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Ali's POV
It was Friday, and today we spend the weekend at the cabin. I am now 6 months along and I'm big, actually just swollen. Matt thinks I'm more beautiful than ever but I feel so ugly, but tonight isn't about me it's about the baby. The boys have no idea that Sarah and planned to reveal the sex. When we went shopping, Sarah found the cutest onesies for the boys, Dylan's said 'I make my uncle look good' in a sky blue color and Matt's said 'daddy's little man' in black that looked like a tuxedo. We planned to put cards in them with the picture of the baby, and I have the full video. We also got a few cupcakes with blue color cake and light blue frosting. Poor Dylan has yet to see or feel him move but I feel tonight is the night, he's so excited it's hilarious. I'd never thought Dylan would be this hyped about his nephew. Poor Sarah though it's hard enough on her to keep it such a secret. Sarah also got me this sexy lingerie for pregnant moms and I'll have to say I feel good in it. "Ok Sarah got the check list?" "Yup right here", "ok run bags"
"Check", "cupcakes", "Check", "Cami's", "Check", "you got yours and Dylan's bags", "Check", "ok and I got mine and Matt's bags", "Check", "k let's load up the car and wait for the boys to get off work, they should be done shortly anyway." "OH NO you don't, I'll get the heavies you get the lights, you are not supposed to lifting this much this far along chicka" Sarah chided me. "But...", " No buts", "Fine" I said with a pout and Sarah just laughed. "You know Matt's right, you are cute when you pout like that" as she laughed and packed the car. "Shit Sarah we need to stop for gas too remind me", "Already gotcha covered doll." " What would I do without you?" "Mmmm Freak out", "Yea your right, thanks bestie", "Anytime girl" I gave her a hugs and as she held me the guys walked in. "Well well well, are we interrupting two fine ass women in a sexy moment" Dylan said "ugh babe shut the fuck up" Sarah said laughing "you already missed all the fun anyways" she said wiggling her eyebrows. Sarah and I busted out laughing at the faces they made. "If only you could see your faces right now." I said in between laughs. "OUCH FUCK!" I said a little to load, Matt was at my side with the snap of my fingers. "You ok babygirl, What's wrong?" "Nothing hun, just laughed to hard my sciatica nerve is jumping, I'm fine guys really, stop flipping out whenever I say that." "Yeah you say that now but when it's D-Day and you say that all hell will break loose." Dylan said. Sarah and I just laughed. "Hey what's so funny?" "Nothing dydy just a girl thing, we love you all the same." Sarah said with a kiss to his bruised ego. "Ok guys go get showered up so we can leave please", "But we still need to pack everything up", "No we don't babe, Sarah and I took care of that everything's ready to go, we just You two to stop stinking so bad and off we go." "Oh well in that case you want to join me?" Matt whispered in my ear. I'll admit I thought about it, these hormones have me so horny these days I can't get enough of him. "No, cause then we will never leave on time, you Dylan get up there and shower fast!" With groans from both of them the turned and said, "Yes mama", "Hey that's sexy mamas to you two." Sarah and both laughed. When the boys were finally ready we said by to mom and dad while Matt helped me out to the car. By the time we got there I was pooped from that walk. "Fuck when did that hill grow?, I'm beat." "You ok baby?" "Yeah just tired", "Here prop your feet up and Dylan and will grab the bags", "NO!" Sarah and I said in unison. The boys looked dumbfounded. "I'll get the bags and set them on the porch, y'all can get them from there" Sarah said "ooook, babe what's going on?" "It's a surprise for the both of you, not saying a word until we are settled, rested, and for the love of god FOOD!" "Ok fine I'm not gonna push it, Dylan and I will go grab food be back in a bit, love you baby." He said with a promising tender kiss. "Mmmm with a kids like that you need to hurry back." "Ok butterfly", "love you too!" I yelled after them. "Ok girl shall we shower and get ready in our new goodies?" "Oh girl your on, I'll get the water ready, you still need my help?" Sarah asked "please, I still get dizzy when I lean my head back standing up, plus I can't bend over to get a good shave in!" "Ok" Sarah laughed "I got you girl." After the showers were done and we got into our lingerie, we set up the candles throughout the cabin. These candles were electric but bright enough to see things and smelled so good. The cupcakes and bags where set on the table. Just as Sarah and poured 2 big glasses of wine, the boys strolled in. In mid conversation they stopped, looked