Baby Day!

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Matt's POV
"Mmm butterfly, I remember that night, just like tonight that night was amazing, if you keep talking like that imma have take you again in a few minutes." "Oh yeah?" "Yeah" "Well I'd be down for round two if you are." "Let this old fucker recharge a bit longer and I'm down baby." "Ok, hey you remember the day Chase was born?" "Like it was yesterday babygirl." "Really so you remember how freaked out you were then?" "Hey I wasn't freaked out I was nervous, there's a difference." "Yeah ok keep tellin yourself that big guy." "What I remember it like this....
That morning I got up to go to work. "Hey baby, I'm leaving for work, I'll see you this afternoon ok, I love you, and take it easy today ok?" "Mmhmm, I love you to hun, kiss us?" "Ok babies" I leaned down and gave Chase a kiss then back up to lay a passionate kiss on Ali. "Mmm if that's how it's going to be then you can just stay right heeeerrrreeee ouch fuck." "Baby what's wrong?" "Nothing baby just a hicks contraction, no worries, go to work and I'll see you in a few hours love you." "Are you sure baby, if you need me I'm calling in." "No no it's fine hun now go before your late, I'll be right here when you get back." "Ok baby love you" "love you too." I made my way to work, not wanting to leave Ali at all today when it's this close to D-Day, but my babies stubborn. I know mom and Jane are there to help her but I just can't shake this feeling of her needing me. "Hey bro you alright you seem off today?" Dylan said "Yyeah man, it's just I got a weird crazy feeling that Ali needs me, I mean we are only a week out for D-Day and she's been getting these Brakston Hicks contractions.." "brakston What now?" "Their like fake contractions to get her body ready for the real thing bro, still pain I know, my hand still hurts from yesterday." "Damn dude, well if you need me to cover for you I can so you can go to her." "Would you, I'd appreciate it bro." "Man I got you, plus if it's for Ali big boss won't say no, you know that just go talk to him." "Yeah ok, see ya guys for movie night tonight?" "Wouldn't miss it, plus knowing Sarah she's already over there with Ali  getting things ready." "Ight bro see ya tonight then later." "Later dawg" I left Dylan at the docks to go find boss man. "Hey Bob can I talk to you for a second?" "Hey Matt anytime what's up son?" "Look Dylan said he'd cover for me today, I just can't shake this feeling that Ali needs me. She woke up this morning with those brakston hicks things." "Haha Yeah I know all about that, take the day off Matt you need it anyway, no worries go to Ali and keep me updated if anything happens ok." "Thanks boss you got it." I ran to my car and rushed back home. I just had to check on my girl. "Hey mom" I said walking past her to the kitchen. "Hey son, wait aren't you supposed to be at work?" "Yeah but Bob told me to take the day off, said I needed it." "Well ok then" "say mom" "Yes baby" "you and Jane know more about this stuff, can brakston hicks contractions turn into a real one at any time?" "Yes they can why?" "Well Ali, been having them a lot lately and I can't shake this feeling like any day Chase will be ready to come out." "Well then keep a close eye on her today ok, watch her every move, and make sure she's comfortable" "Yeah how will I know she's in real labor?" "Oh that's easy honey, hey water will break, she'll think she just pissed herself, kinda funny if you think about it." "Yeah kinda." "Look honey, Ali is a strong woman she will be fine, you need to stay calm for the both of you, the more stress she has the worse the delivery will be ok." "Ok mom, hey thanks I love you." "Oh honey anytime, I love you too" I ran into the kitchen to grab a few waters and as Dylan called it Sarah's cooking up a storm. "Damn girl, that smells amazing", "I know right, it's all for movie night...say why are you home so early?" "I just can't shake this feeling that Ali's gonna need me today, so Dylan's filling in for me so I can be with Ali." "Oh gotcha, well got check on her, she's had those things all morning and I can't be