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"Where were you guys at lunch?" Amelia asks, looking around anxiously. She seemed fine before, maybe she has D.I.D or something. Frank blushes, I do too, making Gracie and Loki very suspicious. "A-anyway, what did y-you guys get u-up to?" Frank asks. Gracie starts explaining every detail, laughing so hard, that it catches onto Loki and Amelia. Even Frank and I can't help laughing, as their conjoined laughter is contagious. Loki seems cool, I guess he's become one of us now. After dinner, Gracie, Loki and Amelia, all walk back to our rooms together, as all of us are merely just down the hall from one another. "S-see you g-guys tomorrow." Frank calls to the splitting group. He gets back a range of 'byes' and waves from people in the group. We head into our room just as the lights shut off for the night.

When I finally drift off to sleep, I have a nightmare mixed with what I think is a flashback. The floor and walls are dripping with fresh, crimson blood, there stands a man dressed in a suit black, with a mask hiding his identity. "P-please n-no." I hear someone choke out in a shaky stuttery voice. It takes me a minute, but I realise that its Frank who's pleading for mercy. A single shot rings out and a deadly silence occurs, I figured that I had just lost Frank to the masked and suited man, tears start welling up in my eyes as I get pushed against the wall by the gunman, holding the gun to my head. "Don't you remember me?" He says with an evil smile, I shake my head, my heart pounding out of my chest in fear. "Your poor, innocent little brother, Mikey?" I didn't know I had a younger brother, I think I'd remember if I did. He pulls the gun away and loads it, smiling as he does so. "Any last words?" He says, closing one eye and lining the shot up perfectly in the centre of my forehead. "You're a monster." I say before I see a blinding flash of light and my legs go out from beneath me and the sleep of death washes over me, the last thing I see his his heavy boots leaving the room and slamming the door behind him before he reloads the gun, off to commit some more inhumane killing.

I wake up in a sweat, my clothes sticking to me and my face tear stained. My heart is racing and I begin to sob, I'm so frightened and confused that I'm shaking, I wish I could turn on the light or something to ease my fears of Mikey being in the corner of my room, I sound like I'm five yers old again or something. I hear Frank stir, he then rolls over and looks at me with concern. "W-what happened?" He asks, and I just shake my head, and take in a very shaky breath. "He killed you, he killed everyone. He killed me." He looks slightly confused, but he holds me anyways, kissing my cheek despite the fact it probably tastes like salt water. "Its o-okay, I'm h-here." I smile sadly. "Thanks Frank." I say as I lie back down. "Would y-you like m-me to st-stay?" He asks, and I nod. He wraps his arms around me and I feel so safe and warm. I find myself unable to sleep, the new pills and this nightmare making me unable to fall back to sleep again, at least I'm in Frank's arms which, according to my dream, isn't exactly the best place to be, but it offers some form of comfort as Frank falls back asleep, and I lay there with tired eyes and my heart still racing, terrible thoughts of Mikey running through my deranged head.


The next morning, after Ray had woken Frank and I up, and after breakfast, I marched over to Jacquie's door. I pound on the door, I want answers, I need answers. "Gerard, good to see you." She says sarcastically. "Wheres your little friend?" She asks. My face feels hot, I left him with the others, hopefully he'll be okay. "With my friends, like the ones that you'll never have." I reply smartly. She smirks. "Good one." Jacquie replies. "Now, why are you here?" I swallow, my throat becoming dry. "I want answers." I say in a louder voice, and I hear someone rushing down the hall. It's Frank.

He runs over to me and stands beside me. "Answers to what?" She says, peering at me. "I want answers...about....Mikey." I say sadly, yet angrily. She looks shocked. "H-how did you know about him?" She stammers. She knew this whole time, and never brought it up. She asks me how I knew about this again, and I repeat the statement. Jacquie finally gives in, and she leads me into her office. "Take a seat Gerard, and Frank, could you please close the door?" He does that and sits next to me. Jacquie sifts through all the files of everyone here, I see Gracie's, Amelia's and even Loki's, but no sign of Frank's or mine. She pulls out a folder from in her bag, it reads 'Way, Gerard Arthur.' I've never seen my file before, come to think of it, I'd never seen anyone's file before. "The medics found you, bleeding out on the floor." Jacquie says, looking at my file rather sadly. "There was a bullet lodged into the top of your throat, its lucky that it didnt hit your windpipe, or your voicebox." She sighs, and I feel Frank hold my hand. "They found out that your younger brother Mikey did it, but they never found him." I shudder, he could be waiting for his chance to attack me, watching and waiting for me to go outside. "As soon as you were fixed, the paramedics decided to send you here, its the safest and best place for you." I sigh, looking at the floor, there seemed like there was more to my file, I'll just have to break in and find out later. The trainees normally handed in reports for the patients that they looked after, whether they were good or bad, they got stored into their file, so every new trainee had an idea of what to expect. Jacquie handed it to me, so I could read it, I really don't know what to expect. I don't know why Lindsey handed in the report, she's still here.

