The Big Secret

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Matt's POV
As I stand there chatting it up with Dylan, waiting on the girls something hits me. Dylan stops talking abruptly and looks like an idiot with his mouth hanging open. "Yo bro, Dylan snap out of it" I said smacking him in the arm. He points in the direction across the fire and what I see is makes me stop and look with my jaw dropped. My girl and her bestie walking side by side in their new dresses holding beers laughing at us. Ali was a vision as the fire cracked behind her, she was wearing that ankle length maroon silk dress that hugged every curve just right, where the thin straps hung just off the shoulder and that v formed her neck down to the bottom of her breasts showing off more boob and cleavage that even made Dylan look twice. As she walked the two slits on each side of the bottom where just enough leg was revealed, made me think of a large loincloth. I know but hey I'm a guy. "You know boys, standing there with your mouths open like that bugs are gonna think it's a new home" Sarah said laughing. Ali came up to me, with one finger under my chin closed my mouth shut and kissed me hard. "Surprise" she said softly into my lips. I couldn't help myself, with a low growl I wrapped my arms around her, picked her up wrapped her legs around my waist and headed back for the tent. "No no Matt put me down, not yet I want to have some down time and just hang with guys"
"Grr babe that's not fair, I want you right now"
"I figured that silly, but I just want to relax for a little ok"
"Fine let's go sit with Dylan and Sarah by the pit and relax, but this ain't over, by the way you are utterly stunning in this dress baby, and every day I fall in love more and more with you" Ali had no words for the first time ever as I laughed at the look on her face as I carried her over toward the gang. We sat on the beach next to the fire, with her between my legs leaning against my chest. After about 6 beers and 4 secret shots later, an inebriated Ali asked me to dance. "Girl my hand eye coordination sucks at the moment and you know why"
"Nope you are not getting out of this one buddy, Sarah and Dylan are already dancing and so are we, we haven't done this in a while"
"Ok but I warned you and you are leading"
"Ok, and maybe after this dance we can go back to the tent?"
"Oh baby your on, I've been horny for you since you and that dress came into view."
"You horny toad, what am I going to do with you"
"Love me till death do us part"
"Why Matt is that supposed to be a proposal?"
"Nope, I just want to tell you I'm here to stay with you for life no matter where life takes us, you'll never rid of me"
"You are so cheesy, but that's why I love you"
I pulled Ali as close to me as possible, no air or space between us. I looked dead into those bright big brown eyes and got lost in a daze as we danced under the full harvest moon by the fire under the stars.
Ali's POV
After mat and I danced a few songs under the harvest moonlit sky I was ready to head back.
"Hey Sarah, Matt and I are going to head back love ya be careful and please go to the tent with Dylan tonight I don't want you sleeping alone inebriated" I said laughing and winking "oh and try to stay quiet"
"Girl please I can keep my mouth shut...sometimes...but I like Dylan I think I may even love him and I'm not going to let him go anytime soon, so don't worry bout me I'll be staying with him tonight, ok love you and you be careful too" Sarah replied
"I will be" as Sarah and I hugged and parted ways, we said good night to the gang and headed back for the tent. It took Matt all but 10 minutes to get us both naked and inside the sleeping bag. After what felt like an hour Matt and I were spent. He rolled over pulled me into a cuddle as I lay on a sweaty chest his arms wrapped around me. "Hey can I ask you something?"
"Anything babe" as he kissed my forehead
"How do you really feel about us?" I asked as I looked up into his eyes
"What do you mean babe"
"Come On Matt don't play dumb you know what I mean, what's the future hold for us?"
"Hm well, I will tell you again baby, no matter where life takes us I'm never leaving you, I'll always be there no matter if we are on opposite ends of the world I'm not letting you go"
As Matt pulled me tight to his chest and kissed my forehead, I couldn't help the little noise that escaped me. "You ok baby"
"Yea I'm ok just tired and fuck have I gotta pee"
Laughing as hard has he can Matt choked out, "ok baby you go pee, everyone should still be at the bash so just throw on my shirt and go but please stay close and be careful"
"I will hun don't worry, I'll stay close, and Matt thanks, I love ya you big lug."
"I love you too Ali-Kat, now hurry back it's chilly without you in here"
"K be right back," as I gave him a hot and steamy kiss. Little did I know that I was being watched. I stepped out with just Matt's shirt on naked underneath in the chill of the night and walked about 20 feet to the nearest tree. I did my thing and as I started to walk back I herd a voice that made me jump 5 feet off the ground.
"And just where do you think you're going sexy lady?" I gasped "Jesus Jake you about gave me a heart attack"
"Sorry doll didn't mean to spook ya, but why are you out here in just Matt's shirt?"
