Chapter 42 : Rather Be

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Spencer's POV

* Monday Night*

"Spencer please just stay the night, my parents won't mind' Toby says clinging to my body as I try and squirm out of his grasp. We are lying on his bed and it's getting a little crazy.

"Toby I would it's just my parents are going to be super annoyed with me" I state and put on my shoes which are on the rug. After putting them on I turn back to Toby. "Don't give me that face" I say looking at Toby's facial expression. His lips were pouted outwards and his eyebrows were furrowed. He looked like an angry five year old and I laughed.

"I can give you one of my shirts to sleep in and we can go to your house tomorrow morning so you can get ready for school. Come on Spencer you know you're parents are too busy to realise anyways" Toby suggests. I consider it for a moment. At least that way I wouldn't have to walk in the cold weather back to my house. "And I want to spend as much time as possible with you before you leave" he adds in a whisper.

"Okay then" I say and he pulls me into a huge hug. It's really funny whenever we hug because Toby is a lot taller then me so it's almost like I can only hug his chest.

"I love you so much" he says placing a kiss on my forehead. I smile and look down at the floor. I can feel my cheeks getting gradually redder.

"Well that's good because I love you too" I say in reply and then he smiles.

"Let me just go tell my parents" he says and I nod in reply. 'Meanwhile you can get changed into this' he says handing me one of his shirts. It's massive but there's nothing much I can do.

"Thanks babe" I reply and he just smirks whilst leaving the room. I close the door shut and lock it. Afterwards I get changed into Toby's shirt. If I'm being honest I absolutely love it. It's has Toby's familiar smell which makes me want to wear it all the time. If only I'd be able to just stay here in Rosewood then we would be able to have more sleepovers like this.

I wonder what it would be like if me and Toby were able to be an actual couple. Like I guess we are now that Yvonne's out of the way but I'm moving soon so that kind of ruins everything. And I don't want to think about what we could have been because then I know I'll want to stay even more than I already do. God why is everything so complicated?

I unlock the door and spot Toby making his way up the stairs. He has a huge smile plastered on his face and I can't help but giggle at his immaturity. It's like he's a three year old in a body of a hot teenage boy. He looks as if he can be a model because I mean those abs. No wonder every girl at school drools over him.

"Let me guess they said yes" I say and Toby nods. We walk back into his bedroom and shut the door.

"Yeah you are aloud to stay over but they said we can't share the bed" he states and I nod.

"It would be a bit soon anyways especially since you literally just broke up with Yvonne. They'd be very suspicious" I say and he nods. His expression looks as if he's debating something.

"Well you take the bed and I'll use the spare mattress. We can put it right next to the bed since there's loads of room" he says and I shake my head in disagreement.

"Toby that's unfair on you, I'll take the mattress" I say and Toby jumps onto me. I fall backwards into the bed and Toby laughs.

"Don't make me tickle you" he says looking at me cunningly. I immediately jump up from the bed and back away from him.

"Okay fine I'll take the bed" I say whilst tying my hair up in high ponytail. Toby seems to be staring at me closely and I turn towards him. "What?" I question and he walks towards me wrapping his arms around my waist.

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