Chapter 33

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“Twenty minutes till we leave” Carmen yells and I wince, my hand going to my aching head. I stumble out of my room to where Carmen and Hannah are piling their suitcases in the living room. “Finally up” Carmen says with a smirk. “Feeling any better?” I groan, wishing my head would stop pounding. “I’ll take that as a no”

“What happened last night?” I ask, trying to sift through the hazy memories.

“I dunno, we were hoping you could tell us,” she says, raising an eyebrow. “You and Zayn disappeared from Funky Buddha last night and when we finally found you, you were passed out in his bed after throwing up.

“Oh yea” I groan. I couldn’t believe I actually went back to his place. That wasn’t me at all. A blush forms on my cheek as I remember what happened. I head into the bathroom, cleaning the makeup from last night off.

“So?” she asks raising an eyebrow, following me in. I blush again, ignoring her question as I look in the mirror. Frowning at my disheveled appearance, I leave the bathroom, pulling my hair up into a ponytail, not wanting to bother with looking nice. I felt crappy; I might as well look it.

“What is that?” she asks and I turn around to see her staring at me wide eyed. I look at her confused as she comes up to me, touching a spot on my neck. I pale, my eyes flying wide as my hand covers the spot. I’d forgotten all about that.

“Oh my god! I have to cover it!” I shout, hurting my head. I run back into the bedroom, rooting through my suitcase and throwing on a turtleneck, pulling my hair down from the ponytail.

“Very subtle” she says with a laugh. It was 85 degrees out and I was wearing a turtleneck.

“Ok so we kissed.” I say sheepishly. “That’s it!” I protest when she raises an eyebrow.

“Damn I owe Eleanor 5 bucks” Hannah says, walking in on the conversation. My eyes widen at her and she gives me a sheepish smile.

“Hannah!” I protest.

“What?” she asks with mock innocence. “Eleanor guessed something would happen.”

“Who all was in on that bet?” I ask, shaking my head.

“Uhh Carmen, Louis, Harry, Eleanor and I” she says. “Liam and Niall didn’t think it was nice,” I laugh, grabbing a Tylenol to try and get rid of the headache.

“So what does this mean?” Hannah asks. “For you and Zayn,” she continues when I look at her confused. “Are you two dating now or…” she asks, trailing off. I look at her uncertainly. I had no idea what this meant. We hadn’t talked, and I was almost scared to.

“C’mon, we’re leaving. We got a plane to catch” Carmen says. We drag our suitcases out into the hall where someone takes them down for us. “Back to the good US of A. Land of the free” Carmen jokes. I grin, and the three of us head downstairs. I wince at the screaming that starts up when we emerge from the elevator. I put on a pair of sunglasses to block out the light as we step outside. It really was hot and I pull on the edge of the turtleneck, trying to cool down. It’s a short walk to the car, but by the time we get there I’m sweating. Maybe a turtleneck wasn’t the smartest idea. When we get through security at the airport, the three of us take a moment to get some food and magazines for the flight. I grab a thing of M&M’s and a copy of the Sun to read on the plane. I always found it funny to see what new rumors they were trying to start.

“M&M’s for breakfast?” Hannah asks with a laugh, returning from the little café with a bagel.

“Well you know me. Gotta get a little green in my diet,” I joke with a wink as I pop a few into my mouth.

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