around the cabin and saw us sitting there on the couch with hardly anything in and glasses of wine. "Hi boys, like the view?" Sarah and I said in unison. Their jaws dropped and they just nodded. With a giggle from us, the snapped out of their stupor and put the bags of food down. "Fuck dinner, I want dessert, what about you?" Asked Dylan. "Hell Yea" Matt agreed. "Ok boys quit, we were burning up so we got comfy, you to go get comfy and we'll get food ready plus we have cupcakes for an extra sweet dessert." I said "Plus we need food" Sarah said point at me and the baby. "Fine" the boys sighed "besides you'll get the good dessert soon enough." Sarah and winked at the boys "Now Shoo!" We said laughing. "Phase one complete." I said high-fiving Sarah. "Now phase two begins." Said Sarah. As the boys came out in nothing but basketball shorts showing off their hot, sexy, muscles for days bodies, Sarah and started eating. "Come sit eat," I said chowing down on noddles. "Oh my god, Dylan come quick." I said "What is it, what's wrong?" "Nothing stupid, you want to feel it moving?" "Fuck yeah I do finally!" Dylan said excitement in his step. He sat down next to me and I placed his hands on the spot there his feet are. "Feel it?" "Fuck yeah I can feel it, Matt you were right this is amazing!" "Told ya bro." "You know it knows when your talking to it, so far it's listened to auntie and daddy, why don't you try?" "I don't know man sounds weird."  "Oh quit being a pussy babe and try it, we all have and got a response." Said Sarah "Yeah bro, it so cool, I even do it nightly now." "See, on the plus side when it's born it'll know who you are already by the tone in your voice." "Ok fine, I can't say no to my best girl" Dylan leans closer and starts talkin with his hands in my belly. "Hey baby, it's uncle dydy, can't wait to meet ya so your auntie and I can spoil you rotten." For a moment nothing happened, and then his eyes lit up, "No fucking way, that was a hand dude, wow he's going nuts." I giggled "We told you it response." "Wow Ali that's amazing, how do hold all of that kid inside there?" "Good question, I don't even know the answer to that, all I know is if it doesn't quit using my bladder as a personal punching bag one of these days I'm going to piss myself, be right back." "Woah man how do you do it, that was crazy bro." "I know right man, it's amazing ain't it. It response to my touch more than anything these days, and let me tell you the fucking sex gets better and better, Ali's get a tighter and tighter month after month man." "Damn almost makes me want one right now, but I don't think Sarah will go for it." "Fuck no she won't she's to busy with Ali anyway man." "You right", "besides you can talk to it and feel it all you want, you just can't have my girl." "Hey I'm not touching her bro, I'd be to scared too anyway." As they laughed. "What's so funny, boys?" I said coming back from my pee break. "Oh nothing just guy talk baby." "Mmmhmm, right", "Hey I'm serious, come here I want to hold you." "Tsk Fine" I said with an eye roll. "Hey you guys want your surprises?" "Hey yeah babe I know I do, Dy you?" "Yeah I'm down." "Sarah wanna grab the cupcakes and I'll get the bags?" "On it girl, I need some sugar", "ok, babe help me up?" "Oh yea here 1..2..3 up, whew thanks babe." "No problem butterfly." "I'll be right back...ok boys we want you on the couch for this and grab a cupcake, You better eat them because Sarah and I made them with love." "Now Sarah and I went through a lot for this and we hope it means as much to you guys as it does to us." "First off gentlemen we have gift bags for you so here open em." Sarah said handing them the bags. "We want to see you guys put these on the baby at some point, got it?" Sarah chided. "Hey I love this, I'll make sure they wear this all the time, I make my uncle look good hell yeah you will" Dylan said "what's yours say bro", "Daddy's little man...Wait man, babe are saying...", "Wait for it open these" I said handing them the envelopes. They opened they with wide eyes. "Yes babe, I knew it, told ya it was gonna be a boy." Matt was so excited he picked me up and twirled me around. "I love you so much baby" he said showering me with kisses. "Ok daddy calm down. "Hey little man it's your good lookin uncle you ready to hang with the big guys and get us some women?", "DYLAN!" Sarah snaked him up side the head "Ouch I was kidding babe come here." As we both laughed. "So who's ready to watch a short film before we get too heated?" "Fuck yeah" said Dylan "you ready to meet your boy?" I whispered "yeah baby I want to see what he's doing in there." Laying his hands in my belly. "Sarah you wanna do the honors?" As I hand her the remote. "Ugh duh chicka." "Now guys this is a very special video one of