Chapter 4 : Bottled Emotions

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Spencer's POV

* Sunday evening *

Me and my new friends Emily, Aria and Hanna are just sitting around my TV waiting for the pizza to arrive. We are watching the notebook since we all absolutely love the movie.

'Why don't we play a game so I can get to know you guys better' I offered.

'Sure what about would you rather' Hanna said.

'Ok I'll start' Aria began. 'Emily would you rather live without bacon or live without pizza'

'Live without bacon definitely, I can't live without pizza' Emily said as if it was the most obvious answer. 'Okay Spencer would you rather be in a broken ski lift or be in a broken elevator' she asked.

'Hmm' I said taking a minute to decide my answer. 'Probably be in a broken elevator because that way I wouldn't be able to see how high up I am'.

'I would say broken elevator too' Hanna said.

'Okay Hanna' I said with a smile on my face. 'Would you rather never have a boyfriend or have a relationship with a random guy you have never met'

'Never have a boyfriend no doubt' Hanna said. 'I would hate to have to date a guy like I don't know Noel Kahn'

'Eww that would be horrible' Aria said.

'Who's Noel Kahn' I said with a confused expression on my face.

'Omg I totally forgot you don't know who he is' Hanna said with a chuckle. 'He's one of the most popular guys at school but he's a complete jerk when you get to know him.

'He acts like he cares about you and then minute he dumps you for the next girl' Emily said.

'Sounds like a dumbass' I said. 'I hope I don't run into him'.

'Don't worry I won't let him lay a finger on you' Aria said.

'Thanks' I replied a huge smile on my face. Just then the doorbell rang. 'It's probably the pizza' I said. After paying the delivery man I brought the pizza to the girls. It tasted so good it was like I was in heaven.

We talked for about an hour and then suddenly Hanna said 'Spencer we can help you decide your outfit for tomorrow'. She seemed super happy and I didn't want to turn down her offer because I literally hadn't even thought about what I was going to wear.

'Sure' I replied.

We all went upstairs into my room and the three girls ran into my wardrobe. I have no idea what they were doing but all I could hear was the hangers screeching on the rails and my clothes being thrown around. I decided just to take a seat on my bed because I didn't want to walk into the war going on in my closet.

After a couple of minutes the girls came out and handed me 2 outfits to pick from. One of them was a dark blue and orange striped dress and it looked like it came up to about my knees. The other outfit was a red sleeveless tank top and it was paired with some dark blue denim shorts.

'Well come on then try them on' Hanna said with a huge grin on her face.

'Ok give me a sec' I said whilst walking into my bathroom. I first tried on the blue and orange dress which seemed okay for my first day in my opinion. I walked out the room and the girls all had huge smirks on their face.

'You look sexy' Aria said. I laughed at her sudden remark.

'I still think you should try the other one on' Emily said.

'Okay sure' I said. 'Give me a minute' I said walking into the bathroom. The second outfit was a lot more revealing. I usually don't wear outfits that show a lot of skin but looks like I'm going to be out of my comfort zone. I walk out the bathroom and the girls begin to squeal really loudly.

'Why are you guys going crazy' I ask.

'Because you look HOT' Hanna said emphasising the last word.

'So I guess you guys like the second outfit better' I ask.

'YESSSS' all three of them scream.

'Okay then I guess it's sorted' I reply a lot more calmly.

'All the boys are going to be falling for you' Emily said with a smirk.

'Yeah right' I said rolling my eyes.

'She's right Spence' Aria said. 'You look amazing'.

'Thanks guys' I said with a genuine smile.

'No problem' Hanna said. 'So are you excited for your first day at Rosewood High tomorrow' she asked.

'More like nervous' I said with a sigh. 'I'm just having these thoughts about the worst things happening to me'.

'Don't worry Spence, you have us we will help you' Emily said.

'You guys don't know how much that means to me' I stated. We shared a group hug and the rest of the night was spent taking selfies, gossiping and the girls giving me advice for my first day. I'm starting to feel a lot better now that I know that I have them. Seems like Rosewood isn't as bad as I thought.


Hey so what do you guys think of the story so far ❤️

I know this chapter is a lot longer than my previous two but I had a lot to fit in ❤️

Next chapter will be Spencer's first day at the new school ❤️

I may post another chapter today depending on the feedback I get from this one ❤️

So how do you guys think Spencer's first day at Rosewood high will go ❤️

Don't forget to leave a comment and vote ❤️

Thanks for all the support you guys have given me on this story it means a lot ❤️

- L❤️

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