Chapter 28 : Handsome Hero

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Toby's POV

* Saturday at Noel's party *

I have been looking everywhere for Spencer but there's absolutely no sign of her. I mean she said she was going to come so I'm pretty confused. I decide to give it a rest and go to hand out with some other people. The music was super loud and I'm surprised the neighbours haven't complained yet. I am only a tiny bit tipsy so far as I don't really drink a lot. This six pack doesn't come from nowhere you know.

People are beginning to get up and dance at this point. It is clear that they are super drunk because they are stumbling all over the place. I laughed and decided to go outside for a bit. As I approached the door leading to the back garden I heard a splash. I wrinkled my eyebrows in confusion and walked out the door.

I seen Noel casually walking away from the pool with a smirk on his face. There was a couple of people laughing along with the people beside them but other than that it was pretty quiet. I looked down at the bright blue pool which had water swishing side to side and seen a small figure inside struggling to get out. Omg it was Spencer!

I wasted absolutely no time in throwing off my shirt and diving in. Noel's pool is pretty deep so I had to swim quite a distance before eventually reaching her small petite body. My eyes were beginning to sting from the chlorine so I quickly took her into my arms and swam to the surface.

I breathed deeply as I came out the pool and put Spencer on one of the beach chairs. She looked so ... lifeless. No she can't be dead I thought to myself. I have a feeling it was Noel who had done this but I wasn't going to confront him until I was certain.

All of a sudden she began coughing heavily and releasing all the water she inhaled. I just moved her wet but soft hair from her face and began rubbing her back. It took her a couple of minutes to begin breathing normally. She looked up at my face and a look of relief immediately came upon hers.

'Toby you saved me' she said leaping into my arms. I engulfed her in a huge hug which lasted quite a while. Neither of us cared that we were both soaking wet and shivering uncontrollably because we had the one thing that mattered ... each other.

After about 10 minutes of me comforting I decided to speak up. 'Do you want me to take you home?' I asked.

'Yes please if you don't mind' she said. I laughed and she wrinkled her eyebrows.

'Even when you've been pushed into a swimming pool you manage to be kind. I love that about you' I stated. She smiled and looked away from me. I doesn't take a genius to figure out that she was blushing.

'Wait here a second' I said removing her from my lap and setting her on the pool chair. 'I'll be right back'.

I walked over to the summer house where I knew that Noel and his family kept towels. I grabbed one for Spencer and gave it to her.

'Here keep this on so you don't feel cold' I said helping her put it around her small frame.

'What about you Toby, you're going to freeze' she said.

'I'll be fine, my shirts right over here anyways' I said walking over to the white shirt Spencer had chosen for me and picking it up. We walked out the house and I kept my arm around her the entire time. People were giving us weird looks but I didn't care.

I led her to my truck and switched the heating on allowing Spencer to heat up. We drove to her house and quickly went inside due to the now dropping temperature outside. The ride was a comfortable silence and she unlocked the house allowing us to enter.

'Why don't you go and have a warm shower and I'll make some of my mums famous soup to help warm you up' I offered.

'Toby it's fine you don't have to do this for me I can manage myself' she said placing her hand over mine. I flinched.

'Spencer your hands are freezing!' I said ushering her upstairs. 'And don't worry about it I'd much rather be here with you than alone at a party filled with drunk teenagers' I admitted. She just nodded and made her way upstairs. I felt really sorry for her. She's still new here and all and it doesn't seem like she's feeling very welcome after today. I sighed and began making the soup.

* 1 hour later *

Me and Spencer were sitting in the couch cuddled together. She had drank the soup a while ago and was slowly warming up which was good. I just sat and played with our hands intertwining them and pulling them apart. It wasn't awkward or anything it was actually pretty relaxing being here with her.

'Toby do you mind staying here the night, I don't exactly want to be alone after what happened' she explained. I lifted her chin up so she was looking into my eyes.

'Of course Spencer, but I mean you still haven't exactly told me what happened' I replied. Her face immediately saddened. 'It's fine if you don't want to as well' I quickly added in case she got the wrong impression.

'No Toby I want to tell you it's just .. you might not exactly like what I have to say' she explained. I nodded my head.

'Spencer don't worry about me, if you need someone to talk to I'm here' I stated. A small smile immediately appeared on her face after I said that.

She began to explain exactly what happened to her before she got pushed into the pool. My eyes widened as she told me. I literally couldn't believe my ears. I could feel my jaw tendering and my anger building up inside of me. He was like a brother to me. How could he even do that? But there was one thing by the end of her explaining what happened that I am certain of ... Noel better watch out.


Heyyyyy what'd you guys think ❤️

Really sorry for the late update I've been feeling a little under the weather lately but still try to make time to write ❤️

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, I tried to include many cute Spoby moments ❤️

Please comment your thoughts/opinions/theories it would mean a lot ❤️

I would love to know what you guys think this story is lacking and I will hopefully try to change that ❤️

Also please vote/follow/share ❤️

I will try my hardest to publish the next chapter ASAP but I am struggling to find time nowadays so bear with me ❤️

Anyways that's all I have to say for now except hope you guys enjoyed ❤️

Lots of love guys ❤️


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