Chapter 24 : Revealed Positions

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Spencer's POV

* Thursday at the football pitch *

I could feel butterflies flying crazily around my stomach. I looked at Hanna and gave her a small smile. Everyone else had their eyes completely focused on Coach Staley as if they're life depended on it. Cheerleading has always been a huge part of my life. I started at the age of five and never stopped.

'There is only enough space for 15 of you girls' Coach Staley stated. 'One captain for the team and the remaining fourteen cheerleaders'. We all looked around at each other nervously. The boys trying out for the football team seemed to still be doing auditions I guess you could call it. There was a lot more of them compared to us.

'I will begin by listing the fourteen cheerleaders and then your captain' she continued. 'Okay congratulations to all the following girls'. We all held our breath waiting. 'Yvonne, Kirsty, Stacy, Leigh, Jade, Hanna, Chloe, Amy, Sarah, Paige, Maya, Eva, Betty and Veronica' the Coach said before taking a breath. I could hear girls screaming their heads off and others on the verge of tears.

I looked at Hanna and gave her a smile. 'Congrats Hanna' I said hugging her. She just smiled in return.

'Thanks Spence I'm sorry you didn't get in' she said giving me a sympathetic smile. I just waved my hand at her comment.

'Honestly don't worry about it' I said genuinely. 'I wasn't that bothered about it anyway, I just wanted something to do'. She just nodded her head at my answer. Suddenly you could hear all the girls shushing each other.

'We still have to find out the new cheer captain' Coach Staley said. 'Congratulations to ... Spencer!' She shouted. Everyone started cheering and Hanna quickly engulfed me in a huge hug.

'Omg, omg, omg Spencer well done!' She squealed in my ear. Everyone was talking amongst themselves. 'Now at least I won't be alone' she said with a huge grin.

'Aww thank you Han' I replied. 'I wasn't even that good'.

'Nonsense, you were really good like better than Yvonne' she said. 'I'm so glad your going to be our captain, you'll be great'. I just smiled one if the biggest smiles I've ever done.

I, Spencer Hastings is now captain of the cheerleading team at Rosewood high. I was beyond happy. Everything in Rosewood is turning out great so far. I've made three amazing best friends. I'm friends with my crush and we get along amazingly together. And now I am officially captain of the cheerleading team. Seems like moving here wasn't that bad after all.

Coach Staley then informed us that our first practise session would be on Monday. We left to go and get changed back into our previous clothes. Yvonne seemed in a super annoyed mood. I can't help but feel somewhat nervous if she's plotting something against me I mean I have kissed her crush, said I didn't want to be her friend and kind of stole her role on the cheer team. What am I supposed to do to prevent those things from happening though?

Afterwards me and Hanna went to her locker to put a few things away. Whilst we were waiting we could hear a few guys at the end of the corridor. I turned around and it was Toby and his friends. Hanna's eyes immediately lit up when she seen Caleb just like mine did once I spotted Toby. Jason And Noel were their too but there was no sign of Ezra. He was probably making out with Aria somewhere I thought.

Once they approached us we tried to act casual. Hanna informed me that she was going with Caleb and then left.

'Did you try out for cheerleading' Toby asked me. His face was a little bit shiny from sweat so I could tell he had been doing a lot more sport than we did. His T-shirt stuck slightly to his chest and his six pack stood out. I had to try my absolute hardest to keep my eyes looking at his face.

'Yeah I did' I answered. Noel and Jason stood there awkwardly and then whispered something in Toby's ear. Toby nodded and the other two walked off. 'I'm guessing you tried out for the football team huh?' I said.

'Yeah I got the team captain like every year' he bragged flicking his hair in a girly manner. I just giggled at his silliness.

'Well that's ironic, I got team captain for the cheer team' I replied. His eyes widened and he immediately picked me up and span me around. It wasn't strange or anything like it would have been with any other guy. I found it pretty cute. 'It's not that big a deal' I said once he put me down. He just smiled looking down at me.

'I have had to put up with Yvonne being the cheer captain for years on end' he explained. 'I would have to catch her after she did a flip or if we won a match take a picture with her on my shoulder at the end'. I sighed sympathetically at him. He's been through so much.

'Well no need to worry about that anymore' I said giving him a smile. He just smiled in return as we walked towards the exit of the school.

'You want a lift home?' He asked stopping for a moment on the steps.

'Yeah sure, my legs are killing me' I replied and he nodded. We walked towards his golden truck and I put my cheer stuff in the back. Whilst we were driving towards my house Toby put the radio on. He began singing to the song and I burst out into a fit of laughter.

'What?' He asked me with an innocent smile.

'Your an amazing singer you know that?' I said sarcastically. He just smirked.

'So I've been told' he replied. The rest of the journey was either us talking about our day at school or Toby attempting to sing along to the radio. I just feel so happy with him. I mean even if we can be together I would always want him in my life. No matter what.


Hey soooo Spencer's the cheer captain ❤️

And what a coincidence that Toby is the football captain too ❤️

Be prepared for some crazy cute Spoby moments yet to come ❤️

Please comment and vote it would mean a lot to me ❤️

Next chapter should be out tmrw and I also apologise that today's chapter came out a bit late ❤️

I have been super busy with high school and outdoor clubs that I have had hardly any time to write ❤️

Thanks for all the support you guys give, I know I say this a lot but I am just so grateful ❤️

Who else can't believe that we are already on chapter 24 and that we have 563 reads ❤️

I am literally mind blown at how many people have actually read my fanfiction ❤️

When I started writing this story on Wattpad I never in a million years would have expected this much reads ❤️

Also tomorrow's chapter is going to contain loads of drama so stay tuned and leave your theories in the comments ❤️

Anyways hope you liked this chapter and remember to give this account a follow on Wattpad ❤️

Until tomorrow ❤️

- L❤️

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