Chapter 40 : Change of Plans

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Spencer's POV

* 2 weeks later *

It's the first day back at school since after the holidays and I can't remember the last time I have felt this sick. Not sick because school is starting again but because this is the first time I'm going to see Toby since after our argument. I have managed to avoid him the entire two weeks but I know today he's going to try to talk to me. He has left me numerous messages and calls but I just ignored them all.

Me and the girls have spent a lot of time together throughout the holidays but it was very hard to try to hide my emotions from them. Whenever I was home alone I would constantly be crying. I would always ask myself why Toby did what he did and why he didn't at least tell me. And why I ever thought to trust him in the first place. I should've just broke up with him and left it at that. But no of course I would be delusional in thinking we could make things work.

* Monday morning *

'Spencer get up you have school' my mum says entering my room. I just groan and roll around in my covers. 'Omg Spencer I've never seen your bedroom this filthy before' she says in disgust. Yeah well my secret boyfriend went behind my back and didn't tell me that he kissed my enemy I felt like saying.

'Can I just miss school?' I say removing the duvet from my face. My mum gives me a stern look and I immediately regret asking.

'Spencer do you want to fall behind on schoolwork!' She says dragging me out my bed. I just let out a frustrated sigh and go into the bathroom. I can hear my mums heels clicking around the floor and soon the noise disappears which means she has left my room. I brush my teeth, wash my face and have a shower. I want myself to look presentable to make Toby realise that I'm over him. I've mourned enough over us.

I put a on a knee length dress and add a very light layer of makeup to my face. I spray some perfume and curl the front stands of my hair. I look straight at my reflection and take a deep sigh. You can do this I think to myself. I've just got to try my hardest to try and avoid him and hopefully everything will go as normal.

I attempt to make my room look reasonable by making the bed and binning all the empty tubs of ice cream. I grab my phone and put it inside my schoolbag before slinging it over my shoulder. I begin to walk down the stairs but I can hear my parents arguing downstairs.

'Veronica I've already said yes so it's final!' I can hear my dad shout.

'Yeah but you didn't even think to discuss it first Peter!' My mum screams back and I just put my face in my hands. Can this day get any worse? 'We are supposed to talk together about these things'.

'Yeah well it's doesn't matter anyways because I've finalised it all so' my dad replies and I decide to walk into the kitchen at this point. Both of my parents go silent at this moment and there is an awkward atmosphere. I just grab a granola bar from the breakfast cupboard and leave without saying anything. I am really not in the mood to deal with their constant quarrelling.

Tears are threatening to spill but I don't let them. I just walk up to Emily's doorstep and knock a few times. She opens the door after a few seconds and we make our way to Rosewood High. I can feel my heart racing more and more the closer we get to the school. The familiar tan coloured truck which I used to like was parked in its usual spot. Well he's definitely at school I think to myself.

* At Lunch *

Finally my favourite part of the day. Fortunately I haven't seen Toby at school al day today which makes my life so much easier. I eventually get my food from the cafeteria after waiting in the line for about ten minutes. I just got a small salad and some water since I wasn't really hungry. I make my way to the table where the girls were already seated with their lunch.

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