Chapter 8 : Odd One Out

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Spencer's POV

* Wednesday morning *

Another day of school I said to myself as I got up and walked into my bathroom. I was feeling pretty good today for some reason. I brushed my teeth, washed my face and had a shower. As the cold water ran down my back I could hear my phone buzzing from my bathroom. It must be my friends I thought.

I put on the orange and dark blue dress I was going to wear Monday and blow friend my hair. I applied a some makeup and then checked my phone.

Aria : You guys wanna meet at the Brew for breakfast again?

Emily : Sure what time?

Hanna : What about in 20 minutes?

Aria : Okay

I realised I only had 10 minutes to get there and quickly messaged my friends my reply.

Me : Okay I'm about to leave

I quickly put on my shoes, grabbed my schoolbag, took my phone off of my night stand and went down the stairs. After locking up I managed to catch Emily walking a couple of blocks ahead of me.

'Hey' I said still trying to catch my breath from running after her.

'Hey Spence' she replied. 'I phoned you to tell you to come outside so we could walk but you never answered'.

'Yeah sorry about that' I said. 'I was in the shower'.

'No problem at all' she replied with a smile. Emily is definitely one of the kindest people you could ever meet. She is super caring and really smart too. I felt me and her definitely spend the most time together since we are neighbours.

Once we arrived at the Brew we seen Hanna sitting at the table at the back so we ordered what we wanted and joined her. I ordered a decaf black coffee with a strawberry fruit yoghurt and Emily got a mango iced tea with a granola bar.

'Hey' Hanna said showing an all teeth smile.

'Hi' me and Emily replied. I was really confused as to why Hanna was so happy. She is usually not a morning person at all.

'What's up with you' I asked. 'And where's Aria?'.

'Well Aria is over there speaking to Ezra' she said pointing to the a couple of metres away from us. There stood Aria with a huge grin on her face. Ezra was sitting down and it seemed they were in a pretty deep conversation.

'Is that why you are so happy' Emily asked.

'Well I mean that and ...' she trailed off.

'And what' I asked eager to know. For the first time ever I seen something in Hanna that I haven't witnessed before. She looked happy. And I don't mean just happy that she got new shoes or happy that we got her a cookie I mean actual sincere happiness. I could see it in her eyes they were bright blue and I could tell she was elated about something.

'I asked Caleb if he wanted to meet at the Brew this Saturday' she said. 'And he said yes' she squealed.

'Omg Han congrats' I said as we dived into a group hug.

'Thanks guys' she said. 'I can't wait'.

Just then Aria walked over to the table her face blushing.

'Hey there Mrs Fitz' Emily said. Me and Hanna burst out into laughter while aria just stood there with her head in her hands.

'Guys someone might hear you' she warned.

'So what they need to know he's taken Hanna said. 'And besides don't try and pretend you didn't like it'.

'So are you guys a thing now' I asked.

'Well as a matter of fact we are' Aria said. I could tell she wanted to just scream that her and Ezra are dating the second she left his table but she held it in.

'It's about time' Emily said with a smile.

We realised the time and quickly finished our breakfast and headed to school.

* Wednesday during lunch *

Me, Hanna Emily and Spencer we're sitting at the table joking about Hanna and Aria's Recent love life.

'So Hanna you and Caleb's name is Haleb' Emily began.

'And Aria you and Ezra's couple name is Ezria' I said laughing.

'Not funny guys' Aria said with a stern look.

'I kinda like it' Hanna said. 'Haleb has a nice ring to it'.

All of a sudden people started whispering around us. We turned around and seen Yvonne, Alison and Mona walking up to the table where the popular guys were sitting.

They were wearing the shortest skirts I had ever seems and the most revealing shirt too. And I thought what I wore on Monday was revealing. I guess they were trying to intimidate the guys and it seemed to be working.

Noel had a huge smirk one his face and was looking up and down their bodies. Jason on the other hand just rolled his eyes and continued eating his lunch. Toby seemed the most annoyed out of them all. He stood up whispered something in Yvonne's ear which made her smirk disappear. She strutted away from the table, her so called 'friends' following her.

'Why can't they just leave everyone alone' Emily said with a sigh.

'Because' Aria began. 'They won't stop until they get what they want'.

'Guys I've been meaning to tell you something' Emily said quietly but loud enough for us to hear.

'Yeah sure what's up' I said taking a bite into my apple.

'Well I'm just going to give it to you straight' she said. 'I'm gay'.

'Em that's no problem' Hanna said. 'You know we would never judge you'.

'Thanks guys your so supportive' Emily said with a smile.

'No problem' Aria said. 'So Em are you starting to develop feelings for a certain someone'.

'Well yes I mean I am starting to have a crush on Maya' she said whilst her cheeks turned a red colour.

'Em you too would be great together' I said. 'I mean if she's into girls'.

'Yeah I'm planning to spend more time with her and then find out' Emily said.

'Good idea' Hanna said.

We all went silent after that and it made me wonder. All my friends are either dating, have a crush or are making some sort of progress on their love life while I am sitting crushing on the most popular guy on school. I mean there should never be anything between me and Toby. And plus he doesn't even want a girl in his life right now. But still he's just so ... perfect.


Hey guys what did you think of this super long chapter ❤️

Please leave a comment and vote ❤️

Poor Spence has a crush on the most popular guy at school ❤️

I named the chapter 'Odd One Out' because all Spencer's friends are making progress on their social life but she's left out ❤️

Do you think Spencer might make an effort to try to talk to Toby, or will his popularity get in the way ❤️

Also I just wanted to confirm Ezra is a student and in the same year as Aria in this fanfiction ❤️

Jason is also not related to Spencer or Alison in any way ❤️

Thanks so much for all the love I've been getting on this story so far ❤️

Aim is 3 comments till next chapter let's see how fast we can reach it ❤️

Hope you are enjoying this fanfiction so far ❤️

- L❤️

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