in two places at once ya know." "I got you, thanks for helping out Sarah you're the best." "Tell me something I don't know." I laughed softly and headed up stairs to see my girl with the bottled waters in hand. "Hey butterfly, wake up a second for me." "Mmm Matt, what are you doing home so early?" "Bob gave me the day off, I needed you today so I came home, how ya feeling baby?" "Ugh like shit, my back hurts real bad and it's hard for me to move." "Well I can fix one problem, can you scoot over a bit and I'll rub the tension out of your back." "Ok, ooh, hang on I gotta pee really bad, help me?" "Ok baby nice and easy, slow if you need to." "Just pull me up please." "Ok I got you, and good?" "Yeah just get me to the bathroom quick." "Ok baby come on" as I'm walking her to the bathroom she stops mid step and tugs on my shirt. "Oh shit..shit..shit." "Baby what's wrong." "Shit Matt I think I just pissed myself look." "I looked down and all I can see is liquid flowing down between her legs. "Shit fuck, baby hang tight right here for just a sec ok, oh baby I love you." I gave her a quick peck on the cheek and ran into the living room yelling..."MOM, MOM, MOMMA JANE!" "What, what, what is it honey." "Mom I think you were right come quick I think Ali's water just broke." "Fuck us" they said in unison. "Where is she Matt?" Said momma Jane "she's waiting for you in our room, I was trying to get her to the bathroom and she just gushed all down her legs." "Yup son her water broke, it's go time." "Thats what I thought." I ran into the kitchen while momma Jane and mom ran to take care of Ali. Breathless I ran right into Sarah. "Oaf hey what's the...Matt what's wrong...Matt dude breath, deep and out...good, now tell me what's up?" "Ali's water just broke." "WHAT...shit and I'm not done here, ok no worries I'll just finish up it'll be a while before she's dilated to 10 centimeters anyway, you on the other hand need to calm down, no stress, relax with her help her ok..look at me Matt, you got this ok!" "I got this, yeah yeah I got this, wew thanks Sarah." "No problem, now go get your guys stuff together and find out from mom what's going on, and I'll call Dylan. Eeek were gonna have a baby today, a baby today woohoo." "You know I could just call you mom the way your dancing and singing around this counter." "Oh shut up get going dickhead" "ok ok I'm going" I went to go check on the girls. "Oh good Matt honey we need you." "Yeah momma Jane what can I do?" "Sit with her, talk to her keep he calm ok, I'm going to call James and Mark for extra help, oh and you need to time her contractions, when they start and when they end ok?" "Ok on it" I walk over to my baby and sit next to her. "Hey beautiful, come here you ok?" "No...Matt I'm scared..", "sh don't be I'm right here with you baby every step of the way ok...Ali look at me focus right here, every step ok baby" "ok Matt every step." "Now first things first, how are you feeling?" "Would be bad if I said horny as fuck?" Mat giggled "No, but we can't do that now and for what ugh another 6 weeks, ugh that torture." "Don't worry I'll help with that babe" "You better after this." And she hits me "Hey, What was that for?" "Oh you know why shithead." "Ok I deserve in pain at all?" "Not really my back just hurts a little." "Well how about a hot bath, relax those muscles, I'll even get in with ya." "Really, that'd be awesome, I feel yucky after that blowout." "Yeah baby come on let's get you cleaned up." As I chuckled. I drew her up a hot bath with lavender so she can relax, I striped her down naked and me in my boxers. "What you not going commando this time?" "Ugh you forget our moms are goin a little crazy right now?" "Oh right yeah I did." "Ok baby let me get I first and I'll guid you in." "K" "You ready?" "Yeah I think so" "ok slowly now, I've got you don't worry and down, good babygirl." "Ahhhh, thanks Matt, this feels so nice." "Doesn't it, just relax, deep soothing breaths baby." "Matt, Ali?" "We're in here momma Jane!" "You guys decent?" "Well Ali's naked but I've got shorts on don't worry." "K good I'm coming in...hey babygirl, how are you feeling?" "Right now mom, amazingly relaxed." "Ok I called dad and Mark, they'll be here in a few hours, now I'm not calling the doctor just yet, if you aren't in any hard pain that means your labor hasn't started yet which is good." "Anything I need to keep watch for mama Jane?" "Yea pain spurts..." she also mouthed I mouthed Why?... "come have a chat with me for a sec Matt" "ok I'll be right back baby ok just relax, I'll grab some more lavender too." "Ok just hurry back" "You bet baby"
