The Shock of a life time

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Ali's POV
I can hear voices, I recognize those voices, mom, dad, Mark, Mary, Sarah, wait is that Dylan and my Matt. I wanted to scream from the tops of my lungs I'm here guys I can hear you, but nothing. I couldn't move, why can't I move, why can't I open my eyes, what's going on, is all I can think about. Ok Ali you can do this just start with your fingers and toes. I willed every muscle in my body to move, and I worked on this for days, I think. Then one day I could feel the sheets under my fingers and with every thing I had I started to move my hand then my toes. 'Ok Ali you got this now let's see if I can will my voice, but nothing. My throat hurt so badly from being dried and cracked I couldn't even swallow. Then I herd Matt talking and take my hand, 'ok Ali it's now or never' with all the will I had I squeezed Matt's hand. Everyone sounded so excited as am I guys I can talk to you some how. Then I herd mom asking questions and I answered as best as I could. I could just tell mom and Matt are wrecks right now. Then I herd a voice that was unfamiliar, the doctor. He went into detail about what I happened, a body cast?, oh so that's why I can't move, but why can't I open my eyes yet. Ok so check one I can hear and kind of communicate. For days I tried to feel more and open my eyes and talk, then it happened. The most sweetest nurse came in to finally remove my cast, OH MY GOD RELIEF, I can breath again. I herd her talking to Matt...matt I need to see you, I need to tell you I can feel you. With one swift motion I was in his arms. I could feel heat radiating off Matt and I couldn't get close enough. I herd him say he's going to put me down in the tub and that did the trick. It shocked me enough to move my body and open my eyes. That musky sent of flowers and mint...matt, I had to try and I did it before Matt lowered me into the tub I gotta whisper out only he could I knew I was in the tub and Matt was holding my head. I opened my eyes wider and what I saw was a vision I will never forget...matt, hair disheveled and hanging around his beautiful face. Those big brownies I couldn't get enough of and a smile for days. "Hey beautiful, welcome back", I herd him say. I wish I could say more but with a very dry throat and mouth I couldn't get anything out but water. Matt was gone and back with a flash of light with water. I had a very happy nurse and an even more happy matt. After my bath Matt got me dressed and sat me between his legs on the bed to wait for the doctor. I'm still so week I could barley move, but I was right were I wanted to be in Matt's arms. "You know baby I need to call everyone and tell them the big news, but call me selfish right now cause I'm going to wait until doc gives us the ok, I just want to hold you like this for a while just you and me, is that ok with you?" I still had a hard time talking so I nod and tilt my head enough to see him. I stared into his eyes that were so bright and happy I couldn't help myself, I slowly placed his hand in mine entwined our fingers and reached for his face. He didn't have to say a word. He leaned into my touch with all the love in the world. A knock came from the door and nurse heart popped her head in, "is she dressed and ready for doc?" She asked. I looked at her with a smile and nodded. "Ok give him a minute he'll be right in." A few minutes later the doc knocks and walks his way in...ok so I've been out for to long, this is my doctor, woah he's hot, I thought. "Well well look who's awake and alert. I'm happy to see such enormous progress from you Ali, you are one tough cookie you know that. Now I know you must be in pain and you are still extremely week, again slow and steady are my terms to get you home. This is going to be the toughest part, we need to get you into physical therapy ASAP and get you eating real solid food. Nurse said it's still hard for you to talk, it's going to be like that for a few days small steps to get your voice back, it's been out of commission for a month. Matt I assume your going to help with the process?"
