A day to relax

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Ali's POV
As the elevator stops and the doors swing open, Matt gives me a small shove to get me moving. Once out Matt stops me, takes me in his arms and strokes my back. "Everything's going to be okay bug"
"I know, it's just hard to forget it's like a tattoo in my brain"
"Well maybe we need to remove it then"
"If only we could Matt, if only we could"
"Come let's get coffee, yea?"
"Okay, but 10 minutes Matt, remember"
"Yeah, yeah you little work-a-Holic"
"Hey at least I ain't lazy"
"But even I know when to quit sometimes bug"
"Oh shut it Matt, not all of us are buddies with the boss man"
"Hey if it weren't for me, his collage days would have been a wreck, and neither of us would be working for the most sexiest, eligible billionaire bachelor either"
"Can I say, I hate when your right"
"Hmm, you can or you could just say Matt your the best, the master and I can't live without you, with a big kiss of course"
"How bout I just stick with, Matt I'm happy your with me and I love you, with a gigantic hug"
"Fine, but I will get my kiss today"
"We will see"
"Ah, and there's that little smile that's been hiding wanting to peak out"
"Yeah, yeah"

Matt's POV
As the work day goes by I can't help but watch such a beautiful woman look like death stepped right behind her. I know it's going to be a long night for the both of us. After work we walked back to her house and Chase took the kids to their parents place. It's become routine now on this very day for the kids to visit the grandparents for the night, poor Ali doesn't want the kids to know what terrorized their mother for life until they are truly ready. I know Chase is old enough and he will know soon. I made Ali a light meal of my famous soup and crackers.
"Ali-Kat soups done, come sit and eat"
"Not now Matt I'm not hungry"
"OH NO you don't, you have to eat something, and I don't care if it's only a bowl but your gonna eat"
"I can't Matt I feel sick"
"And you're gonna be sick if you don't, after you eat I make up the tub with lavender and extra hot water ok?"
"Fine you got me with the bath"
"Good now eat up, the kids are gone for the weekend and it's just you and me, oh maybe throw on dirty dancing after you relax in the tub eh?"
"Not in the mood for a movie night tonight maybe tomorrow we can binge watch but tonight I just want to forget"
I couldn't just sit back and watch Ali fall into depression, when she falls its not good. So I made a lavender bath so she can soak while I made her favorite cake, 3 layer cookie ice cream cake drizzled with chocolate and caramel. As I got done slicing the cake and adding whipped topping I herd Ali come down the stairs. Grabbing the two bowls filled with ice cream cake I headed for the make shift sofa bed. I gave Ali her bowl and grabbed the remote and cuddled next to her. As we finished our cake I wrapped the super soft fluffy king sized blanket around us both and grabbed Ali close to me wrapping my self around her. I feel like she needed to protection at that moment. Then she asked me the worst question of them all and I almost lost it, crying like a little school girl. "Matt, I know you hate when I ask but can you tell me what happened when you found me?"
"On one condition baby, you finally tell me what happened to you when Jake and his crew pinned you."
"After all these years you think I'm ready to open up old wounds?"
"Might help get rid of that tattoo in your brain."
"Ok but please, don't get pissed off it's done and it's been years Matt."
"Your On Ali-Kat, I promise not to get pissed but I can't promise I won't be upset ok?"
It was that moment that I realized old wounds should never be opened and back to the day I thought Ali died.
Ali's POV
"We have two more nights left, before the big farewell bash tonight what do you want to do?" I asked Matt
"You" Matt said grinning mischievously as he lays down in our tent watching my every move
"Matt I'm serious, we can do that later"
"Mmmm promise?" As he grabs me and pulls me in to his lap, holding me and sticking his face in the crook of my neck breathing in my sent followed by light kisses.
"Mmmm Yes Matt I promise"
"Good I say we go take Oreo and Indiana out on the trail followed by a quick trip to the falls"
"Matt, you'd sacrifice your ass for me, but you hate horse back riding"
"No I don't hate it, I hate being in a saddle for too long that's when my ass starts hurtin, besides I want today to be special for the both of us, so if I have to sacrifice my ass for a passion that my girl loves so be it. Plus it won't be too bad cause I have the falls to look foreword to."
"Oh we should take the guys with us to the falls and I'll get Sarah to come too"
"Whatever you wish baby as long as we get our time together"
"Aw Matt we will be together all day you need some guy time too ya know, we don't have to be joined at the hip goofball"
"Ah but every moment with you is my world babe"
"Aw love you sweetie, now enough talk I gotta go find Sarah and the boys and do some inviting you get that sexy ass ready to ride mister"
"Oh I'm ready to ride alright"
"Matt stop with innuendos we have a lot to do today before the big bash tonight, besides I brought THE dress for tonight, you know the new one with easy access?!"
"Oh that's not cool Ali-Kat" he said with a low growl
"You love it and you know it" I said sticking my tongue at him
The day was lovely. Matt held my hand while we were on our horse back ride through the marsh. I Lounged around with Sarah workin on our tans, then it was time to get ready for the bash. I went to Sarah's tent to get ready as I told Matt it was surprise that I wanted to give him, for just being there with me. When we were ready Sarah put the finishing touches to my makeup and hair and we were off to the bonfire. When we got there some of the guys went and grabbed us some beers and whistles at us. I asked where Matt was and they said he's waitin by fire pit one. Dylan was the first to spot Sarah and I. He stopped talking to Matt pointing at us as we walked over to them. Both had a dumb founded looks on their faces with mouths hanging wide open.

To be continued in the next chapter!

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