The Big News

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Matt's POV
"Come on dad pick up the damn phone" I say to myself.
"Hey son, how's the trip going?"
"Dad, I need you and mom to come to the hospital and please call Ali's parents and bring them too"
"Son what's wrong, what's going on, are you and Ali ok?"
"No dad, I mean I'm fine, just shaken, but Ali's beat to hell dad," as tears star rolling down my face.
"Ok son tell me what happened, wait no don't tell me till we get there we are all on our way right now be there in 5 minutes!"
I feel like I can't breath, my body's shaken and I have Ali's dried blood all over me. Dylan and Sarah are by my side shaken as well. Ali's in surgery and all we can do is wait. Not a moment to soon I hear my mom. "Oh my god Mathew, baby come here" as I'm wrapped up in my moms arms bursting at the seems I've never cried so hard in my life. "Oh my god baby tell us what happened." I calm down enough only to be between two of the best moms in the world. Both worried with fear of her daughter and my emotions. I can't help but look into the red tear stained eyes of both my moms. "Where's dad and Jim?"
"There coming honey they stopped by the desk to ask about Ali, and there they are hang on and you can fill us all in" I nod to mom and hold Janes hand tight. "Ok son what happened exactly" Jim asked
"All I can tell you is how we (as I pointed to Dylan and Sarah) found her, it was around 12:30 when Ali and I headed back from the bonfire. I remember we were talking about our futures and she said she had to pee, I told her (as I'm choking back tears and fighting with myself)"
"It's ok honey calm down take a deep breath"
I took a few deep breaths and continued
"Told her to go pee but to be careful and stay close, take the flashlight and scream for me if you need anything, I dozed off, it was around 3:30 this morning when I woke up suddenly and realized she hadn't even came back from her bathroom trip, I should have been there I should have went with her"
"Stop beating your self honey, you were there"
"NO MOM I wasn't there with her I didn't think anything would happen to her and I was wrong, I promised her I'd protect her and I failed"
"NO Matt you did protect her, you were there for her you've been there for her your whole life, anything can happen Matt it's not your fault stop beating yourself up" Jim said
"We all need to talk more when she's out of surgery, but for now we just need to calm down ok" dad said "sounds good, why don't Mary and I go get some coffee and check on the other two" Jane said. I just sat there against the wall in the floor with my head between my knees letting it all out. Ali's been in surgery now for 4 hours, I sent Dylan and Sarah home 2 hours ago and told them I'd call as soon as I know what's happened. I'm still in a daze when the surgeon walked through the doors. The doc walked up to me and asked, "is this the family?"
"Yes sir it is what happened"
"first off Ali is going to be just fine, she is badly beaten and has some broken ribs, arm and wrist that's all been braced and wrapped..she had a nasty cut on her chest that needed hard injuries to the vital organs, but a lot of blood loss and some swelling of the brain, she was also brutally rapped more than once a lot of tearing and tissue damage...don't be alarmed she maybe in a coma for the next few weeks or at least in and out of it. She will be monitored day in and day out until I see fit she's ready to be on her own, you all can go see her now but I warn you she doesn't look the same"
"I don't care what she looks like doc I just want to see her"
"I know son and let me say this, I'm glad you guys founder when you did, you did everything right for her I'm proud of you 3"
"Thank you doc, now if you'll excuse me I need to see my babygirl please" the doc gestured me toward the room Ali was going to be in and I didn't hesitate, I ran to her. What I saw when I arrived, I couldn't believe my eyes, my poor sweet babygirl, bruised from head to toe, wrapped up in a body cast with a small portion of her hair that had been shaved off with 7 stitches. Tears running down my checks as I slowly walked to her side. I couldn't even say a word. My throat was so dry and I felt the wind knock out of my chest with every inch I got closer. I got the courage to sit down next to her and held her face in my hand. "Oh Ali-Kat, baby I'm so sorry I wasn't there to protect you, I'm so sorry I failed you, but baby please wake up for me even if it's a few minutes please baby" I begged and pleaded. I couldn't move but I promised I would never leave her side. So I laid down with her and held what I could of her and passed out to the sound of the beeping monitors. What must have been a few hours later, I was woke up by my mom.
"Honey right now there is nothing that you can do, why don't you let dad take you home to get cleaned up and fresh clothes. He'll bring you back as soon as your ready and I promise to stay with her." As much as I knew my mom was right I said, "no mom I promised her I'd stay by her side and I'm not going anywhere"
"But Matt she's not waking..."
"MOM I SAID I'M FINE, I just don't want to leave her side"
"Hey bud, moms right you know, she will be fine, Ali's in an induced coma for the next 24 hours, nothing is going to happen she has a hospital full of doctors and mom,Jane and Jim are here"
"Matt, son, I'll make sure you guys are the first to be contacted if anything happens, I promise she will be fine now go home with your dad and come back when you have settled and washed up" I couldn't protest anymore. I had to agree but before I left I held Ali by the only hand that was free from the cast, "I'll be back soon butterfly, I'm just going too get cleaned up and I'll be back and I'll grab some of your stuff too, Ali I love you so much" with that said I kissed her forehead and left for home with dad. I knew I needed to contact Dylan and Sarah but how do I tell them, she's in such bad shape. As dad pulled into the drive, like a zombie I went to to the bathroom and discarded all my clothes for a hot steamy shower. Letting the hot water run down my aching muscles and washing away dried blood, I stand against the wall of the shower and wrack my brain as to who could have done this to someone so vulnerable, so sweet, so caring. After my shower I called up Dylan and Sarah.
"Hey man, how you holding up? How's Ali"
"Man it's worse than I expected, she was brutally beaten with stitches in her head and chest, body cast for all the broken bones, induced coma for 24hours and worst of all she was rapped multiple times with bruising and tearing."
"Fuck man...I don't know what to say, I'm here if you need me man, and hey I'll keep my ears open for info. I'm just as upset bro"
"Thanks bro, I need to call Sarah with an update"
"No bro I'll tell Sarah, you get back to Ali and we will see you in a few days and I'll grab homework and shit for you, and get some rest man, you know if you don't she'll give hell when she wakes" I laugh a little
"Thanks man I know I'll see you in a few days"
After the call with Dylan, I get in sweats, a hoody and my slides. I packed my bag for a week and asked dad to stop by Ali's place so I can pick up a few things for her too. We get to Ali's place and I took a deep breath before stepping into her room. I feel pain and anger all through my body as I pack a few things, I also grabbed her favorite book so I can read it to her. Even though she's not awake the doc said that talking to her will help keep her brain strong. With that I look over my shoulder before closing the door behind me and head back to my girl.

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