Secret Origins

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I was hanging around by my lonesome in my favorite hideaway space when a certain animal that I was quite familiar with decided to swing on by. 

"Oh, hello. Have you come by to get your favorite treat?" I teased with a smile, before going to hold a cut of some fine meat, which made the animal salivate before jumping up and down for joy. 

"Oo! Oo!" 

I went to hand said animal the meat, who very gratefully ate it like it hasn't eaten in years. I could have been relaxing in this space forever until I heard a certain someone call for me. 

"For the love of Vera, you spend more time hanging out in the forests than you do in the castle!" 

I went to groan in displeasure at hearing his voice. After all, every time I saw him, it meant that I had to do something unpleasant. 

As if sensing the way this conversation was going to go, the friendly monkey swung away, leaving just me and this beyond annoying monk. 

"You are well aware that your father's patience is growing thin with your insolence, (y/n)! How many years has it been since you neglected to do your duties?" He nagged me, as I went to run my fingers through my (h/t) hair in agitation. Hey, better my hair than his face. 

"And how many times do I have to repeat myself? I never want to see that man!" I hissed, feeling a vein threatening to pop on my forehead, as I glared at this annoying man. 

"Leave me be, Alastor!" 

However, despite my demands, the annoying pest stood, folding his arms. "I will not! We have given you plenty of time to lollygag! Now it is time you face your duties, and marry already! You have failed to learn the ancient techniques of our people, you may as well do something worthwhile for a change!" 

Those words stung horribly. I-it wasn't like I did that on purpose! I really tried, but how could one be focused on fighting when you keep seeing things that keep distracting you? 


"Okay, we will start with a simple punch. I think even a stubborn little girl like you could do that, can't you?" My instructor sighed, before placing a dummy in front of me. I took in a deep breath, before getting into position. Before I could even think to punch said dummy, though, it turned into someone else. 

"G-go ahead, hit me!" A blond boy cried, wearing a top hat that was far too big for his head, which caused me to freeze up. 

"What are you doing, (y/n)? Just punch it!" My instructor ordered me, but I refused. 

"I-I can't... it looks like him again!" 

My instructor went to let out a long sigh. "The same blond boy, huh? (Y/n), how many times do I have to tell you that he's a figment of your imagination; he doesn't exist! Now, hit the dummy!" He frowned at me, clearly starting to lose his patience, as I sweated, the blond boy still in front of me. 

"W-well? Are you doing to hit me, or not?" 

"N-no! Go away! Y-you do not exist! You're just an imaginary friend!" I tried to convince myself, but the blond boy still stood. 

"No I'm not, and I am going to prove it to you one day!" 

"Enough. It seems that at this rate, you'll never learn to fight. If it isn't the blond boy, it's the green-haired boy with the swords! Why couldn't someone more competent be born into the royal family?..." He sighed, as the blond boy went to glare at him. "Y-you take that back!" He growled, before going to hold a weird stick in his hand, that was gray and shiny. 

"H-he told you to take that back!" I informed the mean instructor, who simply laughed in response. "Did he now? Well, you can tell your little friend that I have no interest in talking with him! I am going to work with more capable fighters, now!" He cackled, before going to leave, which caused me to sniffle. 

"I-I wish you weren't real! Because of you, I can't punch the stupid dummy! Why won't you let me learn how to fight?!" I sobbed as the blond looked a bit hurt at my words, before going to stand beside me. "Because it's not time yet! What you need to do now is focus on your cool vision thingies!" He told me, as I glared at him. "I don't wanna! I want to learn how to fight!" I whined, as he placed a hand on my shoulder, before showing me a grin, that showed off his incomplete row of teeth. "You will, and I will teach you, but you have something else you need to learn first!" "Something else?..." 


"Now, head back with me to the castle, so that you can get fitted into more proper attire! Your fiance wishes to talk to you!" He informed me, as I shook my head. "I told you once, and I will tell you a million times; I don't want to see that man!" I hissed, as he went to grab my arm, which made me glare at him, as he forced me up. 

"This isn't about what you want! This is about what is best for the island! If marrying you off will appease that demon to have mercy on us, then so be it! Now, you will be a good girl, and play along!" He barked at me, as a bone was suddenly chucked at him, which knocked him out unconscious. I went to smile happily at my savor. 

"Thank you!" 

The monkey went to smile happily at me before I heard some eerie footsteps coming my way. I had a very discerning ear, so I was able to tell right away who the footsteps belonged to. After all, he walked in a very strange way. 

"I knew that you wouldn't come to me, so I decided to come to you, instead! Clearly, you haven't missed me!" He chuckled, as I didn't dare look at his face. The monkey seemed to get quite agitated at seeing him, before going more deeper into the forest, which left me alone with him, alongside an unconscious Alastor. Usually, I'd be very open to him being unconscious, or just not being near me in general, but at this time, I'd prefer if the badgerer was up, so that this other man in question didn't do any funny business, like he was so accustomed to doing. 

"I meant what I said the last time we met. I don't want to see you ever again." I stated firmly, before folding my arms. "Besides, how did you even find this island, anyway? I thought only leaders of pure hearts could find this island, but clearly, that legend has been proven false." I huffed, as I heard him snicker at my words. I don't know why though, because what I said wasn't particularly funny. 

"Oh, (y/n), you're so cute!" I then heard his voice drop in volume. "But, cuteness does have a limit. You need to stop resisting me." I shook my head, staying firm. "No. I want to get married to someone I love, not because I'm being blackmailed to do so." I stated, as I then felt pulled to him, which caused me to close my eyes. I meant what I said, I didn't ever want to see him again. 

"You say that as if you have a choice in the matter. How long would you continue to resist me, hmm? Would it take some people dying to change your mind?" He lowly mumbled, which caused me to tense up. "Y-you wouldn't dare..." 

"The choice is entirely up to you, dragoness!" 

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