Chapter 2

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I sit on the chair backstage, nervously jiggling the microphone in my hand. My sister was on one side of me grinning widely, humming to herself as she rocked back in forth. She was just beside herself with joy. I'd promised her if I made it to see the judges, she'd be able to come watch. She'd told me I would, and sure enough here I was. On the other side of me was my best friend Haley. She became my best friend in 4th grade when she'd pushed a kid who was making fun of Maddie and told him Maddie was probably smarter than him because only an idiot would wear that shirt with those shoes. It was typical Haley, sticking up for people all while maintaining a great sense of fashion. She was my first friend who I didn't worry about Maddie with. She'd become almost like a second sister to her.

"Oh my god this is so exciting! I can't believe you made it! Well... I can because you're great but" she gushes excitedly.

"Hals" I say with a laugh, cutting her off. She grins at me, giving me a side hug as I grab onto my beanie to keep it from getting messed up.

"You'll do great" she says again with a smile.

"Emily?" a stagehand asks, approaching us.

"That's me," I say raising my hand slightly, the butterflies setting back in.

"Right this way, you're up next" he says. I nod my head standing up. Maddie gives me a thumbs up.

"Watch Maddie?" I ask Haley even though I know she will. She nods her head and tells me to break a leg before I follow the stagehand to the curtain edge. I wince slightly hearing the criticism the judges were giving the girl in front of me. I hadn't gotten here in time to hear her sing, but judging from their words, it hadn't been pretty. If I was her, I'd have been crushed, but she just looked angry. As if she thought the judges didn't know what they were talking about. She storms off stage, flicking the judges off and pushing past me causing me to stumble. I watch wide-eyed as she storms away. I take a deep breath to calm myself as the stagehand counts down motioning me onto the stage. A put a smile on my face as I walk out, waving slightly at the crowd. They clap politely as I get to the x on the stage and face the judges.

"Hello, how are you?" Simon asks, looking up from his papers.

"I'm good, thanks. How are you?" I ask.

"I'm alright" he replies. "What's your name?"

"I'm Emily"

"And what are you singing today Emily?" he asks.

"I'll be singing Just Like Jessie James" I reply. I see the judges' eyebrows raise skeptically and I briefly wonder if I picked the wrong song. I push it out of my mind though as Simon nods for me to continue. I take a deep breath and bring the microphone up to my lips as the music starts.

You're struttin' into town like you're slingin' a gun  

Just a small town dude with a big city attitude  

Honey are ya lookin' for some trouble tonight  

Well all right

I feel my voice growing stronger as I lose the nerves, adrenaline rushing through my veins

You think you're so bad, drive the women folk wild  

Shoot 'em all down with the flash of your pearly smile  

Honey but you met your match tonight  

Oh, that's right

You think you'll knock me off my feet 'til I'm flat on the floor  

'Til my heart is cryin' Indian and I'm beggin for more  

So come on baby  

Come on baby show me what that loaded gun is for

Ladies First (Zayn Malik) Book 4Where stories live. Discover now