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Ali's POV
Flash back
20 years ago

It's a little long but it's back story so bare with me guys!

"ALI," Matt yells from his front yard
"Ali were are you?"
"Matty I'm over here, come here and look at this!" I whisper-yell to Matt from the bushes next to the house.
"Matty come check it out, ain't it soooo cute?" I said
"Oh wow, Ali it's so tiny but are you sure you should be holding it while the mother is still around?" Matt said
With a tear in my eye I said, " Matty it's mommy is gone."
"Hey Ali girl don't cry" as Matt wipes the fallen tear from my cheek, "but what do you mean gone?" Matt said
"Look over there" as I pointed to the road and there lay a black and white cat that looked to be it's mommy.
"Oh shit Ali, I'm sorry, don't look okay eyes on me and the kitten" Matt said in a soft voice

I always hated death when I was young, it was always such a hard feeling to keep locked away; I got so emotional when things like that happened and I always cried. Matt always tried to lift my spirits, he even made a little grave yard for all the animals we found that had died; needless to say Mary got mad because half of her back yard was covered in tiny grave stones one year.

"So you think mom will let you keep it?" Matt said
"I don't know, I mean it's only about 4 weeks old and it needs milk and TLC" I replied
"Well let's go talk to mom then" Matt said with a big smile on his face
"Really matty, you'd come with me?" I said
"Duh, that's what friends are for right?, you gotta have back up on this one." Matt said

And with laughs from both of us we walked down the street to my house to talk to mom.
"Mommy!" I yelled
"Momma Jane!" Matt called
"I'm in the garden!" Mom yelled back

Matt and I went to see mom in the garden, where she loved to be every day. I was able to hide the kitten in the pocket of my hoodie before mom could say no and hear our plea.

"Mom, Momma Jane," Matt and I said
" we need to talk to you about something very important" I said
"Oh is that so" mom said
"Yes momma Jane" Matt said
"And what is it, come out with it" said mom
Matt and I explained about everything. We told her how the kitten lost it's momma and I started crying. We told her we would take care of it and save our money to take it to the vet to make sure things were okay and how we would be responsible for it. I think that helped our plea because with that loving look mom always got when she was happy she said yes.

Matt and I bumped fists when we got inside and laughed as we played with it. We said as promised to mom we took it to the vet with a little help from mom and dad. We found out it was a girl and the doc said we needed to give her a name and to think really hard about that name. Matt and I came up with some good ones and we both ended up with smokey because she was grey, Smokey in color.

One night Matt was over laying in my bed with Smokey on his stomach sleeping. Matt always came over when his parents were on their 'date'. While he was holding Smokey he said, "Ali girl," which was my nick name Matt gave me, "what do say to me and you going on a date?"
I must have had a dumb look on my face for Matt to be laughing as hard as he was.
"Are you serious?
As I fell on to the floor in a fake faint. Matt crawled over me laughter in the air and hovered above my face.
"Yes Ali-Kat, I'm serious." Matt said in a soft seductive voice. Then to my surprise he leaned down and kissed me. That was our first kiss and it was like fireworks exploding everywhere.

Present Day

I was sitting at the park taking pictures of all the wild flowers, thinking back, and trying not to cry when one of my shots got photo bombed by nun other than my best friend.

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