Chapter 32 : Family Greetings

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Spencer's POV

I am walking towards Toby's house completely freaking out. I mean his family will probably be there and what if I have a bad impression on them? After school I had got changed into a coral dress which ended just above my knees. It was a casual yet pretty dress which I thought would be perfect for the occasion. I also just fixed my hair by curling a few pieces and putting on some perfume.

I approached the massive looking house recognising the golden truck parked outside. Toby's probably back from detention I thought. I walked up the stairs and knocked a couple of times. I could hear talking from the inside and the door opened to reveal the one guy I can never take my eyes off of ... Toby.

'Hey come on in' he said and I followed him inside the house. It was a lot bigger than my house so I guessed that he had a pretty rich family. I could spot a girl coming down the stairs. She had pale skin and blonde hair pulled into a ponytail. Is this maybe his new girlfriend?

'Spencer this is my sister Betty' Toby stated and I immediately felt my body relax. I know it was overprotective of me to think it was his girlfriend but she's really pretty and Toby has never told me about her. She and Toby look pretty similar except the fact that Toby is more tanned and has blue eyes whereas she has green.

'It's very nice to meet you' I said shaking her hand and she gave me a heart warming smile.

'You too Spencer, Toby's spoke a lot about you' she said and Toby put his head in his hands. I just laughed at their silliness. Betty and Toby seem to have a really good friendship unlike me and Melissa. I would always get pressured into getting perfect grades like Melissa or become class president like Melissa.

'Oh has he now?' I replied raising my eyebrow at Toby and he just chuckled.
'So what the age difference between you two?' I asked.

'I am a year younger than Toby' Betty said and I nodded.

'Come on let's go meet my parents' Toby said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the kitchen. I felt a sudden spark of electricity fly through my body when he touched me. We approached two mid aged adults who were standing beside the island in the kitchen.

'Hey mum, dad this is Spencer' he said introducing me and I shook both of their hands.

'It's a pleasure meeting you Spencer' Toby's mum said with a smile. She had the same chestnut brownish blonde hair as Toby but it was clear he got his eyes from his dad.

'Come on let's go upstairs' Toby said ushering me towards the staircase. I nodded and followed him to his room. It was a very large sized room and the walls were painted a dark blue colour. He had a large bookcase filled with different novels which was connected to a desk. He has his laptop placed there with with a few other pieces of stationary. The walls were plastered with football posters and pages ripped from magazines. His wardrobe had clear glass over it so I could see his rows upon rows of jerseys and trainers. The room had these really cool blue LED lights which gave it a very chilled vibe.

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