A report on Gerard Way

By Lindsey Ballato

Gerard seems like quite an interesting person. The way in which he acts, and interacts with the people around him, can differ from time to time. I haven't been around him much, but I can tell that he is more than what he seems, or thinks he is. I wonder what she meant by that? He treated me better than I had expected him to, his other reports leading me to believe he was some form of the devil himself, but in reality, I don't think they got to know him better. He seemed really easy to talk to, and in my opinion deserved a second chance. Gerard, if you ever read this, I'm telling you the truth, and I mean everything I've written. Stay safe and I'll probably see you around Rosemere, that is, if you ever get out. The rest of it is blacked out and I feel like she had something else to tell me, I'll have to ask her when I see her next. I then hand the report back to Jacquie, she puts it neatly back into my file, making sure that none of the edges were going to get dog-eared. "Wow." I say, still in shock. "You wanted answers, and you got them, are you happy now?" Jacquie says, empty of all emotion when she talked. "Thanks for that." I say, sort of relieved but scared, Frank and I then leave her office and head to the cafeteria, as it was lunchtime.

Everyone at our table turns their attention to Frank and I. I sit silently, I didn't want to talk about any of that stuff in front of everyone. But then again, they are my best friends. "I read my file." I mumble, feeling tears sting my eyes, I'm not sure why though. "What?" Loki says, as he was sitting at the far end of the table. Amelia translates my mumbles for Loki, so that he understands whats going on. "What was in it?" Gracie asks, putting a supportive hand on my shoulder. A tear falls, and splashes onto the table. "Someth-thing terrible." Frank says, rubbing my back. Amelia looks at me sympathetically, none of them sure what to say or do. Gracie doesn't ask what was in my file. We all sit in silence for a little while, Loki looking at the floor, Amelia looking at the three of us, and Gracie looking at Frank and I. This feels rather strange, nobody is like their usual selves, I guess just one thing can bring us all down.

All I'm able to think about is my brother. He could be stalking me, waiting for the right time to kill everyone here, saving my friends until last, or torturing them, and watching my pain fill my eyes, and roll down my cheeks. "We'll pr-protect you Gee." Frank says, weakly smiles at me. Gracie nods and Amelia says an enthusicastic, but confused 'yeah!' Like she didnt know what she signed up for. "I think I need some time to think." I say before leaving the table, Gracie and Frank following. "Are you sure you're okay?" Gracie asks, I turn around, and I snap, I don't know why, something inside of me just broke, in some sense. "I'm not okay! I want some time to calm down after what I just found out! Is that too much to ask for?!" Frank and Gracie both look hurt and I instantly regret those words from escaping my lips. They turn to leave, my heart wanting to say sorry, but my brain not letting me. I slam my door behind me, why am I such a stubborn prick? I feel like I had just fucked up two of my most important relationships currently in my life, nothing else matters right now besides making myself pay for what I just did.

I'm a complete wreck by the time Frank comes back into our room, I don't even know what time is or anything and I'm surprised none of the nurses had come looking for me. My face is covered in dried blood and bruises, my lip is split, and my face is tear stained. "Ge-gerard! What ha-have you done?" Frank asks, sounding panicked. "What I felt I needed to." I mumble through the pain in my face. He looks at me sadly, before pulling me into a tight embrace, being careful not to touch any of the bruises on my face. "Do-don't do that a-again!" He says sadly, yet angrily. "It-it'll take m-more than that t-to get rid of m-me." He says, looking me dead in the eyes. "What does Gracie think of me?" He looks down. "Sh-she thinks y-you had to let that o-out sometime." I look at him hopefully. "Does she hate me?" He looks away slightly. "....no." he says, still not looking at me. "Tell me the truth Frankie, does Gracie hate me?" Frank looks like his mood has lightened a bit. "No, she d-doesn't, she s-said its unders-standable t-to feel that way, but n-next time, don't t-take i-it out on us, okay?" I nod, still thinking about what I did. "It will never happen again, and that's a promise." I say as Frank gently kisses my forehead. The lights then go out, and I lay awake in my loyal and also awake boyfriend's arms, feeling gently reassured but my mind is still trying to pull me into the depths of my thoughts.

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