Chapter 31

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“So how have you girls liked it here so far?” Grimmy asks.

“It’s fantastic. We haven’t had much time to sight-see, but what we have seen is incredible” Carmen gushes.

“Well apparently you have had time to take a look around right Emily?” he asks, amusement lacing his voice. “We heard you were out with Harry and Zayn yesterday”

“Yea, I kind of invited myself along on their plans” I say with a laugh.

“And you got a tattoo?” he asks. I nod my head before realizing that they couldn’t see that over the radio.

“Yea, they hurt!” I say. He chuckles slightly.

“So when are we going to see it?” he asks.

“Probably tonight” I say. “I’m supposed to keep it wrapped for a day so tonight I’ll probably post a picture so that everyone can have a good view instead of a blurry, on the move shot of it.”

“Any hints as to what it is?” he asks.

“It’s something that means a lot to me” I say with a grin. He nods his head.

“Ok, well we are almost out of time. Thanks for coming to talk with us today. Would you like to do the honors of introducing the next song?” he asks.

“The next song is a song written in response to a lot of the hate we’ve gotten. People have doubted us from the moment we won and this is a shout out to them saying we don’t care what you think. Here’s ‘Says you’” Hannah says, introducing the song. Grimmy clicks a button and the song starts playing, hitting another button he puts it on mute in the studio and the four of us take off the headphones.

“Thanks for coming in. It was nice meeting you,” he says, shaking our hands with a smile. We nod our heads, thanking him for having us, before heading out. We had to get ready for the signing in an hour.

We walk around to the front of the screen and the screaming is deafening. It’s not as loud as concerts, but while performing we had ear plugs which muffles the noise. Now we were hearing it all. A smile spreads across my face as I wave at the mall full of people waiting to get something signed. The three of us walk to our seats, standing momentarily in front of them so people could snap a picture or two, before sitting down.

As the signing begins, I make sure to say hi and talk a few seconds with each person. I was definitely slowing down the process and was earning death glares from my manager in the process, but I wanted to make sure everyone here left happy.

“Can you say hi to Megan?” a girl asks, and I look up from the CD I was signing to see a camera pointed at me.

“Hi Megan” I say flashing a smile, and waving at the camera. The girl beams at me before moving onto Hannah as the next girl takes her place.

“You’re so pretty. I wish I looked like you” a girl says a few people later.

“Aww thanks hun. But you should be happy as you are. You’ve got beautiful eyes.” I say sincerely, looking up at the blue-eyed beauty in front of me. Her eyes shine at the compliment. Over the course of the signing, I get quite a few questions about what the still covered tattoo is, and about Zayn. All I can do is smile and assure them we are just friends. Quite a few people bring gifts for us or slips of paper with their twitter names, and I take them, promising to follow. One girl had made us some really awesome bracelets and I’d ended up holding up the line while the girl helped me tie it onto my wrist with shaking fingers. Security was ready to kill me. At four, they finally cut off the line, and while I’m upset that some people wouldn’t get to see us, my hand was aching and I was getting excited for the One Direction concert.

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