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(A/N); By the way, for every reference that you get throughout this story, you get an imaginary cookie of approval! It would be a literal one, but I am not magical like that, unfortunately... so, without further ado, the story!~


All eyes were on me to say the final words. I could practically feel Big mama stare me down, which wasn't a comfortable feeling, to say the very least. Katakuri was also looking at me expectantly, which made this all the more difficult. 

"I-I...." I murmured, struggling to find the right words to tell him. My brain and heart were both engaging in a battle, with the victor going to decide what I would say. 

Unfortunately, my body still refused to move, so the option of simply fleeing was out of the bag entirely. 

"Hurry it up and just say 'I do'!" Cracker told me from behind, as Katakuri went to give him a frown. "Don't pressure her to do anything; I want her answer to come from the heart." He informed him, as I went to bite down on my lip, just wanting to dissipate then and there, but if my body wasn't going to cooperate, how would that work? Not so well, I would imagine. 

"I-I...." I then felt my brain and heart stop their brawl, as if coming to a stalemate. 

"I-I just can't right now, ok?!" I blurted out, much to the shock of everyone. 

"What do you mean you 'can't right now', girlie?..." Big mama questioned me, looking on the verge of pissed, which admittedly scared the crap out of me, as Katakuri went to look heartbroken, which just ached my heart. "(Y-Y/n)?..." He questioned meekly, as Cracker went to hold me tightly to him, which almost knocked the breath out of my lungs. "Sorry, but I am not permitted to let you go until you say those two simple words. Don't be stupid and go against mama's wishes." He warned me, as I continued to press on, regardless of how afraid I was. 

"Y-you wanted an answer from the heart, right Katakuri? Well, that's your answer right there!" I managed to wheeze out, as I continued. "I-I couldn't tell you that I do or don't, because even I am not so certain about my feelings for you yet! Y-you're one of the sweetest men I ever met in my life, that's no lie, but I just can't marry you, at least not right now! This is just all too soon! Especially with the situation with the marines and other baddies after me going on, I wouldn't want to celebrate my honeymoon as a practical outlaw!" I told him, as he took my words in, before going to bite his own lip, which just infuriated big mama even more. "I was trying to make this 'romantic' for you two, but since girlie here wants to play hard ball..." She then glared at the poor priest, who was practically shaking. "Just announce that they are married already! We don't need her stupid permission!" She growled, as Katakuri went to clench his fists tightly, while I just went to look at him apologetically. "I-im sorry, but I j-just can't..." 

"B-but y-you wouldn't even need to worry about any of that when you're with me! Mama is an emperor, no one would dare cross her to get to you! You'll have a life of peace if you marry me!" Katakuri tried to convince me, as I turned my head away. "I-i still just can't... we didn't even date before this happened, so how would you know if you would really want to spend time with me?..." I questioned, as he went to look at me with a passionate gaze. "I already answered that question, didn't I? You already showed that you're the perfect one for me..." His fists then started to tremble tremendously. "So... tell me... what do I need to do in return to make you realize that im the perfect one for you?..." He asked me seriously, as I deeply pondered his question. 

"I... just need some time... right now is just not the time for this, especially when we hardly know each other." I answered, as he went to nod his head. "I see..." 

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