Chapter 17 : Sudden Connection

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Spencer's POV

* Saturday morning *

I am awoken from my slumber by the sun shining down on my face. I opened my eyes which were still adjusting to the light coming in through the windows. I looked outside to see that the storm had stopped and the rain was all dried up.

I had completely forgotten where I was until I felt someone's arm around my stomach. I turned around to see Toby hugging me from behind. I smiled at the sight. He's so cute when he's sleeping I thought to myself.

I looked around the classroom careful not to wake Toby up. Nobody else was awake just yet it seemed. I guess I have been so used to getting up super early for school that I have a mental alarm system now.

I lay my head back down on the rough carpet and sighed. My back was aching badly. I had some pretty serious back issues from when I was younger. I would constantly be doing tons of sports and my body eventually couldn't handle it. I was almost banned from participating in any sports activities for a while bit thankfully it got better. It seemed as though the pain was returning. Probably from me sleeping on the hard carpet floor.

I tried rubbing my shoulders to ease the pain but it didn't change anything. I just decided to try and go back to sleep because it was a Saturday and also because everyone else was still sleeping too.

* 1 hour later *

I felt a thumping noise coming from the floor which caused me to wake up. I lifted up my head only to find it wasn't the floor it was Toby's heartbeat. I was somehow leaning on his chest. He still had his arm wrapped around me in a protective manner which I found really cute. I must have rolled onto his chest when I fell asleep again.

Even though me and Toby aren't dating or anything I still feel like there is like a sudden connection between us. I mean we have only spoke a couple of times and all but I guess there is such a thing as love at first sight right?

I am interrupted from my thoughts when I feel Toby move. I decide to quickly close my eyes and pretend I am sleeping. I open my eyes slightly to reveal Toby looking around the classroom. He looked pretty confused but still kept his arm wrapped around me.

I decided it was probably right to pretend to wake up now. I wanted to see what Toby would do. I moved a little and groaned trying to get his attention. Once I assumed I had succeeded I opened my eyes and started scanning around the room lifting my head from Toby's chest. I could feel his eyes on me the entire time. I then turned towards him.

'Hey' He said with a grin on his face. He hadn't moved his arm that was draped across my stomach.

'Hey Toby' I said whilst rubbing my eyes.

'Sorry looks like I got a bit close to you last night' he apologises. 'I guess I totally forgot we were at school huh?'.

'Don't worry about it' I replied. 'Seems like no one else is awake'.

'Yeah it's only 9 o'clock so I'm not surprised' he said shrugging his shoulders. 'We still on for today?' he asked huskily. Damn his morning voice was hot! I could get used to this I thought to myself before answering his question.

'Yeah' I said giving him a small smile. I tried to sit my body up but immediately stopped once I felt the same pain shoot up my back. I winced in pain still trying to massage my shoulders.

'You okay?' He asked his voice filled with sincerity. It was still really deep and hoarse.

'Yeah it's just my back' I said trying not to make him worry. 'I guess it's just hurting because we had to sleep on the hard carpet'.

'Yeah true' he said before stretching out his arms. His biceps were huge and his rock hard abs stuck out from his shirt. I had to try my absolute hardest to look away. I mean the last think I wanted was for my crush to think I was some crazy stalker. It was obvious that he went to the gym or did some kind of working out.

I felt someone Hanna stir behind me and I decided I should probably wake her up.

'Hanna wake up' I said whilst shaking her gently. She groaned in annoyance. Like I said before she is definitely not a morning person.

'Spence let me sleep' she argued. 'It's the weekend'.

'Yeah it is the weekend Hanna but have you forgot that we are at school and your crush is sitting a few meters away from you' I whispered in her ear. That immediately got her to jump up. She fixed her hair, smoothed out her crinkled clothes and rubbed the sleep from her eyes.

'Much better' I said with a giggle. I seen her face turn a light shade of red. I honestly do not know what I would have done if Hanna wasn't in this class to be honest. Probably sat in the corner by myself reading a book by myself.

Slowly everyone starting waking up and the noise of chatter filled the room. The only person who wasn't awake was Miss Montgomery. She was still in a pretty deep sleep but I'm not surprised. According to Aria she works almost 24/7 and hardly got any sleep like most teachers. Me and Hanna talked for a while trying to pass by time.

'So you excited for your date with Caleb today?' I asked Hanna a smirk forming on my face.

'Yeah actually I am' she said with a chuckle. 'I mean I'm not excited about spending 4 hours getting ready but other than that I can't wait!'. I have always admired this part of Hanna. She is never nervous or scared of anything. She's completely fearless. She can easily stand up to anyone without hesitating once.

It's weird because me and Hanna are complete opposites yet we get along so well. She is really bubbly, open and confident whereas I am more shy, quiet and concealed. It's like the sun and the moon, they both need each other but they are both so different and unique in their own ways. And I wouldn't change our friendship for the world.


Hey what are your opinions on this fanfiction so far, let me know in the comments ❤️

I know we hadn't reached our aim on the last chapter but I don't like keeping you guys waiting for too long ❤️

I'll usually wait a couple days and update whether or not we have reached our goal ❤️

Also I apologise in case you guys can't understand some worlds from this fanfiction ❤️

I am from the uk and the language is pretty different so I hope you guys can understand ❤️

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What did you guys think of this chapter ❤️

What will happen between Spencer and Toby ❤️

I know the pic has nothing to do with the chapter, but I couldn't find anything else so apologies in advance ❤️

Thank you guys so much for 300 views it means a lot to me ❤️

Hope you enjoyed this chapter and the aim for the next one is 2 comments ❤️

Until next time ❤️

- L❤️

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