"Ok mama Jane what's up?" "Well I don't want to frighten her but it's all natural, she will release what they call a plug. It looks like a blood clot, but it's nothing to be concerned with that just means she's almost dilated and ready to push ok" "ok and if it comes before she's dilated and ready to push?" "No worries that just means it's going to be a very long night and delivery." "Ok I'll keep watch for it." "Hey Matt before you go back, I want to thank you for everything, being there for Ali means a lot to all of us, you are truly one fine man, I love you son" "Hey no sappy shit ok, but you're welcome, I love you to momma Jane." "Now get back in there and keep her relaxed, oh and by the way good call on the bath, you have no idea how much that is helping right now." I winked and momma Jane and went back to be with Ali. "Ok butterfly I'm back scooch, it's cold out here." "Ooh ok...mmm that's more like it." "Oh yeah, how's your back baby?" "It's starting to hurt a little more." "Let me rub it down, sit up a bit." I start from the bottom and rub my thumbs up and down her back. "Mmm that feels great babe." "Yeah good, just relax to my touch baby." I keep rubbing until my hands hurt. All I hear from Ali is moan after moan. Now I know I'm doing something right. "Better?" "Much thank you" "welcome baby, now lean back and come here." I sat with Ali in my arms rubbing every body part I could reach. "You know it may be a long while before Chase is ready...and if your still up for a quick release I can fix that." "Matt!, Mom's in the house." "Yes but they won't know if you stay quiet, and besides right now they are to busy right now and this water is so hot I'm red, so it'll be little bit before they come check on us." "You know that does sound nice, and if you think we'll be ok, I'll stay quiet enough." My chest vibrated at her touch. "Mmm baby this is for you not me." "But I just can't leave you hangin Matt." "I have half a mind to just bend you over this tub." "I won't complain." "No, no you need to relax." "And so do you." "You first babygirl." I slid my fingers down her belly to her clit. Soft moans erupt from her chest. "God that feels good." "I aim to please." I play with her very swollen nub, just enough to slide my fingers into her fold. "Mmmm baby, that feels sooo good." I slowly massage every inch of her walls to get her ready for delivery, earning soft moans for every trust. "Oh Matt I need to get off now, can you work faster?" "Shush baby, just relax you'll get off I promise." "Mmm, but it hurts I need to release soon." "You know what fuck this, I can take it any more, get up right now." "What why, Matt what are you doing?" I get up lock the bathroom door and set Ali on the sink. "I need you right now Ali-Kat, you see this? I'm so hard it hurts." "Oh Matt, fuck me quick, fast and hard." I couldn't help it, I growled out, grabbed Ali's thighs and sank my dick into one wet pussy. "Oh baby, cum with me one last time" "mmm Matt, Yes fuck yes." I couldn't do it anymore, slow was not happening today. I thrusted Ali so hard and fast she bit my shoulder to muffle her moans and screams. "Oh yeah baby, right there, just a little bit...almost there." "Hang on butterfly, I'm gonna make sure you release hard." "Oh Matt, anchor, I want it harder...just like...ugh yes, oh god yes Matt imma about" "me too baby, together" "ready?" "Yes Matt, oh god yes...imma bout...UGH...release...fuck Matt that was wonderful." "Baby you have no idea how good that felt, come on let's get you back into the tub." I unlocked the door and climbed back in with Ali. "Man I'm good, baby that was amazing, you were amazing." I said placing kisses