Chapter 26

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Emily’s POV

“Do you think we should wake her?”

“She’ll kill us”

“But he’s been calling for an hour now. What if she kills us for not waking her?”

“I’m not going to do it”

“Fine. I will”

I vaguely hear hushed whispers. I groan, pulling my blanket over my head. I was tired. I’d been out till after 3 last night with Zayn.

“Emmy wake up” a voice sing-songs, nudging my shoulder slightly. I groan, tightening my grip on the blanket. “If you don’t get up now, I’m going to have to make you get up” the voice says sternly. I ignore it, clenching my eyes shut. Why couldn’t they just leave me to sleep? The next thing I know, I feel hands grab at my ankles through the blanket, and I’m flying onto the floor.

“What the he—“ I start saying

“Uh, uh language,” Carmen smirks standing over me, Hannah hovering by the door. I glare at her before finally standing up. “So you were out late. Did you have fun?” Carmen asks, her eyes twinkling mischievously. I feel myself blush slightly and nod my head.

“We talked, everything’s good” I reply.

“I figured,” she said with a nod “He’s been calling for over an hour,” she adds, handing me my phone.

“What? Why didn’t you guys wake me?” I exclaim. I look at the clock for the first time, noticing it’s already 1. And Zayn and I were supposed to hang out today… The girls leave and I quickly call Zayn, apologizing for not answering, and he says he’ll come by in an hour. I hop in the shower, and quickly get ready, throwing on a pair of jeans and a grey shirt.  The doorbell rings, and when I answer, I see Zayn standing there with a big bouncer-looking guy standing behind him.  I smile, and step aside so they could come in, but the big guy stays by the door. “Who’s the thug?” I ask jokingly, as I pull on a pair of boots.

“That’s Andy. He’s the only way I was allowed out of the hotel.” Zayn explains with a smile.

“A chaperone?” I ask with a laugh and he shrugs, a sheepish grin on his face.

“I’d rather think of it as protection” he says with a wry smile. I nod my head and grab my phone, calling a goodbye to Hannah and Carmen as we walk out the door. Andy follows 20 or so feet behind us, ready to be there if anything happens.

“So what’s the plan for today?” I ask, a bounce in my step. Yesterday, seeing him had been nerve-wracking, not knowing why he’d been ignoring me. But today was a new start.

“I don’t really know,” he says with a chuckle. “I didn’t really have time to think about it”

“What a fail” I say jokingly. He chuckles, shrugging his shoulders with a smirk.

“I thought we could go shopping or something.” He says. I smile and nod my head. At the store, we start window shopping, joking around as we do so. Zayn looks at the shoes and ends up buying a snapback while I wander the store looking at some accessories. When we leave, we stop by Starbucks and get some drinks before hitting the streets again. A few people spot us but Andy keeps them from approaching. I feel bad about them not being able to talk to us so I give them a wave as we pass by. Normally I’d have stopped to chat but Andy scared me slightly and it didn’t seem like Zayn really wanted to pause for them.

“You know somewhere I’ve always wanted to go?” I ask with a grin.

“Where?” he asks warily, raising an eyebrow. I grin and point. He lets out a groan, but with a smile on his face as he nods his head.

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