Chapter 1

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Emily’s POV

I throw down the magazine in disgust. Once again, on the cover, was another celebrity flicking off the camera, the caption saying they have the latest dirt on who got a DUI this week. I never understood why celebrities lived this way. They had so much power. So much influence. If they cared even a little, they could help change the world. Hell, if they even gave 5 percent of their income to charity, they’d be making a huge difference. If I ever became famous, I’d be doing so much. It’s the little things that count. The things that show you care.

“Emily can you pick your sister up from speech. I just started dinner,” my mom calls from the kitchen. I sigh, tearing myself out of my fantasy world where I was famous and meeting kids at the hospital or surprising fans on Omegle, landing back in the real world.

“Sure mom” I call, grabbing the keys to my beat up 1990 Sedan. I’d paid for it all by myself. It had taken a year of working as a waitress but knowing I’d done it myself made me proud.

When I get to the office, I turn the key, letting the car shudder off. I walk in giving a quick smile at the secretary before turning my attention to the girl hunched over a portable DVD player that was set on her lap. She had her headphones in her ears, and was rocking slightly back and forth, her hands flapping with excitement. I walk over, putting a hand on her shoulder, pulling her out of the movie. She looks up at me and her eyes light up, a smile breaking out onto her face.

“Emmy!” she calls excitedly

“Emily” I correct, accentuating the L, a smile on my face.

“Emily” she repeats, forcing herself to make the L sound. I smile, nodding in approval.

“How was school today?” I ask, as she carefully puts her movie player back in her backpack.

“Mary brought cookies!” she exclaims. “It was her birthday,” she adds, picking up her backpack as we head out to the car. I let out a laugh, nodding my head.

“Do you have homework to do tonight?” I ask. Maddie frowns and nods her head. “We’ll do our homework together then. How bout that?” I ask and she nods.  By the time we get home, Mom had the dinner on the table. The three of us sit down and eat mostly in silence. Maddie was off in her own little world and Mom was usually too tired from work for much conversation. Dad had left when Maddie was born saying he didn’t want some “‘tard” as a daughter and since then Mom had to work a lot of double shifts in order to pay for her medical expenses and therapies. I hated him for leaving. I was 5 when he left, and even then I knew it was wrong. How could there be anything wrong with a baby? Even as we grew up and I came to understand what Down Syndrome was, I didn’t understand why he’d leave. She was perfect to me. Sure it took her longer to learn how to speak and walk. Sure some people have trouble understanding what she’s saying. Sure she can only read and write at a kindergarten level. It didn’t matter to me. She was my little sister. We’d curl up on the couch and eat ice cream and watch Harry Potter, her favorite. I’d help her with her homework when Mom was too tired. I defended her when jerks from school picked on her. I was her guardian and she was my angel.

“I’m done, can I be excused” Maddie asks. Mom nods tiredly and Maddie gets up to leave.

“Bring your plate into the kitchen” Mom calls before she gets to far away. She comes back to the table and grabs her plate and silverware, dumping it into the sink. Mom winces as the plate clatters against the stainless steel and lets out a sigh.

“I’ve got the dishes tonight, go get some rest” I say to my mom as I stand up and gather our dishes, pressing a quick kiss on her cheek before heading into the kitchen. I quickly rinse the dishes before sticking them in the dishwasher and clean off the table. When I’m done, I walk back out, noticing Mom and Maddie sitting on the couch. Mom has fallen asleep and Maddie is smiling widely, rocking as she watches the show.

“Whatcha watchin?” I ask walking over. She looks up at me as I look at the TV, realizing what show it is. “This is an old one,” I say with a smile, as David Cook starts singing. She nods her head before looking back at the TV, focusing intently on him. “C’mon Maddie it’s time for homework. You’ve seen this one before anyways” I say, flicking off the TV. She whines in protest but obediently gets up and brings her backpack to the table. She takes out her folder and pulls out the two worksheets she’d been given as I spread my textbooks onto the table. She starts counting the items on the paper, writing the number beside it, as I start my Calc homework. I’d check her work when she was done and help her with the ones she got wrong, but for now I had to study for my own math test the next day. I start humming to myself as I work until eventually Maddie calls out to me.

“Emmy?” she asks.

“Yea?” I ask tearing my eyes off the numbers in front of me to look at her.

“How much longer till your on Ido” she asks, mispronouncing Idol. I smile.

“That’s not the one I’m auditioning for Maddie” I reply. “Remember? I wanted to audition for what Simon was judging. He’s my favorite judge.” She nods her head, remembering our conversation. “The X-factor auditions are in 2 weeks” I add, answering her question. Her face lights up and I found myself smiling in return. “That doesn’t mean I’ll be on TV though” I warn even though I knew she wouldn’t understand. “I might not make it.”

“You will” she replies confidently. “You’re the best” I smile and nod to appease her and she goes back to her work. I feel the familiar flutter of my heart at the thought of the approaching auditions. I could sing, I knew that. Obviously I wouldn’t compare myself to singers like Adele who were just incredible beyond words, but I knew that if I had some proper training, I’d be pretty good. Only time would tell though if I had what it takes. If I had the X Factor.


Yay new story time! I hope you all like it. Picture on the side is Emily. Dedication is to mylusciousbeautymimi who Emily is based on. I'll dedicate future chapters to the other people as they are introduced. I hope you all like the story. Let me know down below and push the comment button :-)

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