along her neck and cheek. "Mmm you were amazing too, and yes you are good." Ali wrapped her arms around my neck and we just sat in a hot tub until it was almost cold. "Come babygirl, let's get you out, dried off and dressed." Ali nods her acceptance. After a couple hours Ali started to have bigger contractions all in her back. Timing them, they where harder and about 20 min apart. "Momma Jane?" I called out. "Yes honey what's up?" For the past hour now she's had back labor..normal?" "Yes very normal, and time?" "20 minutes apart." "Welp it's time to call the doctor, I'll be back in A second so Ali can talk him over speaker, that ok honey?" "Yes mom just hurry," "Ok honey hang on." A few minutes later momma Jane came walking in talkin with the doctor. "Yes, Yes, ok doc Thanks here she is.." "Ali, it's Jones, how are you feeling honey?" "Well my back hurts bad, and the pain is about 8." "Hmm, ok well I think it's high time you get to the hospital so we can check you out ok?" "Ok doc thanks, we're on our way." "Thanks Matt" "So sssorry Doc just another contra....ooooo ouch." "breath Ali" "Hey Ali no need to apologize, I'm happy Matt's by your side, Matt be careful but get her here quickly" "on it doc thanks." "Ok baby, think you can walk to the car?" "I'll try." "Ok slow and steady." "I'll grab the bag and stick them in the trunk for ya." "Thanks momma Jane." "No problem honey, just get her there safe." "I will in definitely." "We'll meet you there pumpkin, remember relax and focus, be there in a few love you sweetie." "Yup love you to mom see ya in a few." I get Ali safely to the hospital. I give the nurse some space while she hooks Ali up to the monitors. "Ok Matt she's all set you can get back in there now, she's asking for you." The nurse said "ok thank you." "Your welcome, I'm right here if you need me, and the doc will be in shortly to check her out, by the way everything looks great." "Thanks again nurse" "anytime sweetie"
I step into the room. Ali's hooked up to a heart and contraction monitor. "Look baby, this one shows the heartbeat, and this one shows how hard my contractions are." "That's cool baby, you doing ok?" "Yeah I'm fine just sore." "Want me to rub your back," "please", "ok come here" I start to rub her back when a contraction hits. "Ok baby take my hand and breath in and out, that's it, almost done, breath..and done, relax now." "That was great Matt, you are a very good coach." "Oh shit, hey doc, you spooked me there." "Sorry, but Matt that was great, Ali's lucky to have you by her side, now let's check out how far your getting Ali, Matt I need her to lay back all the way and scoot down as far as she can go while staying comfortable, ok?" I just nod. "Ok Ali I'm going to insert two fingers and feel around that cervix ok?" "Ok" " it's ok baby I'm right here hold on tight" "Good Ali wonderful, good, ok Ali you're about 6 centimeters dilated we still have 4 more to go before we can get you to push, in the mean time how's that pain level?" "Oh fuck" "ok baby focus on me, breath in, 1..2..3..4..5 and out, again in 1..2..3..4..5 and out almost done keep squeezing baby, and in 1..2..3..4..5 out and the worst is over baby, good job" "nicely done guys I gotta say for teens you are adulting very well and a hell of a lot better than my other patients if you ask me, but I can see this pain is in your back and it's about 10 right?" "Yeah" "ok I'm going to call the anesthesiologist in to give you that epidural to help with the pain." "Please and thank you" Ali blew out "Matt can speak to you for a second?" "Yeah Doc....what's up?" "Few things, one how long has it been since her water broke?" "About 7 hours now", "and has she lost her plug?" "Yeah she lost that about 3 hours ago when the contractions started actually why, is everything ok?" "Yes yes everything's looking up good, but I'm kind of concerned, you see she has a very thick cervix right now and we need to get it thinned out more and fast, there is one way to do this so bare with me one this, how do you think Ali will feel about.. how do you guys say it now...a quickie?" "Ugh, Doc are you asking for me to have sex