Work hard, but don't play hard

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"HOLY CRAP, TOO FAST, SABO!" I yelped, as I very narrowly dodged a swing to the head via pipe from a blond who looked a bit too excited to train with me. "That's intentional, (y/n)! When you're engaged in battle, speed is necessary for your survival!" He pointed out, as he went to swing at me again, as I found myself basically dodging the entire time, since he was too fast to even land a hit on! 

"Also remember, Sabo, that for every hit you manage on her, I will do the same to you, but 10 times more harder." Katakuri warned with serious eyes, as the blond sweated nervously at that. "B-but I am doing this for her own good, I promise!" He told the giant, as I decided to at that moment, go to kick his shin, which made him fall to the floor, as I went to use all my weight to hold him down to the floor, going to unsheathe a blade that he had given me, and holding it to his neck. "Heh heh, finally! I got one!" I panted with a tired smile, as he went to smirk at me. "Or did you?" He questioned, before elbowing the blade out of my hands with ease, and going to switch our positions, so that he was now on top of me. "That would of been a good technique to use, if your opponent is physically weaker than you. However, in the new world, they're more likely than not going to physically be more stronger than you, so you will have to try something else." He advised me, as I struggled against his weight, but he pretty much had me pinned to the floor. 

"Get off of her, now." Katakuri ordered him, as Sabo blinked innocently at him. "What's up?" He questioned, still holding me down with his weight, as Ace went to interject with a smirk. "Do you really want to know what's up?" He asked with a wiggle of his eyebrows, before chuckling, as Sabo then finally took notice of the situation, before shooting a glare at him. "You guys are so immature..." He mumbled, before going to finally get off of me, as I went to quickly bounce myself to my feet, blushing slightly at remembering how close he was to me. 'Ack, don't be as immature as them, (y/n)! This is training, not some rendezvous!'

"Don't pay any heed to them, (y/n)! The battlefield is a dangerous place, where you have to be always on your A-game!" He informed me, before going to charge at me, as I went back to dodging like this was some sort of fatal game of dodge ball. 

"Go, (y/n)! Hit him in his face!" Luffy cheered, as I went to sweat nervously at that. 'Isn't he your brother?... Why are you cheering for me?' I questioned, as I continued to dodge his quick attacks. 

After learning some basic combat techniques, we then switched to practicing my devil fruit fighting abilities. "Remember, only the strongest and quickest survive!" He reminded me, as I nodded, trying to think of an attack with my fruit. "Um... illustrate, hailstorm!" I said aloud, as blobs of ink appeared in the sky, before turning into spikes, that went to quickly target at Sabo, who very narrowly dodged the onslaught. "Good, good! Keep it up! Wearing out your enemy is a good approach to take! Even better if you can get them in a corner!" He told me, as I went to try to think what else to do. "Illustrate, cage!"  I yelled, going to appear a cage around Sabo, as he went to click his tongue. "Yeah, this won't work, either." He sighed to me, before very easily with his pipe, going to break the bars to the cage. "Your powers are still at novice level, they aren't strong enough, yet! Anyone with just a smidge of haki could easily take down any border you try and create, which is why training is so important!" He informed me, as I went to sigh. "Can't I just learn how to stay out of trouble? It already sounds to me that no matter what I do, it'll take quite some time before I could even face down normal opponents!" I whine, as Sabo went to give me an apologetic smile. 

"Don't be discouraged, (y/n)! In fact, you are actually quite the quick learner! I bet you could hold your own in a fight in no time, if you keep training!" He grinned to me, as I went to form a weapon with my ink, before going to swing it at him, as he went to deflect it with his pipe. 

"If I may, (y/n), I still don't see the point in you learning combat. After all, it's not like you're actually going to need it." Katakuri told me, as I blinked to him curiously, as I continued to brawl against Sabo. "Really? Why?" I questioned, as he went to look at me passionately. "Because, I will protect you!" He informed me, as me and Sabo halted at that, while everyone else went to look at him in disbelief. 

"You know, I never actually asked, but HOW DID YOU BEFRIEND KATAKURI?!" Nami asked me in shock, as me and Sabo proceeded on with our duel. "It happened when I stumbled upon his room, and had to act as a doll." I informed her, as Katakuri nodded at that. "Yeah, and also, you are coming with me to the Chateau, so there is no need for you to even worry about anyone hurting you." He told me, as everyone froze up again. "Whhaattt? No way, we just got her back!" Luffy pouted, before looking back at me. "You aren't really going to go back with him, are you, (y/n)?" He questioned me, as I chuckled softly. "I actually don't recall ever agreeing to going back to the Chateau. After all, keep in mind, we still don't really know each other." I told him as I ducked from Sabo, as he averted his eyes to the ground. "Really?... But you still have to meet with mama..." He sighed, going to fold his arms, while everyone else looked at him like he had two heads. 

"Is this really Charlotte Katakuri? He is acting really... strange..." Nami murmured, as I couldn't help but agree with that statement. 

"Yeah, he was acting differently ever since he rescued me from Kid... but that is not necessarily a bad thing.." I chuckled awkwardly, as I finally managed to land a hit on Sabo, who went to rub his face a bit, before smirking at me. "That's it, keep it up!" He chirped, as we continued to spar on. 

It seemed training lasted all day, because before we knew it, the sun was setting. "Guys, dinner is ready." Sanji announced, as he went to look very awkwardly at Katakuri, who was chilling out on the deck. "I already ate, thank you." He said lowly to him, as everybody else went to go into the kitchen, well, everybody but me and Sabo. "Im... *pant*... going to take a shower first... if that is fine... I promise to not be long..." I told Sanji, who simply went heart eyes at that. "Of course that is fine, (y/n)-swan!~ In fact, do you need help-" "Don't finish that sentence, if you don't want me to knock you off the deck." Katakuri threatened, as Sanji grew serious at that. "I would kick your ass, but (y/n)-swan announced a friendship truce, so I am going to leave..." He murmured, before entering the kitchen alongside the rest of the crew. 

I went to enter my room to get some clothes to change into before I went to head to the bathroom, before I noticed my hand going to twitch in a strange way. 'N-no, it can't be, no no no no, not again!' I gritted my teeth, my mouth muscles and vocal chords ceasing to work, as I felt my body go to sit down at the desk, and open up my journal, which was peculiar, to say the least, as I got my pen, and went to start writing something down, against my will. 

I am sorry I have to do this, but I am being forced to! So, this is how things are going to work, now! Katakuri is going to disappear back to his Chateau, because we can't have someone that strong hang around you like a bodyguard, that just won't do! So, let's make things interesting! You, Drake, and one awkward situation! Tell him I said hi!  -Maree 

The entry read, before, just like with Rosinante, I felt myself fade out. "NOT AGAAIIINNNN!!" 

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