Chapter 37

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“Someone had a good time last night” Carmen crows when I walk into the kitchen area. I grin, grabbing an apple from the bowl and taking a bite. Glancing out the window, I see highway flying by. We’d started driving again around 5 in the morning.

“I could say the same about you. You got back even later than I did. So how’s Nathan?” I ask with a smirk. She chuckles but doesn’t deny anything.

“He’s great” she replies with a nod.

“Aww the two love birds” Haley coos as she walks in.

“Shut up” I say with a laugh.

“You’re one to talk. You and Will disappeared pretty quickly,” Carmen adds, causing a blush to creep up Haley as my eyes widen in shock.

“It’s nothing like that,” she protests upon seeing my face. “We went to a gas station and loaded up on junk food then walked around for a while. I’m sure there are fan pictures to prove it. We were stopped like twenty times”

“I believe you,” I say with a grin. Her shoulders slump in relief.

“God you guys make me sick” Hannah groans from her place at the table. “I need to get me a boyfriend,” she grumbles earning a laugh from the rest of us.

“Aww Hannah there are tons of single guys out there” Carmen says reassuringly.

“Although we might have to run them through a rigorous screening process to make sure they are good enough for our Hannah-bear” I say jokingly, coming up behind her chair and giving her a hug.

“Thanks guys” she laughs.

“So have you checked twitter yet?” Carmen asks and I shake my head.

“I’m almost afraid to. You remember what happened last time and they didn’t actually know anything for sure. Now there will be pictures.” I say with a frown.

“You shouldn’t worry about it. You remember how it was when Nathan and I first started dating right?” Carmen asks. I nod my head remembering everyone’s shock and all the death threats she got. “Things were tough at first, but then people turned around. Tons of people started supporting us.  It’s just the initial phase that’s hard. I promise” I nod my head before grabbing my computer. I guess I’d have to see some time. I log onto twitter, sending out a quick hello and saying thanks for the concert last night, before heading to my mentions, bracing myself for the worst.


@LadyMalik: If anyone hates on @MusicJunkyEm or @zaynmalik you’re delusional.

@LadiesFTW: I ship @zaynmalik and @MusicJunkyEm so hard!!!

@Lovin_1D: OMG @MusicJunkyEm and @zaynmalik are so cute together! http:zvxczvmbn

I click on the picture in the last one expecting to see a picture of the kiss. I chuckle when I see a shot of the two of us watching Spiderman. It was taken from behind so you couldn’t clearly tell it was us but frankly, who else could it be. I certainly didn’t know that many guys who had a quiff like Zayn’s, and besides, it was the same clothes that fans had seen us in when we got back to the bus. I figured one of the workers must have been a fan and snapped a picture while we were there or something. It didn’t really matter. It was actually a really cute picture, cuddled up together on a lawn chair. I favorite it before closing out and going through more mentions, finding some pictures of the kiss. There is, of course, hate mixed in. But there is a lot less than I’d anticipated. There was a lot more support than before. Just like Carmen said. I breathe out a sigh of relief, glancing up at my friends with a smile as they watch on nervously. “It’s all good. Nothing I can’t handle” I say with a smile, turning back to the mentions. Someone’s phone buzzes and I look at mine to see if it’s Zayn. My phone is silent though and out of the corner of my eye, I see Haley pull out her phone. Soon after, a frown settles on her face.

“Hey can I borrow this for a sec?” she asks, nudging me to the side and taking over my twitter. She types Will’s name into the search and soon tweets fill the screen wondering who his mystery girl is. I watch my friend, as she scrolls through tweet after tweet, some with pictures of the two of them walking around last night, some having a name attached. A few had even figured out who she was.

“Well fuck” she remarks. “I guess this means that I’ll need to hide my facebook huh?” she jokes. I smile, looking up at her. She was taking her now public life a lot better than I had. I chuckle, giving her a small shrug. We’d been forced to hide ours a long time ago. Haley had been able to get away with keeping a public one since we’d kept our friendship pretty relaxed in the media view. But now, with being associated with Will also, she’d be bombarded with friend requests and new followers on twitter.

“Does he know about this yet?” I ask and she nods her head.

“He’s the one that told me” she replies, lifting her phone slightly. I raise an eyebrow, a grin appearing on my face.

“So you got his number then? Does that mean there are any truths to these rumors?” I ask.

“Shut up. He only just asked for my number. We’re just talking,” she protests, sticking out her tongue when I give her a knowing look.

“Uh huh. Sure” I say with a hint of sarcasm, watching as her cheeks turn pink. She’d come a long way since fangirling over Next Generation during the X Factor.


Sorry this chapter is kind of short. I wanted to add this in, but it would have made the last chapter super long so it's kind of just resulted in a shorter update. Let me know what you think so far. Vote and comment :-)

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