"Yes sir, anything she needs" as I smiled up at him
"Good, Ali he's going to be your coach through this, listen to him work with him and push yourself to the limit but do not and I repeat do not over work, slow baby steps. Now I do need you to talk to me or at least write down some answers for me can you do that?" I nod at him, talking is still a challenge. "Good lets get you checked out then shall we" the doc does his check up, shines light into my eyes and moved my legs, arms and neck. He checks my throat and my stomach. "Ok Ali all done, you've done great, how are you feeling?" Now that I've come to think of it I'm kind of nauseous...oh no I feel sick. I quickly grab the pen and write sick, throw up. The doc knew exactly what I was about to write and grabbed the trash can. With in seconds I was heaving up anything I had left in my stomach. Matt held my hair back which I was happy for. "Hmm" I herd the doc say. "Ali I'm going to take some blood samples to check on a few things no worries ok?" I just nod still hanging over the can. As nurse heart comes in and takes my blood she brings me some crackers and fresh water with a little juice on the side. "Try eating the Crackers first dear and extra small sips of the juice, drink as much water as you can, got it?" "Yeah" I said in a whisper. "Good, Matt keep her comfortable"
"Not gonna be a problem"
With a nod the nurse was out the door.
"You know Sarah and Dylan will be here later you feel like a quick text to them to let them know you're awake?" I nod but then write...quick text, very tired. "I know baby and you sleep I'll shoot the messages." I was so tired it was hard to keep my eyes open, but I wrote, Matt you are amazing I love you so much. I showed matt the note and he smiled while a lonely tear fell from his eye, as I wiped it off his cheek with my thumb. "Oh baby I love you too" with a kiss on my forehead and Matt's arms wrapped around me I fell into a deep sleep. A few hours later i woke up to the nurse checking my vitals and a cold back. Now where did Matt go. I turned towards the nurse and got her attention, "Matt?" I whispered and she smiled "He said he will be back shortly dear he went to get a few people"
"Oh thank you"
"It's no problem dear and might I say, that is one awesome gorgeous man you have there, you are one lucky women" the nurse said with a wink and I smiled back and gave her the I know look "now I'm just a button call away dear if you need me ok, but since it's just us girls at this second I have to ask, how are you have been here for a month dear and you haven't had a period I've noticed, I know it's been stressful and that can surely be the cause but I just wanted to be sure you're not cramping or anything."
'Oh feel fine, I was on birth control but I missed one pill a little over a month ago and since I started my periods come and go, one minute I have one for 2 weeks and then I don't have one for a few months, sporadic. Is everything ok down there?' I wrote out for her,
"Yes dear I know you know so I won't go into it but you have healed very well it's like your brand new, your man might be in for a surprise later, if you know what I mean" she said with a wink and a big grin and that made me laugh a little. 'Thank you' "oh any time honey anytime, now before I take off are you good to go?" At this point I just nod but I quickly write down 'food I'm starving!' Pleased as she reads she giggles, "definitely dear I'll go get something for ya be back in a few minutes" I gave her the thumbs up. I sat up and made myself look somewhat descent then grabbed the remote and turned on the tv while waiting. After 5 minutes the nurse came back in with a cheese omelette and some juice, "small bites chew 10 times before swallowing, we need that throat better you know" I gave her a thumbs up and she was gone. I was about half way through eating when Matt entered the room.
"There's my beautiful girl, and eating that's great baby, say how do you feel about seeing someone or a few people?" I gave Matt a glare and wrote, 'I look like shit'... "no babe you look radiant, beautiful, gorgeous, and you have your color back. Besides this person has been dying all week and if she...." just as Matt was trying to finish his sentence the door swings open and in pops Sarah, "Matt can it, I wouldn't care if she was asleep I'm still coming in" Sarah said grinning from ear to ear. With a squeal and a tight hug later Sarah told me all about the hype at school. I'm so glad she's here I missed my bestie. About 20 minutes later I see one very big and I mean life size dog..and not just any dog it's scooby...peak around the corner. I look and laugh as best as I can and out pops Dylan. I cried for all of 5 minutes to see my bestie and the guy I thought I'd never see come to visit me. "Ali-bear", Sarah said, don't cry, Dyly and I thought you needed some extra fluff while Matt's not around", I wrote down on the pad...'wait did you just say Dyly? Ok spill now' I gave her the pad to read and crossed my arms with a grin. "Well you were right turns out Dylan and I were made for each other and we've been together for two months now." I had the most mischievous grin on my face. "Oh no can it girl, I know that look" Sarah glared I just giggled as best as I could. Then it hit me again, oh no did I eat too much! I quickly point for the bucket and Matt was there in seconds as I heaved all I had eaten into the bucket. "Oh Ali-bear, you poor thing, you want us to go for now and come back later?" Sarah asked. After I was done I grabbed her hand and gave her a grim smile, "stay and lay with me for a bit?" I whispered harshly "please"
"Duh girl you don't have to tell me twice" Sarah said, she pulled me into her chest and rubbed my head until I was in a deep sleep.

