Chapter 38 : Tough Times

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Spencer's POV

* 2 months later *

It has been a very long and tiring first term of school but I am glad it's finally the October holidays. Since my parents came back from their business trip all they have been doing is pressurising me into getting
A's on every single test I do. And if I get any less I'm grounded. I don't understand why it's that big a deal anyways. Melissa got good scores on all her tests but why does that mean that I have to as well.

You know what's not helping my stress levels at all ... having to sneak around to see Toby. I mean we talk at school and stuff occasionally but not too much in case Yvonne gets suspicious. It hurts me a lot whenever I see Toby and Yvonne together. Especially because everyone except me and Toby think that they are truly in love when it's all a lie. We have met up in the janitors closet a few times just for sown make out sessions nothing much. We both definitely don't see each other as much as we would like but there's nothing we can do. I'm just hoping now that it's the holidays I'll get to see him a lot more.

After me and Emily's fight it took a couple of days for us to apologise and start speaking to each other again. She finally accepted the idea of me and Toby being friends again despite the fact that he's dating Yvonne. It's been so hard not to tell the girls the real story about why Toby is dating Yvonne. Thankfully they have just accepted it and moved on.

We have an upcoming cheer competition in a few weeks so I have also been super busy organising that. As much as I love being cheer captain it's a lot of hard work especially since I have so much on my shoulders already. Somehow I am managing my way through it with the help of my friends and well Toby I guess. Just knowing that he's there for me is a motivational boost.

* Saturday morning *

Finally the first day of my two week holiday I thought to myself as I got up to get ready. It was 9 o'clock which is pretty late for me in waking up so I wasted no time in getting changed. My parents informed me yesterday night that they would be going to work early tomorrow so I'm hoping that Toby will be able to sneak over here to meet me. The only thing I'm worried about it the girls turning up especially Emily since she lived right next door. I went downstairs and ate some breakfast quickly before messaging Toby.

Me : Hey Tobes you want to come over, my parents are at work?

I pressed send and sighed. I haven't told Toby this but I'm really annoyed how we can't just have a normal relationship. Well I mean I know why it's just hurtful I guess not being able to be with Toby when I want to. And on top of that him pretending to be in love with Yvonne. If he hadn't told me the real story I would have actually believed they were a true couple and not faking it. They hold hands and hug and stuff but thankfully haven't seen them kiss just yet. I know I wouldn't be able to stand the sight of Toby kissing another girl. A heard a ping come from my phone and I looked at the notification.

Toby : Emm I'm not sure I'll have to check if Yvonne has anything planned for us today first. I'll try and let you know as soon as possible ❤️

Me : Okay that's fine, missing you lots 💗

I put my phone down onto the kitchen island after sending Toby my reply. I can feel tears brimming to eyes and I try my hardest to blink them away. Anything me and Toby do nowadays is all dependant on Yvonne. Obviously she can't know about me and Toby secretly dating but I mean how am I going to go on like this? Every time I see Toby and Yvonne together my heart just drops and I can't even react otherwise everyone will know that somethings up.

At this point I don't even know if me and Toby's relationship is worth putting at risk. As much as I love Toby and all it doesn't stop it from hurting me whenever we can't be together. And on top of that if Yvonne finds out it's over completely for both of us and I can't let that happen. For once in my life I have to take a step back from what I want and think about how much I'm going to lose if things go wrong at this point.

I know for a fact Toby's not going to want to break up but I mean what other choice do I have? I can either sneak around Yvonne and see Toby only a few times including when he's with her. Or I can just let them be together without interfering and hopefully when Yvonne realises her master plan was a whole waste of time she'll just leave Toby alone. Therefore letting me and Toby be together as a proper couple. I'll tell Toby the next time I see him but there's just one question lingering in my mind. How will he take the news?



Sorry I just really had to start this off with how grateful I am for every single one of you guys ❤️

This means so much to me, especially knowing people are actually enjoying what I write ❤️

I cannot thank you guys enough, having your support and feedback on my story has been major boost for me to continue writing this fanfiction ❤️

Anyways enough of that what did you guys think of the chapter, I know it was short but I'll be updating again soon since it's actually my holidays too ❤️

There's no comment aim for the next couple of chapters btw because I'm going to try and update regularly for you guys so stay tuned ❤️

I did a time lapse so it's been 2 months since Spencer and Toby's relationship began and they've been hiding it ever since ❤️

Do you think Spencer will end up breaking things off with Toby or do you think she'll try to fight for their relationship to live on ❤️

Please follow my account because I only have very few followers but many people viewing my stories and then that way more people will be informed of the story and I won't have to keep asking ❤️

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I love getting your guys feedback on the story as it always motivates me to continue writing ❤️

Thanks so much for all the support I'm receiving on this fanfiction, you honestly don't know how much it means to me ❤️

I also want to let you guys know that I have another book which I will be writing random Spoby one shots so please go and check them out ❤️

Until we reach the aim ❤️

- L❤️

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