The legend of the dimensional girl

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(A/N); Warning; fourth wall breaks ahead


"Don't tell me you actually tested that on a human being..." The woman gritted her teeth, looking on the verge of crushing the glasses that were tightly held in her hands, as the poor blond was fumbling to try and calm her down. "T-take it easy, Dr! I heard the young lady was spotted back on campus! S-so everything is going to be fine!" He tried to reassure, as the woman continued to tremble angrily, before slamming down on the table a certain comic book, going to point to the cover. "Y-you call this.... FINE?! " She growled, as the eccentric scientist averted his gaze, going to bite nervously down on his lip. 

"I-its just some comic book and cartoon show for kids... what's the worst thing that could happen?..." He questioned, trying to ease this tense situation up, as she pointed to the projector, which showed tons of articles about 'the deja vu' phenomenon. "THIS!" She hissed loudly, before pacing with back and forth with intense fury. "Give me patience, Tetch... give me a lot of patience, before I kill you for this major screw up...." She said lowly in a dangerous tone, as Tetch went to visibly pale at that. "O-oh no, please, spare me! J-just think nothing about this little incident, Dr, p-please! Like I said, no one would ever know about our ties to this phenomenon! Besides, it's not like anything could be done about it, anyhow! Once the wisher bestows it's great power, it can't be reversed!" He explained, as the woman glared certain death at him. "You are to clear up any issues that come about this from that girl, you understand?..." She asked, as he nodded quickly. "O-of course!" He smiled weakly, as she nodded slowly in turn. "Good..." 

"Hey, is it just me, or was one piece completely different before?..." A fellow student asked another, as he nodded, going to hum a bit. "Yeah, wasn't there something about Wano coming up?... Then one day, this girl showed up." The guy pointed out, going to hold onto a cute little key-chain that he had of (y/n). The other student shrugged. "Maybe it was just one big dream?... Damn, do I feel like I am in the Twilight zone, or the matrix, or something..." He groaned, as the other guy simply shook it off. "Well, doesn't really matter... I heard that (y/n) has conqueror's haki!" The guy chirped, as the other student rolled his eyes. "Stop lying! There's no way she has it! What would she conquer, hm?" He questioned, as the guy went to swoon a bit. "My heart?~" The student went to playfully punch him at that. "You're more worse than Sanji!" He noted, as the guy went to pout. "I don't care what you say man, I am calling it right now; (y/n) has conqueror's haki!" He smirked confidently, before frowning at him. "Besides, aren't you the one that theorized how Marie originally had it, too? Your theories are way more far-fetched than mine!" He huffed, as the student glared at him. "But MY theory is based on fact! Marie was going to be queen of MARIEjois! You couldn't point out a more obvious thing if you tried!" "Whatever! My waifu (y/n) is going to kick YOUR waifu's ass, just like she did a few chapters back!" He smirked confidently, as the other look at him in irritation. "You're so cringey!" "Hey, at least I am not the guy who thinks that (y/n) is going to be the next pirate queen!" "....Shut up, Brad." 

"Bet 5 that it's going to be Luffy!" A girl chirped among her group of friends, as the others went to glare at her. It seems there is a bit of internal conflict going on. "Bitch please, bet 10 that it's going to be Katakuri! I have the evidence on my side!" She smirked, as another went to fold her arms. "Bet 15 that it's going to be... nobody. I just can't see any of them being with her!" She pointed out, as the others looked at her in disbelief. "Have you just been sleeping on the last episodes, sis?! They killed WILSON for her.... poor, defenseless, WILSON!" "Oh shut up, this is all just another gag! Luffy isn't capable of that kind of love!" "Wait until she becomes pirate queen, then you'd owe me 15 dollars!" "I feel like we're Nami right now..." 

"....Am I the only one that kind of sees her with Ace? I mean, they're both so similar-" "You have to make a bet!" "But Im broke!" "Too bad, this is a betting game!" 

"I know this sounds crazy, but what if (y/n) is able to choose for HERSELF what she wants?" One of the girls thought, looking sarcastic as all heck. "I mean, it's totally not like she isn't her own person, or anything!" "Girl, shut the fuck up. (y/n) and Katakuri are going to marry at the end, and I am calling it right now! I am going to get this money!" 

"And all this started because you couldn't keep your mouth shut on the theories!" "You know how I get when I start theorizing! And I am pretty good at guessing what happens next, too!"

"There has been a phenomenon going around that has been felt by fans of the anime called One Piece. Reports say that they have been feeling an intense sense of deja vu, like they been in this place before... higher on the street-" "Damn it, Jerry, how many cuts do we have to take before you can say that line seriously?!" "Sorry, I just can't help myself! How can I take such bull seriously? This must be some new rumor the kids are spreading around!" "Rumor or not, we're the news, and it's our duty to report current events! Now, just do what you're paid to do!" 

"I-I can't believe that insolent woman said such a thing to me! I want her out of my class!" A certain fed up professor told the head, who was trying to calm him down. "I am sorry, but based on what I have heard from other students, apparently you have a history of doing this!" She told him, as he paled at that. "W-what?..." She then frowned displeasing at him. "Why did you pick on that student in particular so much? Did you even ask what was going on with her that made her not do as well in your classes than others? She could of been going through some very difficult matters!" The head pointed out, as he stood speechless. He really was going to have it, now...

"H-honey, for some reason, it keeps saying that it's disconnected, and showing this stupid signal!" A wife worriedly told her husband, as she pointed towards her phone. She kept calling a particular number, but all that she would get in response was a little animation of her daughter on a ship, sailing the high seas with some sketchy looking characters. "If she is playing some sort of prank, then she is going to get it come visiting time.." The husband frowned deeply, before going to fold his arms. "Did you call the school?" He asked her, as she nodded. "Yes, but they have yet to call me back." She frowned, seeming very troubled. "Oh, this is why I didn't want her so far from home..." She sighed, as her husband went to give her a hug. "She is alright, (m/n). This is our little girl (y/n) we are talking about! She can handle anything thrown her way, even if it's the marines behind her coattails!" He pointed out to her, trying to cheer her up, as she nodded softly. "Yes, I suppose you're right... but it just isn't like her to not respond, so it has to be something wrong with the phone company, or at worst, somebody took away our baby girl..." He then went to gently take her shoulders, so that she was looking him in the eye. 

"Don't think like that, (m/n). (Y/n) is going to be alright, I swear it! She's in a nice school, that is in a nice area.... there is no way she could possibly be in harms way!" He pointed out to her, as she went to take a deep breath. "You do have a point, (d/n), but I just can't help but worry! She was just a baby yesterday, and now look at her! All grown up and going to school! At the rate she is growing up, I wouldn't be surprised if tomorrow she has a husband and kids!" She told him, as he went to go tense at the very thought of his baby girl dating someone. To say the idea was unsettling to him would be an understatement. What if his little girl fell for a bad boy?! Or worse... a criminal?! The very thought made him sick to his stomach. No, he didn't want his dear (y/n) hurt by some player, he wanted a man that would treat her right! 

"Maybe you should call the phone company next, (m/n). I don't think (y/n) would pull this sort of prank on us, her parents." He advised, as she went to agree, going to dial up the phone company next. 

"I am sorry, but due to an unusual amount of calls, you're going to be put on hold until a representative can take your call!" The automated machine said, as (m/n) went to frown at that, but endure it, waiting patiently until somebody from the company would answer her. 

After all, when it concerned her daughter (y/n), she'd wait forever just to know that she is alright. 

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