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Sorry it's a long chapter guys bare with me!

Ali's POV
That day both my moms came in and woke me up with a happy sweet 16.
"Aaaaahhhhhh Happy sweet 16 my baby girl" they both yelled at the same time
"Ugh could you guys keep it down I'm tryin to sleep"
"Oh no Ali you get your ass out of that bed before we roll you out" Mary said
"Besides tonight is your big surprise from Matt and we want you to look your best" mom said
"That's right and we have the whole day planned, first the spa, for a quick pamper" Mary stated
"Then shopping for a new dress" mom said
"Then off to the salon for hair and make up" said Mary
"Ugh, give me 10 more min" I said
"Nope" both of them said and all of a sudden I was on the floor
"WHAT THE FUCK!" I yelled
All they did was laugh and it was contagious as I started laughing too.
I'll admit feeling like a princess today made the butterflies in my stomach dim down. It was nice and relaxing until it was time to shop for the dress.
Key note never go shopping with your mom, how can I say this lightly 'Nightmare'!
After 2 hours of trying on 100 dresses I finally found the one that look great with my figure. I was still self conscious about how fat I was but this dress hid it all.
It was a green silk that was tight at the top, that accentuated my breasts. At the bottom of my bust the dress hugged my fat curves nicely to a knee length pencil skirt with a slit up my mid thigh, but what added sparkle was the see through, light green, drape that was connected at the bust and flowed down to my feet. It had small rhinestones, in all colors with all types of green sequins. I felt like Elsa in that moment and my moms both shed a few tears.
After we bought the dress we realized we had 2 hours till 'GO TIME' my moms called it and we shifted gears. We stopped for a quick bite to eat and off to the salon for hair and make up. At this point I was already exhausted; being a woman is hard work, well when it's getting ready for the love of your life to become a jaw dropping queen.
I had my hair curled and pinned to look like a waterfall. My stylist added small pearls and glitter to make it look like it was moving. It was beautiful. An hour and a half later I was in make up. I got a natural look with a green tinted eye shadow to make my brown eyes pop and my dress stand out.
After 8 hours of pampering I was finally ready to get home and dress. My mom told my dad to wait for the full effect so he hid in his office while I got ready. I put on my dress and had mom help me zip it up and to add a little touch she sprayed my chest with glitter. Then I got into my shoes (which were silver with a small thin heal and point at the toe). I turned in the mirror and I was breathless.
"Guys stop it right now" I said to my moms
"We can't help it honey, you are so breathtakingly beautiful and have grown up so fast" mom said crying
"I'm so happy I got be here and share this moment with my girls" Mary said
"If you both don't stop it I'm gonna cry and fuck I'll be mad if I ruin my make up before I'm seen" I said
"As they both laughed and cried I hugged them both, thanked them for a wonderful day with just us girls and said I love you.
"Now let's dry up and meet the boys" mom said
"Ah Matt and Mark should be in the office with Jim by now" Mary said
"Good let's have everything ready and aimed at the boys for their reactions" mom said
"Ooo good idea, and Ali can make her grand entrance!" Mary said
"Let's go" as we all went down the hall.
"Ok now you stay out here until we call you ok" mom said
"Fine but hurry, I'm ready to get this over with" I said
I waited off to the side while mom and Mary went in to greet the guys. As I'm standing in front of the double doors to dads office I start to get the jitters and my knees feel week and legs start shaking. I can over hear mom and Mary talking with dad and Matt. Matt seemed nervous to from the sound of it. But as always our moms made this such a big deal.
Then it was time for me to enter. I took a deep breath and blew it out before the double doors swung open reveling me.
The look on the boys faces was priceless. All three stood in a triangle with wide eyes and dropped jaws. Then my eyes landed on Matt. Oh how sexy he looked in that black suit and hand in one pocket. Looked like James Bond before he was going to a party. Slick back hair and his expression was one of lust and love.
My Matt was speechless for the first time in our lives, and I couldn't help but laugh at that site.

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