the first made in 4-D so we can see him in color." "Oh sweet" Said Dylan. "Come here baby get comfy with me." I sat between Matt's legs. He wraps up around with his hands resting on my belly and his face in the crook of my neck. "Mmm baby you smell nice, that new too?" "Mmhm", "Well I cant wait to take you into our bed", "Mmm baby can't wait, but first your gonna wanna see this." "Oh wow butterfly, is that really him?" "Yup, he's so big already." "I know right" Matt's hand start rubbing my belly. "Hey big guy I'm watching you on the big screen, you are to cute you know that?" Then he starts kicking. "Hey now little man chill out in there, mommy's gotta take it easy." Matt said "Wow Ali that's so cool, I can believer he's got all his toes and fingers already." Said Dylan "Yup and that's not the best part keep watching." "And when is...oh, oh now way dude, his shit is huge." As we all laughed at Dylan's comment Matt's says, "Yup there's no mistaking he's a boy, it's like he's wanting to show off man." "Yeah he is, damn he's gonna make the women weep when he's of age." "DYLAN, that's my boy your talking about", "Hey girl I'm just sayin, he packed already" I roll my eyes, then turn to look at Matt. His face is lit up watching him move around. He noticed me looking. "What beautiful?" "Wanna know a secret I learned from the doc?" "What?" "Your swimmers, help him mature, so what that means one simmer fertilized, but it takes more than one to make him what he is now. Matt that's part your baby too." "For real, your joking right, I mean I made more of him than...that bastard did?" "Yeah you did baby, so he's got a whole lotta Matt in him, wonder where he got his bigness from." I whispered grinning mischievously. "Oh baby you me bedroom right now." "Hey guys we're gonna tear up the bed, see ya in the morning, oh and save the challenges for tomorrow when we've all gotten some rest please." "Ey Ey captain, Love you guys, and seriously congrats, this shit is amazing." "Thanks uncle dydy, we love you too." Matt walks behind holding me to the bedroom. "I'm gonna make you cum so hard you'll see stars baby." "Mmm promise." "Yes I do, now let's me get you out of this sexy little piece, I want bare like the day we were born." "Matt, you cheesy goof." "Oh I'm a goof, your gonna pay for that." Matt picks me up and lays me down on the bed. Using one hand and his teeth my bra is gone and my boy shorts on the floor. "Where did you learn that?" "Thats not from learning butterfly that's pure talent." "Ok Mr. Cocky." "Hey boys gotta get her outta her cloths fast right?" "Oh wow Matt just wow." "What" "Nothing big sexy come here." I pull him down so he's laying between my legs supporting his weight with his hands. "Woah baby be careful, that boys loosing room already." "True but his momma wants to be rocked to sleep." Growling low Matt smashes his lips into mine. "As awake as he is I'm guessing he wants to be rocked to sleep too." "Mmm shouldn't hurt, but I want you first." "Oh baby I'm on it." As Matt takes my clit in his hands. "Damn Ali your always so wet for me." "Well My hormones are outta wack and I'm horny" I lean in to whisper and tug on his ear. "So fuck me raw baby." "Oh fuck Ali-Kat, I'm gonna make you scream." "Not to loud I hope", "that's what the pillows for baby." Matt moves his fingers over my swollen nub. I moan into his shoulder wanting more. His fingers part my folds. "I'm gonna taste you first baby." Then he slides in two fingers. "Oh Matt I moan softly. "Oh yes right there" as he curls his fingers just right, I grab a fist full of hair, "oh Matt, faster if you want to taste me now." "Fuck Ali" faster Matt goes, he curls his fingers again and hits my G Spot making me explode all over his hand. "Oh god Matt I'm almost there...right there just a little fast...ugh god Matt fuck me." "Oh I will baby just hang on let me soak up some of this." Matt's lapping up my juices, sending another wave of a mini orgasm to his tongue. I start to tighten around it, "fffuck Matt if you don't stop I'm going to continue to give more to suck up." "I'm ok with that baby." "I'm not I want this right now." As I reach down and grab hold of his semi still growing for me. He moans as he moves over to my side still holding my clit and I his dick. "Oh baby your hands feel good." "I know they do I can feel how hard your getting silly, but I'm a little thirsty babe." Before he could say anything I bent over just right and licked his rock hard erection on that big vain. "Damn Ali" he said with a hiss. I licked all the way up to the top licking his pre cum clean off and swirling my tongue around his head. "Fuck baby I'm gonna cum before you...oh fuck Ali." Matt moaned as I wrapped my mouth around his girth. "Mmm baby, Wait I want to try something with