Chapter 15

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“That was awesome!” I say, still feeling the adrenaline high from the show.


“Incredible!” the other two echo. I was buzzing. The show had gone phenomenally. I let out a shriek as I’m pushed into Hannah and Carmen as arms wrap around all three of us.

“We just had our first live show!” Nathan booms. I let out laugh as I try to worm my way out of the group hug Next Generation had decided to surprise us with.

“We’re going to go celebrate. You guys coming?” Will asks with a grin as they release us.

“Yea sure!” Carmen and Hannah say immediately. I smile but shake my head no earning a round of “why nots?” and “awww’s”

“I promised to Skype Haley and my family when we were done. She was over watching the show.” I explain.

“Can’t you do it tomorrow? It’s our first show!” Ben begs but I shake my head no.

“Exactly, it’s the first time they saw me live and besides, I miss them,” I say with a shrug.

“But you’ll be all alone! It’ll be boring” Carmen complains.

“I’ll stay with her,” Chris volunteers. I catch Carmen’s eye as she starts wriggling her eyebrows from behind Chris’s back. I roll my eyes at her before turning back to Chris.

“You don’t have to do that,”

“But I want to. It’ll be fun, I promise,” he says with an easy smile. I can’t help but to smile and nod my head. I can’t help the smile that slips through and I nod my head agreeing.

“We’ll catch you guys later” he says, extracting himself from the group and coming over by me. The two of us head out the back door to where they had cars ready to take the people who wanted to leave, back to the house.

“You can talk to your family alone if you like. I can hang out in my room and when you’re done we can watch a movie or something,” Chris suggests but I shake my head.

“You can hang out in my room. I don’t mind. I’m sure they’d love to meet you actually. My friend Haley loves you guys”

Chris laughs and nods his head. When we get back, we immediately head up to my room and I grab my computer, laying on my stomach on the bed as I pull up Skype. I’m not even on for 5 seconds when it starts ringing. I hastily shush Chris, telling him I want him to be a surprise before clicking the accept call. Haley’s face immediately appears on the screen and she lets out a scream. I return the scream, a wide smile on my face.

“Oh my god, you guys were amazing! I loved it! I can’t believe you’re actually there!” she says, verging on fan-girling. I let out a laugh nodding my head. “And oh my god Next Generation!” she continues.

“Actually I—“ I try to get a word in.

“They were so ugh oh my god. They are gorgeous. I just want to—“ she continues as if she doesn’t hear me.

“Say hi to Chris” I say loudly, turning the computer so he’s in the shot before she can continue on that train of though. Her words cut off immediately and I turn the computer back to face me to see her mouth hanging open.

“Well I’m going to go shoot myself now.” She says. Chris chuckles and slides onto the bed next to me.

“You must be Haley,” he says with a smile. “Em talks about you a lot”

“Whatever she says is a lie,” Haley says immediately, glancing over at me. “So are you to like..” she says trailing off, gesturing between the two of us.

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