Chapter 21 : Unraveled Secrets

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* Monday lunch *

Me, Hanna, Emily and Aria were caught up in an interesting conversation about Romeo and Juliet. I have no idea how the topic came along but we all had our different opinions.

'I just don't understand how two people can instantly look at each other and be immediately in love' Emily argued taking. Anita our of her sandwich. I widened my eyes at her comment.

'Em you know there is such a thing as love at first sight right?' I asked her with an annoyed expression on my face. Hanna and Aria nodded their heads in agreement.

'And plus Romeo and Juliet sacrificed themselves due to how strong their love was' Aria said before taking a sip of her apple juice. 'I'm pretty sure that shows how much they cared about one another'.

'Yeah but don't you ever think what happened to the girl Romeo was completely in love with before Juliet?' Emily said.

'To be honest I don't really care' Hanna said with a straight face. 'Can we talk about anything else?'. We were all silent for a moment before I spoke up.

'Aria where were you this morning?' I asked with a grin. She looked down at her plate of pasta before her and smiled.

'Well I may have walked to school with my boyfriend' she quietly stated. Me, Hanna and Emily just laughed at her shyness. Aria was very similar to me because we were both pretty quiet and got embarrassed quickly.

I suddenly felt a pair of hands cover my face and I got the fright of my life. I dropped my fork into my salad which was on the table.

'Guess who?' a familiar voice said. I immediately knew who it was. I could recognise that voice anywhere. Toby.

'Hmm let me guess, Chucky?' I said sarcastically. He just let out a chuckle and dropped his hands from my face. I opened my eyes and Hanna and Aria were looking at me like I had three eyes. Emily just say there with a smile on her face. I gave the girl a I will explain it all later look and turned towards Toby.

'So how's your day been' I said patting the chair beside me signalling for him to sit down. He accepted my request and the girls seemed to be in their own private conversation thankfully.

'Yeah fine, would have been much better if Yvonne wasn't stalking me 24/7' He said with a sigh. I really genuinely felt bad for Toby. I would find it hard having to look at the person who cheated on me everyday whereas Toby has to put up with her constantly annoying him. She literally needs to get the hint that he doesn't want to be with her after what happened. 'What about you?' He asked.

'Yeah I'm okay I guess' I said. 'Pretty exhausted though, I didn't get much sleep the entire weekend. He looked at me with wide eyes filled with confusion.

'Well why not?' He asked. I tried my hardest not to smile and just about succeeded.

'Well maybe because you made me watch one of the scariest movies on earth!' I said sarcastically. He just laughed and then said.

'Firstly it wasn't that scary and secondly you are completely over exaggerating'. I just took a bite of my salad and looked up at him.

'Sure whatever you say' I replied which made his face turn into a huge smirk. He really reminds me of the guy in those famous movies which are completely perfect, popular and everything but still have a huge heart. He just seems like a popular jerk but isn't if you know what I mean.

'Anyways what I really came here to ask was if you wanted a lift home after school?' He said. 'Noel is going home with Stacy and Jason's going for a run so the trucks free'. I thought about it for a moment. Emily was going home with Aria after school because they had an assignment to do together. Hanna was going home with Caleb like always so I would be alone. I quickly remembered that the cheer tryouts might have been rescheduled for after school and I completely forgot to check.

'Give me one second' I said to Toby and he nodded. I then turned to Hanna and whispered in her ear. 'Do you know when the cheer tryouts are rescheduled for?'.

'Yeah they are on Thursday after school now' she replied and then turned back to her conversation with Aria and Emily. I could tell that they were either pretending to have a conversation or just talking about me and Toby. I then turned back towards the tall, handsome and stunning figure before me.

'Yeah that's fine' I said to him. 'I'll just meet you in the school parking lot?'.

'Yeah no problem' he said in his husky voice. God can I literally just die now? 'I'll see you later' he said and I nodded.

'Yeah see you' I said before watching him walk away to join his friends table. They were all nudging him and he seemed pretty embarrassed it was pretty cute. All of a sudden the girls began squealing crazily and we were getting numerous stares from other people.

'Omg Spence Toby just came to talk you you!' Aria shouted.

'Guys keep your voice down' I said with a stern look on my face. 'Do you want everyone else to know?'.

'I'm pretty sure everyone else was staring at you two anyway' Hanna said. 'And also when were you gonna tell me and Aria about you and Toby's date'. I looked towards Emily and she shrugged.

'They were going to find out one way or another' she said. I had several messages from Emily after Toby had left so we FaceTimed and I told her everything. I must have completely forgotten that Hanna and Aria didn't even know me and Toby spoke.

'Sorry guys I've just had a lot in my mind lately, I completely forgot' I told Hanna and Aria. They just smiled warmly in return.

'It's fine' Aria said and Hanna nodded. 'So care to tell us what happened?'.


Hey so what did did you guys think of this chapter let me know in the comments or dm me ❤️

Be prepared for many cute Spoby scenes in these next couple of chapters ❤️

Also I am going to try my absolute hardest to attempt to update everyday but please remember that might not always be possible ❤️

I am still currently in school but I still put in 100% effort in this fanfiction ❤️

I am probably not going to include any comment aims for the next couple of chapters but please still comment because that is a major confidence boost for me ❤️

I absolutely love reading all your comments it instantly brings a smile to my face so thank you guys so much ❤️

Next chapter will hopefully be up either today or tomorrow so stay tuned ❤️

Thanks for all your support ❤️

- L❤️

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