Stuck like unstarched mochi

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(A/N); I would like to thank all the awesome readers who had given me their regards concerning this bday of mine! You guys are awesome!~ 



"Katakuri, what are you doing here? I thought you were in that expedition with Perospero!" Oven questioned, as the magenta head went to huff in response. "It seems like someone had sent me back here to the Chateau... how annoying..." He frowned, his eyes going to downturn in annoyance, as his other triplet brother, Daifuku, went to also enter the vicinity. "Is that so? Want me to call him up and tell him you're here, then?" The blond questioned him, as he nodded. "Yeah, sure." He responded, before Oven went to offer him a cup of coffee. 

"So, did you manage to meet up with that (y/n) girl again?" The redhead asked him, which caused the eldest brother to blush deeply, his eyes seeming to sparkle like little rubies now at the mention of her. 'What the hell did that girl do to my brother?!'

"Yes, and she seems to be fine. She was training with one of strawhat's brothers." He informed him, as Oven almost gagged on his coffee cup. "S-strawhat has brothers?!" He questioned in disbelief, as Katakuri nodded. "Yes, two of them, in fact." The redhead then went to hold his head, going to sigh deeply. "W-what the hell is going on here?... It seems as if ever since that strawhat got here, nothing but mayhem pursued!... So, it seems she is allied with them.." He murmured, as Katakuri nodded. "Yes, she is." He then went to avert his gaze a bit, going to now speak in murmurs. "But, of course she is. She's the most sweetest girl in the world. I bet she could even befriend one of the other emperors if she tried~" At hearing his murmurs, which weren't as quiet as he thought they were, Oven went to cough awkwardly. It was so weird to see his calm and collected big brother go gaga over some simple human, especially since they were all almost 50! 

"Katakuri, you're acting like a little school boy." Oven commented with a sweat, as Katakuri went to glare at him. "No Im not." He said seriously enough, before returning to his murmuring. "Im a man... I have to be, if I want to marry (y/n)..." "You know I can hear you, right? Stop doing that!" "Doing what?" "That thing! The thing where you- oh, whatever! You need to pull yourself together, big bro! Get your head out of the gutter, and forget (y-" "Never." "O-oh, oookk..." 

"Oi Katakuri, Pero told me he's sending Brulee to come pick you up via mirror. He lost sight of the Strawhats when he was searching for you, so he's going to track them down again in the meantime." Daifuku informed him after he finished making a call, as Katakuri went to nod at that, before getting up. "I need to head out now." He told his brothers, before returning back to murmuring. "Yes, my dearest (y/n), I am coming for you.. so just wait for me, ok?~" "STOP DOING THAT!" 

"Big brother, we need to talk. Since Perospero hasn't found Strawhat yet, it's not like you going over there now is going to speed up the process of finding that girl! Sit down and have a heart-to-heart with your brothers, please." Oven sighed to him, as Katakuri went to then slowly sit back down, as Daifuku went to also join along. 

"What do you see in that girl?" Oven questioned his brother with a nervous sweat, as Katakuri's cheeks burned red again. "I see my whole future with her..." "B-be serious, Katakuri! What in mama's fairytale land do you see in that girl? What has she done to you?!" He asked more sternly this time, as Katakuri went to meet his eyes with an intense look. "She accepted me for who I am." 

At that, Oven and Daifuku both fell silent in shock. "Really? Even your-?" Daifuku questioned, as Katakuri nodded with happy eyes. "Yes, even my mouth. When she saw it, she didn't even flinch!" He chuckled giddily, as Oven and Daifuku went to exchange a look, before both holding their heads in agony. Now it was adding up...

"So... you fancy this girl... because she's not afraid of you?" Daifuku asked for confirmation, as Katakuri nodded. "Yes, and I want to marry her." At that, Daifuku almost fell out of his chair, as Oven just held his face in his gigantic hands. 

"N-not to burst your bubble, but does she even feel the same way? I-I mean, there is a lot of things to consider! For one, damn is that age gap a hell of a thing! You're old enough to be her father, Katakuri! It's more likely than not that those generation gaps are going to cause a problem!" Daifuku pointed out, as Katakuri didn't even seemed fazed. "Like that matters. We're both adults, so we could work it out." He reasoned, as Daifuku went to turn his head to Oven for backup. 

"What about the clear difference in height? If you were to marry her, wouldn't the height difference make... uh... t-things... difficult?..." Oven reasoned, as Katakuri shook his head. "Not at all. I will be very gentle with her." He responded back, as Oven and Daifuku went to both hang their heads, knowing with dread that their older brother has got it bad for (y/n). 

"B-but my point still remains! Does she even reciprocate your feelings?" Daifuku questioned in a last ditch effort, as Katakuri went to give him a firm nod. "Yes, she does." 


"I don't joke around, you two should know that better than anyone." 

"Big brother, you're delusional with fogged love lenses! How could she reciprocate your feelings when you two just met?! C'mon, try and think logically about this! What happened to our logical brother? We want him back!" Daifuku cried out, as Katakuri's brow went to twitch in annoyance at that. "Are you trying to stop me from going through and marrying her?..." He asked in a low, serious tone, as the blond shook his head vehemently. "O-of course not! B-but, you got to admit, this is just a tad bit crazy, even by our standards!" He waved his arms, as Katakuri shook his head. "You two should be happy... one day, you'd both be uncles..." 


"Snap out of what? My plan? Never." 

"W-what the hell is going on?... That strawhat is just a ill fortune giver... I just know it..." 

"What are you babbling on about?" 

"Big brother, I am here to get you! Perospero has found the Strawhat's ship again!" A certain sister chirped as she exited a mirror, as Katakuri went to get up in a hurry. "We will talk about this later. I need to get going now!... (y/n), my precious, I am coming for you!~" He chirped with a happy giggle, as the two brothers just sat there stunned, as Brulee went to wave towards them, before leading Katakuri away. 

"What... is going... on..." Oven questioned, as Daifuku went to sigh tiredly. 

"You can't say we didn't try... that girl must of placed him under some sort of spell..." 

"Oh, she did alright; the spell of love." 

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