Chapter 43 : Surprise Visit

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Spencer's POV

* Tuesday morning *

"All done" Toby says putting the broomstick away. He helped me clean up all the broken pieces of glass that were scattered all over the ground. I also messaged the girls that I wouldn't be at school today and to meet me here at my house so I can explain everything. I'm going to tell them about the whole Yvonne situation and that I'm leaving. When my mum told me that her and dad were getting a divorce I thought that would have meant we could stay but then she said she's going to work to pack up here things which answered my theory. "You want to get changed?" Toby asked and I shook my head.

"I like wearing your shirt" I admit shyly and he lets let a little chuckle.

"Well in that case you can keep it" he says wrapping his arms around my waist. I flinch a little because of the pain. "Sorry" he apologises and I shake my head.

"It's fine" I says letting out a sigh. Toby can tell I'm feeling a little down right now and holds my hand in his.

"Spencer you okay?" He asks looking in my eyes as if they would give him the answer. But then again Toby could tell what I was feeling from just looking into my eyes.

"Yeah just tired I guess" I say faking a small smile. The truth is I'm really not okay. My parents are getting a divorce and I'm leaving the love of my life. I know for a fact we won't be able to do long distance either. Especially since I'm on the other side of the world it'll be too painful for me. To not have Toby there to hold me and whisper sweet things into my ear. To not have Toby there to cheer me up and make me laugh. It's best if we just break things up for good.

And to top things off my dad won't be living with us when we go to Europe. I'm going to hate the whole divorce stage. I know my larebgsva

"Come here" he says leading me upstairs. I follow him curious of what he's doing. He walks towards my room and leads me inside. He shuts the door behind us and then looks towards me. "Spence let me see the bruises" he says pleading. I look down at the floor in response. I want to show Toby the bruises that my dad gave me but at the same time I don't want him to be worried.

"Toby I'm fine I swear" I tell him cupping his face but he shakes his head. There's no point in lying to him I thought. He knows me better than anybody else. I just sigh and lift up Toby's shirt from my body. I feel comfortable enough in front of Toby, I mean he's seen me before. His eyes widen as he witnesses the dark purple bruises that are present all across my back, torso and collarbone.

"Babe" he says putting his hand over his mouth in shock. I walk closer towards him and cup his cheek. I know for a fact that anything that hurts me hurts Toby.

"Toby I'm fine okay? They don't hurt anymore" I lie and he furrows his eyebrow. He walks around me slowly grazing his finger over my bruises as if he's trying to get over the fact that they are there. It doesn't hurt but I get goosebumps from his skin against mine.

"I should've got there sooner" he says this time walking away from me towards the window. He looks outside and sighs in distress, leaning on the wall. How can he seriously be blaming himself for this? He was the one who saved me from getting hurt even more, not the one who caused it to happen. I put Toby's body back on and walk up to him. He looks as if he's in a trance because his eyes don't leave the window.

"Toby you can't be blaming yourself for this" I say cupping his face, forcing his eyes to meet mine. He doesn't seem convinced in the slightest and I internally sigh. His usually bright vibrant blue eyes are now a dull colour. "If anything you saved me" I say showing him a reassuring smile. He smiles a little and I lean in until I can feel his soft lips against mine.

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