The land of mystery

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"This place is... uncannily familiar..." Shanks murmured just as I was thinking the same thing. "You know this place?" Nami questioned, as he hummed a bit. "But... that can't be right..." He mumbled, now seeming in a world of his own, as I could practically see the question marks appear on everybody's head. It was quite understandable; how did HE know about this island?

But, scarily enough, how did I know about this island?!

'There are those visions you had long ago... maybe there's a correlation here?..' I pondered. Maybe those things were a bit more real than I thought, but I just can't believe it... there's no way im the princess of some land. I am simply (y/n) (l/n); nothing more or less.

"Well, we won't know more about this island unless we check it out!" Luffy chuckled, before going to reach a hand to the top of the cliff. "Who needs a ride to the top of the cliff?" He asked out gang, as everybody immediately declined, for obvious reasons.

"Let me just create a safer mode of transportation to the top for the rest of us." I sighed, before focusing myself yet again.

"Now illustrate; escalator!"

A lovely escalator to the top then emerged from my ink, which caused the group to look, once again, in utter awe.

"Just take a step on one of these steps, and the escalator will do the rest!" I told the group, before being the first one to hop on it.

"Daw, but those lame moving stairs are no fun!" Luffy pouted at me, as he then slingshoted himself to the top of the cliff.

"Well, neither is a concussion. I don't know what lingering danger may be here, so I am going to try and play it safe for as much as I can." I smiled weakly towards the boisterous captain, before shortly arriving at the top of the cliff. What I saw ahead of me made me audibly gasp.

"Woooowwww! So cooolll!" Luffy awed alongside me, as we saw land that looked like it came from the very beginning. This place was ANCIENT looking! It gave that part of Jaya that was up in the sky a run for it's money in the ancient factor! The trees were huggeee, practically as tall as some of the mountains that I was seeing in the distance. The fog was lighter in this area, funny enough, going to instead give the land a mystical feel to it. 

"This is incredible!..." I heard Nami gasp alongside us, being the second one that got on the escalator. It really did look like we just went back in time, setting afoot on this land! 

"We need lots of supplies, right? We might as well get cooking on that, then." I clicked my tongue, my curiosity about this land just growing by the second, as Sanji's head popped up like a whack-a-mole at my mention of 'cooking'. 

"Of course, my lovvee!~ I will get right on that!~" He purred to me, as I then went to create another escalator down to the ground. Safety is our number one priority, after all! Some of us, like me, didn't have legs of steel! We were really high up! 

"D-does anybody hear that, or is it just m-me?..." Usopp popped behind us, visibily shaking, as I then went to tune my ears in. There was a... creepy, ghastly humming sound. 

"Yohoho, yo ho ho ho~" 

"DAMN IT BROOK, DON'T DO THAT IN THIS CREEPY PLACE!" Usopp scolded the skeleton, who simply laughed in response. "Oh, my apologies! This place just gives me the creeps..." He bowed his head lightly, as I then noticed a certain giant now stand next to me, like some bodyguard. 

"(Y/n), this place can be very dangerous. Don't be in the front like this." Katakuri told me softly, before going to position me behind him, as Sabo then caught up to me, fixing his top hat. 

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