"Don't touch my stuff!"

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"Heh... sounds like a big problem..." I muttered out to Kid, who at that news simply groaned in irritation. "Why fucking now?!" He whined out (like a kid, heh), before going to storm out of the room, which gave me a chance to finally catch my breath, before I realized a familiar figure had appeared from the mirror. "(y/n), you are coming with- oh no." Brulee sighed, at noticing the seastone collar on my neck. "That's not good at all. Do you know where the key is?" She asked me, as I shook my head. "No, but it must be on this ship somewhere... but why, Brulee? Why are you guys coming to rescue me?..." I questioned curiously, as Brulee went to run a hand through her wavy hair. "Big brother's orders. Though I hate to admit it, he really took a liking to you, even if he doesn't want to admit it himself. His reaction in finding out that you were you... was something to see, for sure..."


"So, Dolly was actually not a doll... she was a human..." He murmured lowly to himself, as he clenched his fists tightly. "W-what difference does it make, big brother? I mean, she acted like a doll, so she might as well be a doll... right?!" One of the siblings reasoned, as the others agreed, while Katakuri went to simply storm off, a peculiar glint now in his eyes, as he went back to his room. "Big brother..." Brulee murmured, as the rest of the siblings, at Perospero's orders, went to go search for (y/n)'s next location. "Be swift, we have to find her soon, before she is out of our territory!" Perospero barked, before he went to turn towards a worried Brulee. "Brulee, go talk to him. I think he needs someone now." He told her, before leaving, as the tall female sighed, before she went over to Katakuri's room, to knock on the door.

"Big brother? May I come in?" At getting no response, she went to open the door softly to his room. She went to instantly spot him laying on his bed, seeming to be holding onto a little article of clothing. The clothing, due to it's small size, looked to have belonged to (y/n). "Why did she have to be human, Brulee?..." He murmured towards his sister, as she went to just as softly shut the door, and walk over to his side. "Big brother... whatever you may have done with her, it was most likely an act she was putting on." She reasoned to him, as he shook his head.

"No, that can't be right. Dolly- no, (y/n)... she's the pixie. If she wanted to, she could of killed me in my sleep." He told Brulee, who turned white as a sheet at that. "Y-you... slept with her?!" She gasped aloud, as he nodded. "We spent about a day together. I even had my merienda with her, and she didn't once look at me in disgust, or was afraid. It was like... she accepted me for who I was..." He murmured, as he clenched tightly to (y/n)'s clothes.

"Big brother..." Brulee mumbled, not knowing what to say to that. She knew how sensitive he was about his mouth, so for (y/n) to not even have a reaction to it, like other people did, said a lot about the girl. 'Maybe she isn't so bad after all...' She thought, as Katakuri spoke again.

"Besides, there is something more to it. She chose my room to be in, and chose to spend her time with me out of everyone else. She of her own free will went into my room for no particular reason, besides just hanging out with me, like a friend. She could of also left while I slept, but she didn't... She actually fell asleep right in my arms..." He told his sister, as he went to hug (y/n)'s clothes. "No... I will not allow her to just leave without a word..." He huffed out, before standing up, and going to leave his room. "I have to get her again! She has a lot of explaining to do!"

Back to present day

"W-wow... i-im so.. touched!" I cried out, going to clean my nose with a tissue that Brulee offered me. "S-so that's why he called to me... it wasn't because he was upset... it was because he wanted to see me again! I knew it!" I sobbed, as Brulee gave me a comforting pat on the back. "There, there. You need to save the tears for later; what we need to find now is the key for your collar!" She told me, as I went to nod at that, going to clean my teary face. "G-got it!"

I then went to stand up, going to look towards Brulee. "It's going to be really dangerous out there though, Brulee... how about this. You go back into the mirror, and wait until I come back with the key, so you don't get hurt?" I suggested, as she chuckled at that, waving me off. "Oh, we don't even need to do that; big brother is going to kill that redhead for what he's done to you! When he's done murdering him, then we can find the key, no problem!" She said nonchalantly, as I went to turn pale in the face. "O-oh no, that can't happen!" I told her, before going to make a mad dash out of the room, which caused her to look at me in surprise. "Wait, (y/n); come back!"

(3rd POV)

"What is your deal, Charlotte? Last time I checked, I never had any beef with your family." Kid told the magenta head with a deep frown, as Katakuri went to glare certain death at him.

"You touched my Dolly."

"What the hell are you going on about?" Kid barked, before chuckling at realizing what he meant. "Oh... heh heh, you saw that, didn't you? Didn't know you guys got down like that, but whatever. She never mentioned dating you, by the way, so I was doing nothing wrong." He smirked at him, as Killer ran by his side. "K-kid, be careful, that is Charlotte Katakuri, with a bounty of 1 billion beris!" He warned his captain, as Kid hummed at that. "Is that so? Mighty impressive." He cackled, as Katakuri continued to glare him down.

"Give me the key to her collar, now."

"Oh, do you mean this?" Kid taunted, going to hold with his flesh hand the key to said collar. "Oh, I don't know... why should I?" He questioned the giant, who looked beyond pissed, as Killer tried to get his captain to take this seriously.

At foreseeing him going to show him the key, Katakuri went to stretch out a mochi hand, and simply nab it right off of him.

"So you are not as foolish as I thought..."

"H-hey! Give that back! It belongs to me!" Kid hissed, as he went to stretch his flesh hand out, and active his magnetic ability, which made the key almost pop out of Katakuri's hands, if he didn't have such a strong hold on it.

"Everybody, stop!" A certain female yelped, as everyone went to look at her in surprise.

"(y/n)? What are you doing out here?" Kid asked, distracted, as Katakuri, with his other arm, went to pop him right in his mouth, which caused Killer to freak out. "Kid!"

At just that jab, Eustass was in a lot of pain, it feeling like he was just smacked with a titanium bat. "F-fucking shit!" He screeched out, going to hold his face in pain, as Killer went to his aid, trying to prevent him from doing another reckless thing.

"That means you too, Katakuri!" The (h/c) haired female yelled, as Katakuri looked taken aback by that. "(Y/n)?..."

"You guys are going to stop fighting, and not cause any pointless bloodshed! Regardless on how I feel about any of you, none of you deserve to die, even mr.touchy feely over there!" She stated, before she turned fully to Katakuri.

"And I agree, Katakuri. There is a lot we need to talk about." She smiled softly to him, as he went to reach out to her with a mochi hand, before, unlike with Luffy, bringing her gently over towards him, as he looked at her with happy eyes. "(Y/n)..."

Your POV

"(Y/n)!" I heard a voice yell to me, as I went to turn my head towards the sound. "Yes, Killer?" I questioned aloud, as he went to give me a firm nod of approval. "Thank you."

At such a gesture, I went to nod back, giving him a smile and a thumbs up, before the gentle giant Katakuri went to lead me to the inside of the ship, as I took notice at Perospero ordering some people to make a course back to the Chateau.

Once we reached a room, Katakuri went to pull his scarf down, which revealed a toothy smile. "I wanted to thank you for putting up with me for a day... and for accepting me for who I am." He grinned happily, as I went to blush at such a cute sentence, before trying to wave it off. "O-oh, it's nothing! After all, it's not like you're some monster! You just have really sparkly teeth! Honestly, what kind of toothpaste do you use? They are as white as pearls!" I complimented, as he went to then pick me up, and give me a big, bear hug, as well as a kiss right on the nose, which caused me to blush like mad. "I love you, (y/n)."

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