The truth

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Ali's POV
I wake the next morning feeling like a new women. The smell of fresh coffee and Swedish pancakes filled the air. The sunlight was sneaking through the curtains and It was warm on my body. I didn't want to get up, and just as I stretched and was about to move the door swung open and in came Matt with a tray. "Well good morning butterfly, still sexy as ever waking up like that", "oh Matt stop it, I have the 'I've just been fucked to oblivion' look right now and I look like shit", "hey I love that look means I did great", "oh my god, yes Matt you did great and don't take this to your head but it was amazing, you were amazing and I think you just helped me remove that tattoo Matt!"
"Really?!, Like no more bad nights or nightmares?", "Nightmares definitely but bad days I still don't know", "Hey butterfly I'm always here no matter what, now stop talking and eat before I say fuck it and take you again right now", "mmm Maybe I shouldn't eat", "don't tempt me woman", "not tempting proposing an offer you can't refuse", "ok that's it fuck your breakfast, you and me right now you can eat later." After another round of amazing sex Matt and I lay cuddled together steadying our breathing sweaty and spent. "Matt?", "Yeah", "has chase mentioned when they'll be home?", "not to me why?", "I think it's time I tell him, be here with me please, I can't do this without you?", "of course baby, are you sure you're ready?", "it's now or never Matt", "ok, I'm not going anywhere butterfly", "thanks Matt I don't know what I'd do without you", "oh I can think of a few things" Matt said with a cocky smile. I just groaned, rolled my eyes and grabbed my phone off the night stand.
'Hey honey, how's things?'
'Fine Mom, how are you feeling?'
'I'm doing good now darling, what time are you and Sky coming home?'
'Don't know yet, why?"
"Chase dear, it's time, we need to talk just you, me and uncle Matt.'
'Ok.... everything ok mom, I'm kinda freaked out right now?'
'Yes dear everything's fine just come home soon ok?'
'Ok mom see ya in a few hours then'
'Thanks hun, love you'
'Yeah yeah, back at ya mom"
"Ugh would it kill him to text 'I love you too mom', I mean he's not screaming it, it's private... boys ", "Hey momma bear chill out, he's a man now, and men don't like showing weaknesses, give him time he'll come around", "I know it's just after all we've been through...", "I know babygirl, I know". The day went by faster than I thought. Matt took me out to lunch, then for a walk in the park, to clear our minds. "Think we outta head back and meet the kids?" Matt asked "Just a few more minutes please, I love this, when you hold me and we just walk", "ok babygirl, it's your call", "Thanks, just 5 more minutes", "ok". It was around 5 o'clock and we made it home before the kids. 'Chase where are you guys?'
'Sorry mom, running behind, in route, be there in 5'
'Ok honey, be careful'
'Always mom'
When the kids got home we chatted a little about their weekend. Matt sent Kylie to her room so we could talk with Chase. I'm so scared and nervous my palms were sweaty and my throat scratchy. Sensing my anxiety, Matt pours us a glass of wine. "Here baby, remember deep breaths and calm" Matt whispered into my ear. I closed my eyes took a deep breath and downed the glass of wine. Chuckling from behind me Matt said, "Slow down momma" as he refills my glass. "Sorry just...", "i know baby". A 5 minute wait felt like hours. "Ok guys I'm here, what's up?" Chase said walking into the living room. "Make yourself comfortable dear it's gonna be a long talk", I said. "Ok Chase, bare with me, this is hard enough as it is", "It's OK mom, whatever it is can handle it.", "it's not that simple Chase, your moms been through a lot and I've been there every step of the way, listen to what she's saying kid trusts me.", "Fine I'm all ears", "Thanks both of I'm not going to get into the whole story it's still painful", as Matt held my hand squeezing it tight reassuring me to keep going. "Chase you are more important to me than anything, you and your sister, but what I'm about to tell you, know that it was all for you and Skyler." "Ok...then tell me", "chase it's hard enough on your mom zip it" Matt said sternly "All the bad days and the nightmares you two put up with, it's all because of my junior year in high school, chase Matt isn't just your uncle he's half your dad.", "WHAT?" "Hey boy keep it down your sister's upstairs, and yes son I am, I've been by your moms side through everything." "Chase honey listen before you freak out more", "oh I'm listening now mom, what the fuck is wrong with you two, and if Matt's half dad then who's the other, and how does that shit work anyways it only takes one fucking sperm to crack the egg, yes mom I'm educated and I hate it.", "first off language please, second I'll explain that later but right now you need the truth and here it I was raped, and brutally beaten, if Matt, aunt Sarah and uncle dydy didn't find me when they did, non of us would be here right now, we would be dead.", "sorry mom but, what...the....fuck happened?" "Matt and I were sweethearts up until college when I told him to go live his life, as stubborn as he is he refused but I pushed him to go", "But I never left your mom alone, not once, i love her and always will, I was there when I thought I'd lost her chase, I was there when you were born and I raised you like my own, I stayed and went to community college and worked to fully support all of you.", "well no fucking shit, I am half you after all...", "chase please knock off your shit, we are only trying to get you to understand why we did what we did, your being a damn dick, when your moms trying to explain to you that she was raped and know what if you can't be man enough for this then just leave us, you've upset your mom enough with your attitude, I know it's a lot to process man believe me, but just look at your mom and everything we've been through....look at her now chase....those tears don't just fall when ever she feels like it." "Sorry mom it's just pissing me off that someone would do this to you, to us, then fined out your uncle is really half your dad!" "I know this is a lot honey and I'm so sorry but I wasn't ready to tell you the truth until you were old and mature enough...I didn't want to ruin relationships either." "Everything's still the same chase, as it's always been, I'm always going to be there for all of you no matter what.", "ok so what about the bastardly other half then?" "He's In prison for a long time Chase and he's nothing to do with you, never asked bout you never tried to contact me, nothing.", "so that's it then, he just gets to rot in jail for how long and he doesn't get anything else for almost murdering you, never asking about me once and I'm supposed to be ok with this?", "clam down chase, first off I wouldn't let him get away with anything, he got his beating before being arrested, second that bastard was and never will be part of your life, remember I've been there through it all and you will always be my son!" "I know it's a lot to take in honey, but just know we are both here for you, for anything... I'm sorry I kept it this long from you but you have to understand we were only protecting you." "I think it's time we all take a breather for the night, Chase I know it's a lot bud, but your mom and I are always here, to answer any questions or to just talk ok?" "Yeah I got the message" "Good, let's call it a night and we can talk more about this in a few days... sound good?" "I'm ok with that, mom are you OK with it?" "Yes, Yes I'm good with that too." "Good now off with both of you to bed, I'll be up after I lock up butterfly." As I about to climb the stairs I stopped and turned towards Matt. "Thanks Matt, really, I love you so much" I said wrapping my arms around his shoulders. "I know babygirl, now go I'm right behind you."

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