Chapter 10

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Zayn’s POV

“Finally” I blurt out as the previews for the boot camp part two of X Factor start playing. Louis chuckles, shaking his head slightly as he leans back on the couch.

“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were excited to see a certain person” Louis says with a wink.

“Yea. What’s her name? Emma?” Niall asks, a mouth full of popcorn, as he walks back into the room balancing his laptop and a bowl of popcorn at the same time.

“Oh shut it,” I say, even though I know they’re right. We’d watched all the auditions, but I couldn’t get her out of my head. There’d been a lot of good acts, but she was my favorite by far. “And it’s Emily” I add.

“Ohh Emily” Harry says, putting on a high-pitched voice before chuckling.

“Be nice Harry” Liam says sternly but Harry ignores him, looking over at me with a wink.

“I wonder who will be her mentor” I comment, watching the contestants go through the group challenge. I can’t help feel a bit of pride when she takes over for that other girl who failed, even if I had no part in it.

“Bet it’s Simon” Harry says “He always gets the good groups” he adds egotistically.

“No way” I say shaking my head “Simon wouldn’t know what to do with girls. I bet she’s with Brittany” I say. Niall looks up from his computer and shakes his head at us.

“It’s Demi and she’s in a group now” he says.

“What? How do you know that?” Louis asks.

“You do realize this has already been filmed right?” Niall asks, raising an eyebrow. We all nod, our expressions showing our realizations as it dawns on us.

“Awww has Nialler been talking with Demi again?” Harry chuckles watching as Niall’s face turns red.

“Not much... just sometime—only when—occasionally” Niall stutters, realizing he probably shouldn’t have brought Demi up.

“Wait so Emily is in a group?” I say, it finally clicking what he’d said. Niall nods. “With who?” I ask. Niall hesitates a moment, probably having promised Demi he wouldn’t give anything of the show away ahead of time. Finally he gives in and pauses the TV at certain spots. “Her and her” he says, pointing out two girls. “You do know you would have found out by the end of this episode right?” he asks. I nod, a smile curling the edges of my mouth.

“So Simon put another group together,” Liam comments.

“According to Demi, it was her idea, not Simons” Niall interrupts but Harry just waves him off.

“It was Simon,” he says confidently.

“Or at least he’ll take credit for it” Louis jokes.

“Wait so Demi is their mentor?” I ask. Man I was slow today. Niall nods.

“Yea…” he says slowly.

“So she controls who goes to the live shows,” I verify. Niall nods his head once again, finally catching on to what I’m asking.

“You need to tell—“

“I’m not telling her to put them through just because you have a crush,” He says loudly, interrupting me.

“Aww come on” I plead

“No!” Niall says stubbornly.

“Aww be nice Niall” Louis whines with a laugh.

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