Chapter 6 : Love at first sight

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Spencer's POV

* Monday during school *

He had honey blonde hair and eyes as blue as the ocean. He was wearing a short sleeved t-shirt so his biceps were clearly visible. Behind him were a couple of other guys but not near as good looking as him. He walked to the back of the classroom and his friends followed. I was interrupted from my daze by the teacher waking in to the classroom.

'Hello everyone' the teacher said whilst scanning over the room. 'I see we have a new student with us today' he said looking towards me. 'Your name' he asked.

'Spencer Hastings' I said clearly and loudly so he was able to hear me.

'Welcome to Rosewood High Spencer' he said. He checked to see if everyone was present and then we were able to leave. I went with Aria to Maths. It was pretty easy since everything we were taught I already knew so it was just revision for me.

Afterwards I went with Aria and Emily to Music. It was pretty boring since all three of us were pretty bad at playing musical instruments so we ended up talking instead.

* few hours later *

Before I knew it lunch had arrived and after getting something to eat me and the girls went to a table to eat. I could feel the people around us whispering about me but I didn't let it bother me.

All of a sudden everyone turned their heads towards the cafeteria entrance. I was confused and decided to see what they were looking at. I turned my head and there stood the guy I had seen earlier on.

He was just so perfect his face, body, hair, everything! I really want to get to know him better but me being me I'm probably too shy just to go up to him and say hi. So I took this as the chance to the question that had been roaming my head all day.

'Who is he' I said my eyes still not leaving his perfect body. The same people who were behind him this morning at home room were with him again this time. They are probably his friends I thought. The girls looked at me with wide eyes.

'Omg I forgot we hadn't told you who he is' Aria said.

'Well' I said waiting for an answer.

'He is Toby Cavanaugh' Hanna began. 'Only the hottest, gorgeous most popular guy at school' she exclaimed.

Hmm Toby I thought to myself. Even his names perfect but there's no way the most popular guy at school would even look at me. He probably doesn't even know I'm new here to be honest.

'All the girls are after him' Hanna continued. 'But he turns them all down'.

'Why' I asked with a confused look. 'I mean he can get any girl he wants'.

'Toby isn't like his friends' Aria said. 'He doesn't want a girl for her looks he wants a girl for love'.

'That's what makes him so perfect' Hanna said staring at Toby across the cafeteria. I decided not to mention the extreme attraction I had to Toby earlier on to the girls because I didn't want them to know.

'So' I said breaking the silence. 'Who are his friends'.

'Well the tall one standing next to Toby is Noel who we already told you about' Emily said. 'The guy with long brown dark hair is Caleb' she continued.

'Who's the guy wearing the red shirt' I asked.

'That's Jason' Aria said. 'And the one with slightly curly dark brown hair is Ezra' she said with a visible smirk on her face.

'Is there something going on between you and Ezra' I asked my eyes wide in shock.

'Well we have been talking recently' Aria answered. 'And I may have this massive crush on him'.

'Aww that's so cute' I said. 'What about you Hanna got any guys in mind'.

'How did you know' she asked.

'Trust me you made it pretty obvious' I answers with a giggle.

'Well I mean Toby is perfect but since there is pretty much no chance of dating him I am starting to develop feelings for' she paused.

'WHO' me, Aria and Emily shouted. We did earn a couple of flares from the tables surrounding us but we ignored them.

'Caleb' Hanna said burying her head in her hands.

'Aww Hanna that's so cute' Aria said. 'You guys would be great together'.

'Yeah but it's not that easy since he's one of the most popular guys at school' Hanna said with a sigh.

'Yeah but that doesn't mean you guys wouldn't work out' I said. 'It will just be harder getting to know each other especially during school'.

'Yeah I guess' Hanna replied. 'What if I message him to meet up one day' she asked.

'That sounds like a good idea, what about this weekend' Emily said. 'You could go for coffee at the brew'.

'That's a good idea' Hanna replied with a smile.

The rest of the day was spent the same. People staring at me, me having to introduce myself and me knowing everything we were getting taught. Overall being at a new school isn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I guess I was worrying for nothing.


Hey guys so what did you think ❤️

It's officially Spencer's first day at Rosewood high and looks like she has a crush on a certain someone ❤️

How will the rest of her week go ❤️

Also looks like we are starting to get other pll couples in this story too, but the main ship will definitely be Spoby ❤️

I would really appreciate it if you guys could leave a comment or vote ❤️

Next chapter should be out tomorrow so stay tuned ❤️

Hope your enjoying your day so far ❤️

- L❤️

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