Chapter 29 : Safe Place

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Spencer's POV

* Sunday morning *

I am awaken by the sun hitting my face making me instantly wake up. I feel an arm draped across my stomach and someone snuggled into my bare neck. I smile to myself as I realise who it was ... Toby.

We were spooning and I didn't exactly want to move. He agreed to stay the night as I was pretty shaken after what happened at Noel's party. Nothing happened between us though we just fell asleep. I mean he only thinks of me as a friend and I respect that decision.
I could hear his soft snores in my ear and suddenly he began to stir. I turned towards him and he opened his eyes and instantly smiled.

'Hey' He said his voice slightly croaky. 'You been up for long' he asked. I shook my head and stared into his bright blue eyes which I have come to love.

'No just a couple of minutes' I said and put my head down on the pillow sighing. 'Somehow I am still exhausted' I said with a laugh.

'What about I treat you to some pancakes?' He said with a heart warming smile.

'You cook?' I asked widening my eyes. I have attempted cooking many times but always end up burning something or pretty much setting the kitchen on fire. My mum didn't exactly have much time to teach me due to her always working so I attempted to teach myself one day. Let's just say things did not turn out well after that. 'I thought you only knew how to make soup'.

'Yeah I have many talents' he said with a smirk and I laughed. 'So what do you say?'.

'Hmm okay only if you teach me how to make them' I stated. He put his hand up to his chin thinking for a second.

'Well I mean it is top secret recipe but I'm sure I can trust you' he joked and I giggled falling back into the bed in laughter. He just smiled and began tickling my sides and I began laughing even harder if that was possible.

'Tobyyyy ... stoppp' I said trying to catch my breath. He just continued until I eventually had to catch my breath.

'Well at least I know how to get you to stop talking now' he said and got up from the bed. I slapped his arm playfully and made my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. Toby went in afterwards and I gave him a new toothbrush to use and made my way downstairs.

A couple of minutes later I felt a pair of hands lift me up and spin me around and I squealed. Toby put me down and looked into my eyes, brown meeting blue. I had always admired how his eyes were such an electric blue colour like the ocean. Anyone could just look into them and instantly become hypnotised.

'Should we start?' He said with a playful smile and I nodded quickly.

'Show me how to make pancakes chef Cavanaugh' I said grabbing the ingredients I thought we would need.

* 10 minutes later *

Me and Toby had finished making the batter for the pancakes and were staring to cook them. Toby was staring closely at the pancakes deciding whether to flip them yet or not. I decided it would be funny to throw flour on him. I grabbed a handful and put it in his head and he just stood there in shock. I couldn't stop myself from bursting into laughter.

'Omg Spencer!' He shouted. 'I will get you back just you wait' he said attempting to get the white powder off of his blonde/brown hair. I came forward and began to help him still giggling a little.

'Come on it was just a joke' I said as he quickly remembered about the pancakes and flipped them. They weren't burnt but they were very close. He plated the pancakes and brought them to the table as I got some maple syrup.

We eat the pancakes whilst laughing about the most random things. It seems as if we have known each other since we were born. I feel so comfortable talking to Toby about anything because I know he won't judge me.

'You want some coffee?' He asked and I widened my eyes.

'Of course do you want me to fall back asleep' I exclaimed and he laughed. 'Make it super black please no sugar or cream'. He nodded and went to go and make the coffee. Whilst he was making it I went on my phone and scrolled through my Instagram. I stopped once I came across a  picture with me. It was posted by Toby.

Toby Cavanaugh has tagged you in his post

• Toby Cavanaugh has tagged you in his post

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Sleeping Angel

He called me a sleeping angel omg! I felt my cheeks get redder by the minute. There were over a thousand comments and I widened my eyes. What is Yvonne gonna think? I look so horrible in the picture and now everyone's going to have a picture of me sleeping.

'Toby what on earth!' I said and he walked towards me with two mugs filed with coffee. He placed them in the table and took a seat, raising his eyebrow.

'What's wrong?' He said confused. I shoved my phone in his face and he seen the post and began laughing. 'Told you of get you back' he said and I pouted my lips in frustration.

'Fine but now we're even' I stated and he nodded. We had our coffees and then spent the rest of the day watching movies and getting to know each other better. The more time I spend with Toby the more I'm starting to realise that I definitely prefer Rosewood to California now. I have best friends who support me and me and Toby are closer than ever. Nothing can ruin this.


Hey guys what'd you think of the story so far, hope your enjoying ❤️

Here's a super cute Spoby chapter for you all since there will be crazy serious drama in the next couple of chapters ❤️

Sorry for not updating everyday like I was aiming for but I will still be posting new chapters around 3 times a week ❤️

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I love getting your guys feedback on the story as it always motivates me to continue writing ❤️

Thanks so much for all the support I'm receiving on this fanfiction, you honestly don't know how much it means to me ❤️

Also for the picture of Toby and Spencer in the bed together just imagine they have pyjamas on ❤️

Anyways that's all and I hope you enjoyed ❤️

Next chapter should be out either tomorrow or some point in the weekend, so stay tuned ❤️

Until then ❤️

- L❤️

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