with her?" "Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying, you see Matt there is something in men's sperm that softens and thins out the cervix very quickly when a women is in labor, I don't want to talk about a c section just yet I want to try this first, if you guys are ok with it." "I mean I'm ok with it but her I don't know." "Well let's get that epidural in her first and go from there mean while talk to her about it please." "Your the doc you know what's best" "thanks Matt I'll be back in a few" I walk back into the room "Hey baby how ya feeling?" "Fuck this hurts Matt." "I know, this epidural is going to help with that, hey I need to talk to you bout something." "Ok shoot." "Well doc says your cervix is to thick and it needs to be thinned out quickly, and there's only one way to do that.." "and that would be", "to have sex", "WHAT now?" "Yeah he wants us try this first, look baby we don't have to but it's this or a c section." "Well fuck the c section, and bring on the sex right after this contraction...Matt hand, help." "Ok baby, breath in 2..3..4..5 and out...and in 2..3..4..5 and out and one more time in 2..3..4..5 and out..done, good baby I'm proud of you." "Thanks babe, so when are we doing this, I'm kinda horny right now." I laughed "eager are we, well doc said not until you get that epidural." "Well then tell em to hurry it up I ain't got all night." "Ok I'll be back", "hurry it up will ya", "oh can it girl" I left the room to find the doc at the desk, "Hey doc got a sec?", "yeah be right there...what's up?" "Ali says she'll try sex first but she wants the epidural quickly." "Fantastic, dr poor will be right there for administration" "ok cool thanks"  "Hey Matt" "Yea Doc" "when you guys are ready let me know, this need to be easy and fast  no rough stuff ok." "I hear ya loud and clear" "ok good, I'll be in there in just a few minutes to get ya set up", "k", "ok baby, dr poor will be here any minute to give you the epidural, then Jones will be back in to help set up ok." "Ok, come come hand now." "Shit sorry, here baby, k ready and in 2..3..4..5 and out, in 2..3..4..5.. and out, in 2..3..4..5 and out Good Ali one more time in 2..3..4..5 and out, good babygirl."
"Knock, knock, Ali, Matt it's dr poor" "Come on in doc", "Ali, Matt how are ya, I'm dr poor I hear you need an epidural?" "Please, like yesterday" "ok well since I herd your dilemma, we are going to administer this through your IV, it will take about 5 minutes for the full effect, ok?" "Ok just get it done please" Ali said "ok....and just in case hit this button if your not getting numb ok?" "Got it, thanks doc" "I'll be back in a bit to check on it, good luck you two" "thanks" "knock, knock darlings, how's momma feeling?" "Hey mamma Jane" "hey mom, I'm starting to feel much better." "Ok so run down momma Jane, Ali's progressing nicely, she's stuck at 6 centimeters, and she just got that epidural." "Oh good, so everything's good?" "Yup" "knock knock" "oh shit sorry, dr Jones this is Ali's mom and dad Jane and James." "How nice to finally meet you, I will say Matt's been great with Ali, and they are doing beautifully, I'm very impressed." "Well we tried to raise them right." Mark said "Well you did a great job, I haven't had this good of patients in a long time, be proud of them, now I hate to burst everyone's bubble but I need to speak with these two alone for a few." "Op no need to say more doc, baby will be in the waiting room if you need us, just send Matt out ok? Well love you pumpkin." "Love you guys too, see you in a bit." "Ok breath, I thought they'd never Ali, Matt's informed me that your up for the challenge yes?" "Yup I'm ready when he is." "Great...ugh we didn't mention this to the parents did we, I mean you guys are legal adults it's just.." "save it doc "they know nothing of it." "Oh good, so we know the drill, come get me when you've finished and no rough stuff  got it." "Check" "Good I'll leave you to it then, good luck" "thanks doc", "ok baby, how are you feeling?" "Fucking horny as hell, and great, I don't feel pain anymore." "Good well shall we then?" "Mmm come here my hunk of a man."
