Stuck with the Kid

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(A/N); I promise, despite all this, yall will be fine... I think... 

Also, don't be shy in telling me what you would like to see happen in this story

After all, this story is for you, the people!


'Ok, it's all cool. I am just now stuck on Kid's ship, in his room, with a seastone collar around my neck, and some girl who can read minds and take all my friends literally down in one, fell swoop! I am totally going to be fine, I just need to find the key to this stupid collar, and when that girl isn't looking, I can try and search for a rowboat, so I can get out of here!' I thought, not even feeling safe in mind, but what else do I got? I noticed that I still had my journal and pen with me, so it was as good as a time as any to vent down this crazy situation. 

AAAAAHHHHHHHHH! I have been captured by Eustass Kid, and I can't use my devil fruit powers because I have a stupid seastone collar on my neck! There's also this scary as hell chick on board now, which doesn't make sense, because I don't remember Kid ever having a girl apart of his crew, u-unless she's... never mind, that doesn't matter. What does matter is getting the hell out of here! There's no doubt in my mind that the others are probably going to follow after this ship, despite what happened back there, so if worst comes to worst, I think I could be able to count on them. I wrote down, noticing how much my hand was trembling as I wrote. 

I went to out of reflex close it when I heard the door open. Luckily for me, one of the nicer members of the crew had entered. "Calm down, I am not going to hurt you. I just brought you some food, to calm your nerves." The masked blond told me, as he went to hold a tray for me. 

"O-oh, well, thanks, I greatly appreciate it." I smiled softly to him, as he went to hand me the tray, before going to actually sit by my side. "He wouldn't of been that rough if you just came along willingly, you know." He pointed out to me, as I chuckled. "It was worth a shot, though. I really didn't want to come; he has anger problems." I told the blond boldly, who seemed surprised to hear me say such a thing, since his body just went still for a second. "Yeah... it's a work in progress..." He soon replied, going to hold his head, as I rose a brow at that. "You don't mind me saying that about him?" I asked softly, as he shook his head. "What's offensive about it? It's the truth." He laughed, as I started to dig in on the food he had given me. 

"Did you make this?" "Yeah, I did, so what do you think?" "I think it's Gordon Ramsay tier." "Who is Gordon Ramsay?" "O-oh... what I meant to say, is that this is really good!" "Well, thanks." 

It didn't take me long to completely clean the entire plate, as I turned to the blond, feeling more comfortable now. "So, if you don't mind me asking... who is that girl?" I asked cautiously, as he folded his arms. "To tell you the truth... I don't know... me and Kid met her at a bar a few islands back, and she claimed to be some rookie pirate in search of some rare treasure and adventure. She also claimed she was able to track you down, which obviously held up." He shrugged, as I blinked at that. "I never met that girl in my life... how was she able to track me?.." I questioned more to myself than him, as he audibly sighed. "Something tells me it has to do with her devil fruit." My eyes widened at that. "You think? Do you have an idea on what her devil fruit is?" I asked him, as he scratched his mask a bit. "I am not sure for certain, but I think she might of eaten the blood-blood fruit." "T-the what?" 

"Basically, she has the strange ability to hear what someone is thinking, or even sense when they're near, without even looking. She was murmuring a few days ago about how 'delectable his heartbeat is'... honestly, she is pretty strange, even by our crew's standards." He murmured, before continuing. "Plus it would explain how she was able to control you like a puppet on a string, and even keep strawhat down. Her name also kind of gives it away." He told me, as I looked at him curiously, while taking all this information in. "Her name is CQ, isn't it?" I questioned, as he nodded. "That's what we call her for short, but her full name... is Crimson Queen." 

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