Chapter 27 : Closer

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Spencer's POV

* Saturday at Noel's house *

I am still sitting here freaking out about what would happen if Toby and Yvonne got back together. It was like everything around me was blurred out and the music was muffled in the background. The girls were still socialising with their crushes and dates.

So far I have spoke to a few people here and there but I'm still frantically searching for Toby. He said he'd be there and I just really need to know where he is so he's not making any mistakes. I know it sounds overprotective and all but what can I say he'd do the same to me. It was around 9pm now so it wasn't too late.

There was a very strong scent of junk food and alcohol. I personally don't drink so I found the smell really sickening. I know it may make me seem like a scaredy cat or whatever but to be honest I don't want to damage my body by drinking a harming substance which will probably make me do things I'll regret. I was starting to feel really dizzy and claustrophobic so I decided to go outside.

There were a lot less people outside in the back garden. It was dark but the large bright blue coloured pool lightened it up. There were several long beach chairs which people were sitting on and talking to the people around them. The music was still blaring though but at least I could get some fresh air. All of a sudden someone tapped me on the shoulder and I turned around.

'Heyyy Spencer, right?' Noel said slightly slurring over his words. It was clear he had been drinking. I nodded. 'So are youuu enjoying the party?'.

'Yeah it's great' I said faking a smile. I really did not want to be talking alone with Noel right now. From what the girls have told me about him he's not a good guy. 'Nice house'.

'Thanks you not going to go for a swim?' He asked raising an eyebrow. I shook my head quickly.

'No I actually can't swim and have a fear of being in the water' I replied sheepishly.

'Ahh I seeeee' He said stretching out the 's'. There was a strong smell of alcohol and I coughed. 'You know what would be good' he said taking a step forward. I took a step back from him starting to feel uncomfortable.

'What?' I asked pretending to care. He just smirked but it wasn't a friendly smirk it was more sly.

'If you would come and join me in bed' He said taking another step forward. My back was facing towards the pool and he was looking straight into my eyes. I could tell he was being completely serious. Why didn't I just listen to the girls advice and stay away from him?

'Emm sorry Noel I'm not really into you like that' I said trying my hardest not to make him angry. He just let out an evil chuckle and I flinched as he came and put a strand of hair behind my ear.

'You don't seem to understand Spencer, I wasn't asking' he said taking another few steps forwards. I got a fright once I reached the start of the pool and quickly grabbed onto his shoulders for support. I was super close to falling backwards into the cold substance beneath me but I just saved myself. He smiled as if he just had an idea. 'Wouldn't it be unfortunate if you didn't listen to what I said and I'd have to push you into the pool?'.

'Noel please don't' I said practically begging. The water seemed super deep and I cannot swim in the slightest. Somehow the people around us didn't even do anything even when they heard me pleading. I guess they either didn't care or were super drunk.

'So I'm going to ask you one last time Spencer' he said this time a lot more seriously. I gulped nervously. 'Are you going to come and join me in bed?'. What am I supposed to say? If I say yes I'm going to have to lose my virginity to this random high school freak who I have no interest in. But if I say no I'll be pushed into the cold swimming pool behind me.

'No' I said trying to sound more confident. Maybe he'd have a change of heart and leave me alone. Or he'd feel some sympathy for me and let me continue my night his I want. But instead he just sighed.

'You're going to regret that' he said. I widened my eyes as he removed my hands from his shoulders and pushed me backwards. He was really strong so it would have been easy for him to just push me.

I could feel the cold liquid covering my entire body and my eyes slowly closing and I was overcome by the darkness. I could hear the music muffled from above and was slowly slipping into unconscious.


Please don't kill me for the cliffhanger but you guys will definitely find out what happens tomorrow ❤️

Will Spencer be saved ❤️

If so who will save her Toby, Emily, Yvonne it maybe even a random high school person ❤️

Stay tuned to find out next update will be tomorrow ❤️

Please comment your opinions/thoughts/theories it would mean a lot ❤️

Please vote/follow/share ❤️

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter since I have spent a while thinking of what to include in it ❤️

If you want you can DM me anything you want to talk to someone about or just if you want to talk in general ❤️

I hate it when people keep their emotions to themselves so I just want you guys to know I can try and give any advice ❤️

Even though I am really young I have been told that I think like an adult so I might be able to help ❤️

That's all for today, hope your having a great weekend so far ❤️

Until tomorrow my lovelies ❤️

- L❤️

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