Stay away from the light

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(A/N); Warning; violence and blood incoming


My training continued until very late into the night, and it could of went on even later than that if it wasn't for Zoro and Sabo to literally push me into my room. "H-hey, I can walk myself!" I frowned at them, as they went to both give me wary looks. "Certainly, but we can't be too cautious, you know!" Sabo smiled to me, as Zoro simply went to frown back at me. "You need to rest." He simply told me, as I sighed. "Yes, yes, I know, I know! Im going, im going, sheesh!" I rolled my eyes, before bidding them goodnight and going to close the door to my bedroom.

I went to change promptly into some pjs, before tucking myself into my comfy bed, and attempting to sleep. 

I don't know exactly when I nodded off, and for how long, but I woke up to what felt like daylight. 

'Go awaaayy, sunlight... I am not ready to get up yet...' I thought, going to attempt to cover my face from the sunlight, before my eyes then went to pick up what looked like a shooting star... that was coming right towards us!! 

"OH SHIT; ILLUSTRATE!" I shouted out of instinct, as I went to form a steel wall with my powers, before hearing a very loud 'thunk' against said wall, and what seemed like an audible groan of pain. 

'What in the?... O-oh... no. Please don't tell me it's who I think it is!' I gasped aloud, before going to attempt to exit my room, to warn the others, before I slammed into a firm chest. 

"I would stay quiet if I were you, and come along willingly." The voice murmured lowly, as I went to break out in a cold sweat at hearing it. 

'L-lucci?!' I screamed internally, before going to grit my teeth. 

'Oh hell no, we are NOT doing this again! Dissipate!' I commanded, as my physical formed morphed into that of a liquid, before quickly skedaddling it the hell out of there, before realizing he had one of those weird seastone bomb things from before, as he went to hurl one at me, as I very nimbly dodged it the last second. Unfortunately for me, he had more to spare, and I wasn't so quick enough to dodge the next one, as I yelped in pain as it hit my head, and transformed me back into my physical form. 

"Lucci, you bastard... Why don't you leave me the hell alone?..." I hissed, as I went to quickly be on my feet, and take a defensive stance, which got him smirking like a mad man, as he also took a stance. "Oh, you're actually willing to fight me?" He questioned, beyond amused, as I continued to sweat like a pig. "I-It seems I won't be able to outrun you, what with those annoying seastone bombs you have... so I have no choice but to fight you..." I told him, trying to keep a calm head, despite my heart running around in circles. After all, if I want to escape from this mad man, I had to keep calm. 

"Interesting... I will give you about 5 seconds until you're on the ground at my feet, puking out blood." He smirked sadistically, as I fought against my fear, trying to keep a calm facade. "If that comes to that, t-then so be it... but I won't stop trying to escape you..." I simply replied, before he suddenly disappeared, which only gave me a very limited time frame to do something. 

"GUYS!!!" I managed to yell out with all the lung power I could muster, before desperately trying to morph back again, before I felt a cold piece of metal touch my stomach. 

I didn't even have time to register what was really going on, when it happened. 

"Finger pistol." 

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