Chapter 47 : Fresh Start

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Song ⬆️ : Outnumbered
- Dermot Kennedy

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Spencer's POV

* Saturday morning *

I open my eyes slowly, adjusting to the light entering from the window. For a a minute I forget where I am. But then I spot the one person in my life who I can't live without right by my side.

He has one arm draped across my stomach and I notice I have given him no space on the bed. He's crushed into the side of the bed but what can I say I need my space.

His hair is draped across his face and his mouth is slightly open. His chest is slowly moving upwards and the downwards due to his breathing. Somehow even when he's sleeping he looks like the cutest thing on Earth.

He slowly starts to stir and I smile at him. I probably look like such a mess right now but I couldn't care less. I could definitely get used to waking up to this every morning. The love of my life. Toby.

"Hey Spence" he says in his groggy voice but still with a smile across his adorable face.

"Hey" I reply pushing his hair out his face. I begin to get up but Toby wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me to his chest.

"Don't leave, let's stay here for a bit" Toby says with his face buried in my shoulder.

"Toby the girls will be here soon" I tell him, trying to squirm out of his grasp. He keeps ahold of me with his super firm grip.

"Spence please" Toby says with a groan and I sigh.

"Fine but for only two minutes" I say getting comfortable in his arms. I can feel him smirk into my shoulder and I laugh.
"God you are way to happy about this" I say.

"I'm just happy about the way things are going. I'm happy that you are no longer leaving. I'm happy that we are now living together. And I'm happy that your face is that last thing I'll see before I go to sleep every night" Toby says looking down at me lovingly.

I can feel my cheeks getting redder by the second. Things between me and Toby are going so well. I mean I have had relationships in the past but none of them have gone as far as me and Toby's. I mean we are actually living together.

"I love you Tobes" I say kissing Toby on the cheek. He smiles at me and I look passionately into his bright electric blue eyes.

"I love you too Spence. I'm sorry for the way I acted last night" he says and I shake my head.

"Don't mention it. I forgive you" I say and he smiles.

I love Toby's smile with all my heart. The way his lips lifted upward. The way his one dimple crinkles. The way his teeth are perfectly aligned. The warm glow his happiness gives. His smile is a ray of sunshine, and I am a sunburn.

"I should get ready" I say getting up from Toby's chest. He looks like he's about to argue for a minute but then he just nods. "I won't be long okay?" I say hoping to make him feel better.

"Yeah don't worry about me" Toby says also getting up from the bed.

I give him a quick hug and send the girls a message to meet me at The Brew for breakfast and so I could explain everything. Afterwards I began getting ready.

There are several thoughts swirling my brain. Of course I'm happy but like I'm excited and nervous to tell the girls. Will they think I moved in with Toby too fast? That our relationship won't last?

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