"Had to pee, sorry you missed the show"
As Jake stalked closer to me I noticed the look in his eyes. "Jake are you ok, your kinda creeping me out"
"Oh I'm more than ok Ali, I just want a peek at what's underneath that shirt"
"Oh fuck off Jake, don't make me yell for Matt"
"Oh Ali I wouldn't do that if I were you"
Just then Jake's goons surrounded and gaged me while holding me down before I could let out a scream. I tried to wiggle and writhe under the hands of his goons but they were to strong. "Keep hold of her boys, I want to have a little fun of cat and mouse"
I look at Jake with wide eyes as he came up to me with a piece of rope. I tried screaming but it was of no use. When Jake came up to me, his breath smelled highly of alcohol and mint. He rubbed his hands up my thigh slowly making his way under my T-shirt to my inner thigh. I start writhing under the arms of the goons and managed to kick Jake square in the nut. "Fuck Ali I just wanted to see what Matt sees as a really good lay and I'm not gonna stop until your mine" as he grabs at his balls and rubs them down from pain. He looks up at me, and before I can move he's got me wrapped up in his arms kissing and biting my neck. I tried to get him again but he stopped me, grabbed my leg and wrapped it around his waist. "Damn Ali I didn't think you'd open up to me so quickly, though I have to admit these soft thick thighs, and what's this, how wet for me you are, damn girl I may not even hold back." I couldn't hold back any more the closer he got to my face I knew I had to try, I head butted him square in the nose cause it to bleed and him to back off. "Damn it Ali, all I want is a little quick fuck and this is what I get, boys tie her to that tree."
I fought hard enough to free one side and whip around to punch the other, but his goons were faster. I whipped around just in time for a fist to knock me out cold. I woke a few minutes later, tied tight to the tree, my back scraping against it, pain radiating through my arms and shoulders, my face swollen so much I couldn't open my mouth and barely see but enough to see who was fucking me hard and nasty, groaning and grunting, Jake. "Damn Ali now I see why Matt can't let you go, fuck this is so nice, your Pussy get tighter and tighter for me with every thrust and pull I am about to cum hard right in that perfect little spot. I started to wiggle and before I knew it he smacked me across the face making me go unconscious again. I woke in even more pain with blood seeping down my face to my chest. I guess at this point every one of his goons had fucked me. I was numb and couldn't breath or talk, I think it was about an hour or so by the time they were done. As I woke for the last time that night I was conscious enough to hear the threat. Jake grabbed me by my bloodied face, whipped out a long thin pocket knife and said, "You say anything to any body about this, I'm coming for back for you and I won't hesitate to fuck you dead sweetheart" with tears rolling down my face I nodded and even though I agreed he still needed to leave a mark. "This is a reminder of what's to come" and with that Jake took the knife and sliced me from my neck down my breast to my heart. The next thing I knew I was falling to the ground limp. With one last beating from Jake and his gang, I let out a small quiet noise and fell into a deep dark sleep.
Matt's POV
I had fallen to sleep before Ali got back from her trip to pee. I woke up with a chill down my side. I reach over to pull in Ali's warmth and She wasn't there. I sat up fast, scrambling to find my watch to check the time, 3:24 am, and the spot where Ali was supposed to be was cold which means she never came back. I freaked out, grabbed my pants and flops, ran to Dylan's tent. "Dylan man wake up, please wake up damn it" I unzipped his tent, not caring if he was naked or not and shook him awake.
"Dylan wake up bro, Sarah you too"
"What the fuck bro!, the fucks going on?"
"Ali's missing"
"WHAT!" Dylan and Sarah said in unison
"She went to pee 3 hours ago I must have drifted off to sleep and I just woke up and she hasn't even been back"
"FUCK, Sarah honey I'll be back"
"FUCK OFF Dylan she's my best friend I'm coming to"
"GUYS less arguing, more getting dressed to help me look please, and grab the flashlights it's only 3:30" waiting for them two to dress took all but 2 minutes and they where ready. "Ok I don't want to split up, stay close and keep your eyes peeled, let's start by the tent and work our way back."
"Ok, hey Matt, don't worry man we'll find her ok"
"I know well will" after what felt like hours took minutes. We formed a V, I was in front with Dylan and Sarah on my sides. We went straight back maybe 40 feet tops before a blood curdling scream came from Sarah. I turned to my right and saw my baby girl laying on the ground covered from head to toe in blood with bruises all over. I ran without a care in the world, slid to her side on my knees and in shock looked at the mess before me. I had tears rolling down my face. With a soft touch I reached for Ali's hand. "Oh baby, what happened to you, please don't be dead" I reached to try and find a pulse when Ali twitched. "Baby?, Ali can you hear me? Please say or do something to let me know you can hear me." Then I felt her hand squeeze mine. "THANK FUCKING GOD! Dylan run and grab coach we need to get her to the hospital now"
"On it bro keep talking to her, even if she can't talk she can obviously hear you" I shook my head and he was off. Poor Sarah I wrapped her in my other arm but all she could do was cry for her best friend. "Matt.....matt" it was a faint whisper but I herd it. I let go of Sarah to pick up Ali in my arms and hold her in my lap. "Everything's going to be ok baby, stay with me ok, I'm not leaving you I'm right here" I can't help the tears rolling down my face dripping onto her swollen face. I hold her close enough to rock her in my lap to hide my tears. " it's going to be ok baby, everything's going to be fine". After the coach arrived and he looked her over. "Damn it what the fuck happened Ali"
"Coach she can't talk we've just been asking her questions and she squeezes my hand if she understood me"
"Fuck ok help me out here Matt, Ali sweetie it's coach can you hear me?"
"She said yes"
"Ok understand we will find who ever did this to you and we are getting you to the hospital it?"
"Yea she got it"
"Ok Matt she looks to have a few fractures so be careful but pick her up and bring her to my
Tent, but Matt you gotta calm down a little for anything to work, alright bud"
"Ok" coach called for an ambulance, and from then on it was a blur.

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