you right now." "Oh yeah what?" "Come here, put your legs on either side my shoulders." "Like thiiiisss, oh god Matt." "Yup right there just like that." Matt had my clit in his mouth. As I bent down to suck him dry he sucked me dry moaning in unison. "Cum for me again babygirl." "Fuck Matt, I'm almost there." "Met too if you keep that up." Then I felt his fingers slide in with his tongue, while he pulled on my bud with the other. Shaking, we both released together. Sucking up every juice that flowed. "Damn babe, if we do that again remind me to just start that way." I said catching my breath. "And if you keep working your mouth like I'm gonna loose it quicker than you." We sat there for a minute laughing when the baby started kicking so hard matt could feel it. "Woah buddy, you want to go to sleep is that it, well daddy's gotta recharge after what mommy just did, give me a minute." Giggling, "You want me to help you recharge baby, I'll have you ready in two minutes." "Oh yeah prove it." "Challenge excepted." I grabbed hold of his semi, licked that vein he likes so much and within a minute he was rock hard and ready again. "Fuck Ali", "See I told ya I could." "Come here I need you now." "You ain't gotta tell me twice." I climbed on top since with my belly being big most positions were hard to do. I slowly slid down adjusting to him. "Fuck Ali how are you so tight all the time, it's amazing and fuck it feels good." "Hormones baby, hormones...damn Matt ugh this feels good just sitting here like this." "Yes it does, though if you keep using ur muscles like that I'm not gonna be able to stop cumin." "Oh yeah, well how bout this.."as I start to move up and down sliding along his long hard shaft. "Mmmm baby" he moaned. "Mmm Matt I like this slow pace but I want more." "You read my mind baby." Matt grabs my swollen breasts into his hands and pulls just enough to take my nipple into his mouth. I throw my head back and moan, "oh god baby" as I continue to bounce. I sit back up and grab Matt's chest for stabilization, then I lift up just enough to where his head is almost out and thrust back down yearning a moan from him. "Damn baby do that again." So I did, I got into a good rhythm, as I went faster. "Oh baby that's...oh god..." he said twitching at every bounce. "That's it I can't do this anymore, roll over now butterfly." "But why this feels so good." "Because baby I want to pound you harder." Just the sound of that sent tingles all over my body so I moved and put my ass in the air for him. "Oh god Ali, so beautiful." "Matt, I want you now." "Like this..." as he pushes his dick into my wet folds. I moaned so loud at that moment I almost forgot we weren't alone in the cabin. "Damn baby, still so wet and tight." "Matt that felt so good, do it again." "What this.." as pushed out and back in. "Yes baby, just like that" I moaned. He started of slow so I could adjust. "Ugh Matt give it to me, I want my stairs." "Oh I got one more trick babe before you see stars." He continued in and out slowly rolling his hips with every thrust. Then his hand reached around and grabbed my swollen nub. "Oh fffuck Matt, oh yeah baby right there." As I released a series of mini orgasms at him. "Damn girl, your dripping." "Oh I'm not done yet." I moaned "fuck me raw baby, I need it now." With guttural growl, Matt moves are speeding up. "Yes baby right there, fuck me harder...oh yea...faster baby I'm almost there, cum with me Matt, right there oh yes, imma...imma..." as I'm about to erupt Matt reaches down again and grabs my nub. "Oh baby yes, imma..oh god I'm right there baby, yes faster baby...harder...oh fffuck yes...", "fuck Ali...oh baby...I'm about too...." I grab for the pillow and scream at the top of my lungs when Matt moans loudly as we both explode. "Shit baby, that was amazing." Matt said leaning over my back. "Damn you really weren't kidding when you said you weren't done, I'm soaked to my knees...and before we lay down I need to change these sheets, you really got them wet baby, you are incredible you know that." "No Matt, you are amazingly incredible, damn that felt soooo good." "Can you move babe?" "I think so." "Come one I'll help ya up so I can change shit over real quick." As I got up on shaky leg I had to hold the bed for support. "You got it?" "For a second yeah, hurry before I fall though." "Ok babe hang on." Matt quickly changed the sheets and I fell on my back. Still catching our breath, I cuddled up to Matt and he wraps my into his arms. "You know I was thinking, we need to name him, what do you think of Chase Mathew?" "Really baby, I love it, Chase Mathew it is." "Mmm good I hoped you'd like it, I love you Matt." "I do, I love you too butterfly." As I kissed him softly.

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