"No, you come here my sexy momma, tell me how does this feel?" I pull Ali just off the edge of the bed to get a good angle. I spread her legs apart and push on her nub. "Oh, that feels really good babe." "Yeah, what if I twist?" "Oh god Ma..." I smash my lips in to Ali's. I drop my fingers into her folds to work her up. "Mmmm baby." Ali says between kisses. Next thing I know Ali's got my semi in her hand, trying to pull down my shorts. "Oh damn Ali, this will be the last time for 6 weeks make it count baby." "Oh I will Matt." I claim her lips once more for the muffle of moans escaping us. Ali rubbing me hard while I'm fingering her warm. "Oh Ali I'm almost ready, and from the feel of it you are too yeah?" "Yes Matt just do it, I need it, it hurts." I growled low. "Oh baby right now let's go come here." I pull Ali close enough to me she can use the bed for leverage. I slowly slide in, and start to thrust In and out. "Oh fuck Ali this is amazing, I don't think I can even hold back." "No No Matt, stay with me focus...oh fuck this feels good." I continue as soft as possible picking up speed. "Ok Ali I'm almost there you with me?" "Oh yes baby, imma bout to explode, faster baby." "I can't go to fast but I can do this.." I grab her nub and push down hard while I trust. "Oh, Damn it Matt I'm almost there rub harder, oh yes fuck me imma about too..." "oh god Ali..release now...UGH GOD, hang tight with me Ali I'm still releasing everything I have, ugh baby almost done." "Oh Matt I cant stop either keep moving just a little bit more push harder, rub it just a little faster oh god yes I can't stop Matt." "Oh Ali I can't stop either, it feels so good." "Keep going baby." I just had to keep thrusting and fucking my girl until I was empty. "Damn baby I am about to cum again." "Me too matt, oh yes right there, fuck Matt, yes I can feel it release it all." "I'm not done yet." "Fuck Matt, imma...ugh cum again." "Ok baby make this one count, cum with me, release every thing for me." "Keep playing with my nub Matt, faster, push harder so close." "Me too baby, ready, oh god Ali, I can't hold back any longer, ready?" "Yes Matt fuck me faster and fuck, thrust hard just once please." "Ok I'm about...UGH FUCK ALI." "OH GOD MATT, I can feel your release Matt let it all out dry." "You too baby, imma push down once more to finish yours, ready?" "Yea" "Keep cumin baby, that's it...ugh god I can't...Ali squeeze for me...ugh god yes there it it...ugh I'm empty...Ali," "oh yes hang on almost done...push once more...ugh god yes, Matt, I think we are done." "Yup, I know I can't breath or move." "Me neither, you know your still hard Matt, just give it a minute." "Shit, what are you doing to me Ali?" I can't get
Soft." "Well then big boy fuck me to oblivion then." "Ok, here goes" I grabbed her nub and push down just right finding her G Spot. All the while she reached down and cupped my balls into her hands. "Oh my god baby that feels so good, that's it I don't care what doc said, this needs to end." "Yeah it does I'm almost dry Matt." "Ok this ones it baby I can feel it. When we release together squeeze me got it." "Oh yeah." Ali moaned. "Oh god Matt I'm almost there." "Me too baby, imma get you to see black right now." I grab her nub and pull it sticking my finger in with my dick curling it to hit the release all button. "Oh yes Matt, harder fuck me faster, yes baby that's it...what are yo....Oh god imma bout to.." " squeeze me baby NOW...UGH FUCK YES, oh god yes." As Ali squeezes me I curl my finger just right to release her at the same time. "I'm almost done releasing baby right there...ugh...yeah, now I'm done." I said shaking every last drop. I lean against Ali for support. Breathless, sweaty and hot as hell, "fuck I hope that works baby." I slowly fall out of Ali going as soft as I can get. "Oh my god babe, we are so doing that again later. Fuck that felt so good." "Yeah it did, and look just like the cabin I'm wet to the knees baby, and I'm not ashamed one bit, I love it." "Oh Matt help me back up?" "Just a sec...ok ready and good now?" Ali nods her head unable to speak. "Ok good, I'll go get doc." "Ok" after few minutes the doc came in to check Ali. "Relax Ali, quit tightening up, there we go better...prefect...welp guys congrats it worked and Ali is at 9 centimeters which means, it's prep time we got about 20 minutes and we can welcome baby Chase into the world." "Nice" Ali and I high fived and kissed. " "OK babe focus on me, I'll let you know when it's time to push, you got this, I'm right here ok let's get