Chapter 45 : Perfect Solution

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Song ⬆️ : Perfect
- Ed Sheeran and Beyoncé

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Spencer's POV

* Friday Morning *

I wake up with the sun shining brightly in my face. I groan whilst turning around and check my phone. There is only one reminder that has appeared 4 minutes ago.

🥳 Toby's Birthday 🥳

I feel a smile make its way into my face as I read it. Toby's turning eighteen today and I can't wait to give him his present. It took me a while to decide what to get him but I eventually came to a decision. It's weird thinking that this will be the first birthday of Toby's that I'll be spending since I've moved to Rosewood. And the last.

I haven't come round to telling Toby that I'm leaving this Wednesday. I know I should tell him soon but I'm always worried about how he's going to react. The past couple of days have been amazing. Especially since everyone at school knows that things between him and Yvonne are over and that we are a couple. I don't want to hurt him since he's already been through enough because of me.

I get up and decide to get ready twenty minutes before I usually do. I'm going over to Toby's house before school to wish him happy birthday and see his family. I put on a greyish coloured dress which comes down to the middle of my thigh. It seemed simple but I put my hair down in loose curls and add a little bit of makeup to spice my look up a little.

Once I'm happy with my appearance I take Toby's present and put it in the little gift box I had bought. I also put in the card I had written for him inside and then carefully put the box in my schoolbag. I make my bed quickly and grab my schoolbag and phone. I run down the stairs excitedly since I can't wait to se the pie of my life. Melissa and Wren were standing next to the kitchen island eating some breakfast.

"Hi Spencer" Wren says giving me a smile. Melissa looks at me coldly and just turns back to her food. Since she has told me and mum about her being pregnant she been super angry with us. I mean did she expect us to not be surprised.

"Hi guys" I say grabbing my jacket and putting it on. I'm can't even be bothered eating breakfast at this point. I open the door and begin making my way to Toby's house. I'm really excited to see him as cheesy as it may sound.

* At Toby's house *

I approach the front door of Toby's house and feel my face smiling crazily. I knock once on the door and not even a minute later the door opens revealing the gorgeous, stunning ... Toby Cavanaugh.

"Happy birthday Tobes!" I shout whist throwing my arms over Toby. He lets out a little chuckle and hugs me back. I immediately feel at home in his arms. It makes my heart ache knowing that everyday won't be able to be like this.

"Thanks babe" he replies inviting me inside. He intertwines our fingers and I look down at our hands blushing. I take off my jacket and hang it up on the coat rack and then make my way to the kitchen where everybody else is.

"Hello Spencer" Mrs Cavanaugh says giving me a welcoming smile. I smile in return and sit on the couch beside Toby.

"So how does it feel to officially be eighteen today?" I ask Toby with a smirk on my face. He looks down at me and laughs.

"Good but it makes me feel old" he says wrapping an arm around my shoulder. I snuggle my face into his chest and giggle.

"You are not old Tobes" I say looking up at him and he smiles at me. At that moment Betty comes down the stairs and grins when she sees me and Toby cuddling on the couch.

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