Chapter 39 : Unanticipated

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Spencer's POV

* Saturday afternoon *

I'm sitting patiently watching a movie and stuffing myself with sweet and salted popcorn. I don't even know what the movie is about at this point since my mind is elsewhere. I have been waiting for Toby to let me know whether he can come or not. I haven't gotten any more messages from him and it's already 3 o'clock. He's probably with Yvonne or whatever but he should have at least let me know exactly what he's doing.

The girls aren't even free today either. Aria is going on holiday with her family to Ireland for a couple of days since her parents really enjoy it there. Hanna is helping her mum and Pastor Ted out at the church today and Emily has swim practise. I don't even know how she can be bothered swimming even on her holidays but I mean she's committed so I'm really not surprised. And I'm here by myself bored out of my mind.

I always try to the brush off the thought of how Toby is going to take the news. I mean I don't want him to think I don't love him because I mean I completely do it's just really complicated having to sneak around and I don't want that. There is also the risk of Yvonne finding out and then getting her dad to relocate my parents. My mum and dad work so hard at their job and shouldn't have to lose it because of my actions.

The house is super quiet but I've got used to it being like that. Yesterday I was super excited about having a break from school but now I'm not looking forward to probably spending the whole holidays by myself. Am I a quiet person yes, but I don't always like being alone. Because then I just overthink everything and it really doesn't help my depression. I am brought out of my thoughts when I feel my phone vibrate on my lap. I lift it up and I can't stop myself from smiling when I see the text.

Toby : Your Romeo will be at your door in about 2 minutes ❤️

He is actually coming I thought to myself as I got up and began tidying up all the mess I made. I put the empty popcorn bowl in the sink and folded the blanket I was using. I could feel my heartbeat stop in my chest as I remembered. I can't be happy right now I'm ending things with Toby. I am actually going to tell my boyfriend that things aren't working out. And I know for a fact that Toby is going to be very hurt. But I have no choice at this point.

I hear a soft knock on the door and I quickly go and open the door. There Toby stood with a huge smirk plastered on his face. I could feel tears threatening to fall when I see how happy he is. I'm about to completely ruin his mood and upset him. He invites himself inside and placed a soft kiss on my forehead.

'Hey babe how are you?' He asks, engulfing me in a hug. I feel my heart drop and take a big sigh preparing myself for what I'm about to do. 'Spence you okay?' He asks lifting up my chin with his index finger. I know that Toby without a doubt can tell that something is wrong. He knows me better than I know myself half the time.

'Toby we need to talk' I say trying not to make eye contact. I know when I look into those enchanting blue eyes there is no chance I'll be able to do what I'm about to do now. He furrows his eyebrows in confusion and leads me towards the couch. He sits downs and pats the space beside him signalling me to sit down too.

'What's wrong you know you can tell me anything' Toby says intertwining our fingers. I am still trying my absolute hardest not to back out in what I'm about to tell Toby. Because I know it's going to affect me and my depression most of all. And it's definitely not healthy for me especially with my past experiences with panic attack's.

'Well I think that with how things are going with us it's just not going to work. I mean I love you and all Toby but I just can't keep hiding this. Because I know what will happen if anyone else finds out and I don't want that' I say, the lump in my throat growing larger by the second. Toby's emotion immediately changes from concerned to shocked.

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