him out." "OK baby I trust you, give me your hand, Kiss me, I love you, we can do this", "Damn right we do butterfly", "Ok Ali, let's check you, oh wow girl you dilated quicker than I thought, I can feel his head, Ali I need you to sit up and scoot down just a little bit more." "Like this?" "Perfect, Matt more pillows to prop her up Comfortably...ok Ali on the next contraction I'm gonna need you to focus on Matt and listen to him, grab your knee and push really hard like you're taking a shit ok?" "Yup got it", "good, now Matt you have a crucial part, watch the monitor and when that contraction starts cheer on Ali to push hard ok?" "Got it doc...ok baby take my hand, you ready?" "Yeah." "focus on me right here ok?" "Ok" "k there's one coming, breath in, push push push push push keep going and relax." "Oh beautiful guys, what a team, do that again", "ok baby again deep breath in and push push push push push push push keep going and breath, that's it babygirl, you ok?" "Yeah, I'm good babe." "Just breath, deep breath in and push push push push push push push and breath out." "Excellent guys, Chase has a full head of hair, I can see his head it's almost out." "Wow Ali, look up you can chases dark hair." "One more huge push Ali and chases head will be out you can do it." "Ok butterfly, another big push for me, grab my hand, and breath in, push push push push push push." "And the head is out, Ali I need two more big pushes and chase will out completely, you're doing fantastic." "You hear him baby, I'm right here let's do this, breath in push push push push push push push and relax, beautiful baby one more time for me ok?" "Ok" "deep breath in and Push push push push push push come on baby you got this push push push push keep going and relax baby, look up, you did it babygirl, we have a baby boy." "Matt you want to do the honors and cut the umbilical cord?" "Yeah" "k daddy right here cut" "Damn this thing hard as a rock." "Matt" "I'm right here baby, you did it, I'm so proud of you Ali-kat, lay back and relax while they clean you up ok?" "Ok" "just breath" I couldn't help myself, at this moment I cried like a little girl. I looked into Ali's eyes and held on to her face wiping away each tear shed. "Hey guys, meet your new baby boy, 7lbs 9 oz and 22 inches long." The nurse handed chase right to me. "Hey there big guy, look there's mommy, say hi mommy." "Look at my two beautiful boys, come here you two." Ali and I sat for a few minutes holding chase just crying with joy. "Ok Ali dear, we have you all clean but we need to move you to your room, Matt can you hold chase for a little bit so we can get mommy comfy and in new clothes?" "Yeah we have some people to go meet anyway." "I'll meet you back in the room baby, god I love you so much." "I love you to Matt thank you." "Always butterfly, now give kisses, we have to meet grandma and grandpa and auntie and uncle and who ever else is out there." "I love you babies" I walked out to the waiting room, "Hey guys you want to meet Chase Mathew?" "Everyone took a turn holding chase as I introduced him, Chase this is grandpa mark and grandma Mary, my mom and dad...and this is mommy's Mom and dad Jane and James...and last but not least, I'm so sorry for little guy, your auntie Sarah and uncle dydy." "Hey it's good looking uncle dydy to you" "Yeah whatever man" "Hey really though, congratulations, he's so cute, look at those big baby blues, yup he's brakin some hearts one day." "Ain't that the truth." "So when can we see momma?" Sarah asked "oh in about 20 minutes, she's just getting settled." "Hey guys, after all we've been through, I can't thank you enough" "aw Matt's crying, come here daddy" Sarah reached out for a hug. "Hey I wish you guys could have been there to see and watch what Ali went through, though we did record it on video so you can watch, but she's the true hero, I'm so proud of her." "We all are son, and we're proud of you, you took the biggest step in all of adulthood." "Thanks guys, let's all go see Ali shall we, Yes cause I'm sure someone's hungry, and the cutest little guy ever." "Aww babe now I want one" Said Dylan "oh no not
Right now, let's stick to spoiling our nephew first." Everyone laughed as we went to see Ali.

Wow guys that was a long one I know, but sooo worth it right. Now comes the part where we reach the end of the book and start a new series. The boss comes into play and things take a twist. So read the next few chapters and prepare for some more hot steamy stuff!

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