Matt's POV
After cleaning out the bucket I went to grab a few wipes to wipe her down. She was leaning against Sarah's chest almost fast asleep. I handed Sarah the wipes. "Hey can I talk to you guys for a minute outside?"
"Sure thing man"
"You guys go a head I'll be out there in a second" I nod to Sarah and walk out with Dylan "wow man and I thought I had it rough when Sarah gets drunk, but that was brutal"
"Yeah it's been like that since she woke up this morning, can't keep food down"
"Duh dude she has no stomach right now but she eats like a horse, no offense" I just waved that off I knew what he meant by that
"How's she doing otherwise"
"Eh could be better but there's something off and I can't put my finger on it"
"Only time will tell man, how you holdin up?"
"I'm good, happy she's finally awake" no sooner did Sarah come out with a grin on her face. "Ok Sarah, spill it what are you thinking"
"Oh it's nothing"
"No it's not nothing, I've known you long enough to know that look, you know something" Sarah rolled her eyes "ok fine isn't it obvious to you guys....ugh men never see it coming"
"Ok babe what do you know that we don't?"
As soon as Sarah went to open her mouth the doctor came up to us. " Matt can I have a word with you privately for a second, no offense guys"
"None taken we'll wait here man"
"Thanks guys, so doc what's up"
"Well I took a look at the blood work and confirmed my suspicions, Matt I gotta ask you man to man no secrets but this stays between you and me ok?"
"Have you and Ali been sexually active?"
"Yes quite a bit actually, but we are always safe why you ask?"
"I need full cooperation from you before I tell you this"
"And you have it doc anything you need just tell me what's up I'm worried"
"Well first off don't be she's absolutely fine, better than fine even, Matt Ali's pregnant!"
I was stunned and glued to the floor, rendered speechless even. "Doc can you repeat that"
"Ali's pregnant, Matt"
I felt so stupid I didn't think about this the whole time. I must have looked like a fish out of water and I went white. "Oh bud, sit down for a second, look I know it's scary news but I want to narrow things down, I need a DNA sample from you. This will stay between you and I until I find out what I need ok. No one knows but us and the nurse right now until your cleared ok?" I just shook my head and gave him what he needed. I knew I need to come clean with mom and dad no matter what, but a is going to be amazing. Once I came back to reality I was excited shaking scared shitless and happy I cried. Dylan and sarah noticed and flew over to me.
"Ok bro what was that about and are you crying?" "He now knows and figured it out" Sarah said with a grin. "Damn it will someone please fill me in" Sarah and I looked at each other with a small laugh and a smile for days, then at Dylan. In unison we said, "she's pregnant!" Dylan's jaw dropped shock evident on his face. When he snapped out of it he said, "no fucking way, man I told you to use protection" "DYLAN" Sarah scolded
"Dude it was one night and she wasn't supposed to be ovulating, besides I don't care who's it is, it will always be mine, I love her to much and I'm actually excited. I can't wait to be there every step of the way"
"Man, you got more balls than I do"
"Just let me break it to her ok" as I glare at Sarah. "Hey my lips are sealed I already knew before you guys did, I just can't wait to do some shopping eeek, dydy this will be so much fun...auntie Sarah and uncle dydy" "oh NO only you can call me that and not in public either, but I will agree with you being an uncle might have it's perks"
"Ok guys enough, go grab me some decent food for once and I'll see ya back here in a few hours" I waved them off and I walked quietly back into the room. I made my way to cuddle with Ali for a bit before all the commotion started enjoying the quiet. I played with her hair and rubbed her back and whispered to her, "a baby Ali-Kat, we are going to have a baby, mine or not, I'm here always" and kissed her forehead and dozed off with Ali in my arms.

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