Chapter 3 : Introductions

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Spencer's POV

* Sunday afternoon *

We are on our way to the Brew to meet Emily's friends. To be honest I'm pretty nervous because I'm not the best at making conversation so I'm hoping it won't be awkward. It was a pretty sunny day so there were a lot of people out with their friends or family.

Me and Emily talked about our hobbies and what we like to do in our spare time. I told her I enjoy cheerleading and turns out she's a swimmer. We both have a lot more in common than I thought. We are both athletic, love eating pizza and addicted to coffee.

Before we knew it we had arrived at the brew and we went in and ordered our coffees. She ordered a latte with one sugar and I ordered a plain strong black coffee. She told me that her friends Aria and Hanna would be here in a few minutes.

'How can you drink coffee that strong' she asked her eyes wide in shock.

'Come on it's not that strong Emily' I said whilst chuckling.

'Sure it isn't' she said sarcastically.

Before we knew it we burst out into a fit of laughter. Everyone surrounding us gave us stares but to be honest we didn't care one bit. We didn't even realise two girls approach our table until one of them said 'Hey Em who's this'.

The girl that spoke had medium length blonde hair. She was really pretty and had on a khaki coloured knee length dress. The girl beside her was shorter and had dark brown hair and was wearing a gorgeous black dress.

'Hey guys this is Spencer she is my new neighbour and moved to Rosewood yesterday' Emily said.

'Hi there Spencer' the girl with the dark brown hair said. 'I'm Aria and this is Hanna' she said gesturing towards the blonde standing next to her.

'Hi nice to meet you' I greeted with a smile.

'I guessing your going to be coming to Rosewood high' Hanna said.

'Yeah I start there on Monday' I answered.

'I'm sure you'll love it and you'll have us to help you find all your classrooms' aria stated.

'Thanks so much I really appreciate it' I said gratefully. I am so happy I have managed to make 3 new friends already and school hasn't even started yet. Rosewood isn't as bad as I thought.

'No problem at all' Emily said.

The rest of the day we spent together getting to know each other. Hanna seems like the queen bee of the group. Not to say she is mean or anything but she is definitely a girly girl. Aria on the other hand is super bubbly and kind and turns out her mum is an English teacher at Rosewood high. Emily is probably the shyest of the group, she is more the one to give advice and help you through difficult situations. Overall I am really happy that I have made 3 friends who I am pretty sure I can trust and I have a feeling we are going to get along really well together.

'Would you guys want to come over to my house for pizza' I asked. 'My parents are working till late so we would have the house to ourselves'

'Sure' all three of them said at the same time. I laughed at their sudden answer.

'Okay lets go' I said.


Hey so what did you guys think of this chapter ❤️

Only one more chapter until Spencer's first day at Rosewood high ❤️

Will Spencer tell her friends about how nervous she is feeling about going to a new school or will she keep it to herself ❤️

I did change Spencer into a cheerleader because she is pretty athletic and it will be useful later on in the story ❤️

Leave your opinions in the comments, it would be much appreciated ❤️

Also don't forget to vote ❤️

Love you guys loads hope your having a great day ❤️

- L❤️

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