted poster that had slipped out from the article. Luffy went to inspect it, before looking at me in shock, along with the other crewmates, but they didn't seem so friendly about it like Luffy did. 

"Wooooww! I had no idea you had a bounty of 1 TRILLION, (y/n)! That is more than me!" He told me, his face still surprised, as I felt my knees get a bit weak, before I crashed into the floor, going to pass out. 

(3rd POV;)

 A restless giant of a man was training to his utter limit, motivated by his defeat to a certain person. Despite his siblings' worries, he never once took a break from his training, not even for a beloved snack time. However, this time it was different. 

"Katakuri, if this won't stop you from proceeding with your training for a second, then I don't know what will!" A certain eldest brother panted as he ran into the room, going to seem to hold a brown piece of paper. "What is it? I keep telling you all that I am busy." The magenta-head murmured, going to practice swinging with his moleclaw. "A new bounty! One even higher than the strawhat's!" At his words, the male stopped, going to drop his weapon in utter shock, before walking quickly over towards him, and snatching the paper away to inspect it. True to his older brother's words, there in his big hands, stood a bounty, one of an absurd amount. 





"Perospero.... who is this person? I don't recognize her." Katakuri questioned, genuinely wondering who was this mystery girl that had popped out of nowhere, and why in the hell was she worth so much for an unknown person? Her bounty picture wasn't even photographed, it was hand drawn. Unlike a certain blond's, however, this hand-drawn picture actually looked exactly like her. 

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