Chapter 5

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The attitude was a lot more somber this morning. People seemed to realize it wasn't a vacation after seeing half the people cut yesterday. Or maybe it was because all the people here were the ones that really wanted it. All of the goof offs were cut. People were shifting nervously as we waited for the judges. Probably hoping that there were no surprise cuts at the beginning again. I know that thought had crossed my mind a couple times. That thought was put to rest though as a producer came in and assigned us to 8 different groups. There were about 11 people in each group. My group consisted of the band that had everyone on their feet, an older man, a girl who looked to be about 13, 2 guys who looked to be slightly older than me, and another girl probably young 20's. The producer explains that we'll have 5 hours to put together a song showcasing everyone and including choreography. I gulp as I look around my group. The boy band had been fairly good dancers but I wasn't so sure about the rest.

As soon as we were given our song, the older girl took the lead and started dividing up the parts. I frown, rolling my eyes as the older girl gives herself the best and longest part of the song, giving the rest of us smaller, less significant parts. I have to bite back my tongue as she starts bossing the rest of us around. I didn't want to start drama already and be cast as the drama queen seeing as cameras were following us everywhere. As we get down to work, going through the song and figuring out harmonies, I can tell others were getting frustrated with her also. She kept trying to tell the boy group, who I finally found out was called Next Generation, how to do their harmonies even though they were harmonizing great with each other. Much better than how she'd have them do it. When it was our turn to work with the choreographer, it wasn't much better. She kept trying to give suggestions to the choreographer that would put her in front. Luckily though, he was having none of that. He placed her just off the middle, putting Next Generation front and center. I was on their other side with the younger girl to my other side. The rest were behind us and we'd switch during the song so they were in the front for their verses.

Our time with the choreographer comes to an end and we decide to take a quick break for lunch. Megan protests but at this point no one cares and we tell her if she wants she can stay and work on her part while the rest of us get food. Grumbling to herself about being stuck in a bad group, she stalks back to our practice location, grabbing the sheet music and getting back to work.

"She's going to drive me crazy in the next round" one of the boys from Next Generation grumbles as we head outside. I laugh nodding my head.

"IF we make it," I say with a nod. "Although at this rate, I think she might have an aneurism before we even have a chance to perform" I joke. They laugh, nodding their heads.

"We can only hope" one says with a grin.

"But then who will tell us all we're doing wrong?" I say sarcastically. He chuckles and I smile to myself before admonishing myself for flirting with the cute guys. This wasn't the time or place. We were here for business.

"I'm Chris by the way. And this is Josh, Will, Ben and Nathan" he says gesturing at the rest.

"Emily" I say with a smile, attempting to file away their names. I was horrible with remembering names, especially when I got told a lot at a time. There was no way I'd remember them all.

"I remember you from the solos" Nathan says and I look up shocked.

"Yea you sang that Maroon 5 song right? Sunday Morning?" Josh adds. I nod my head, shocked that they remembered me out of over 100 competitors.

"You were good," he adds. I duck my head, trying to hide the blush that was threatening my face.

"You sure you should be complimenting your competition?" I ask, looking back up at them once I've gotten my blush under control. Will chuckles.

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