☆My Favourite Days Are The Ones Where I Don't Smoke Crack.☆

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Gerard's POV

Amelia and I hardly had a plan. Well, our plan was to get caught which sounds odd but when you think about it, is quite smart. So then we could be all together again and Loki could probably use steal the Tesseract with his magical abilities and my thievery skills. We're honestly a great team, even though I haven't actually thought much else, like what to do after that. We'll figure it out, like we have done everthing else.

I have a feeling that this is going to work, and we'll be free.

Amelia rings Jacquie up directly via the Rosemere business card, she answers and I can hear her loudly over the phone about how happy she is that we're finally ready to continue getting 'help for our problems' back at Rosemere.

A few minutes later, a van with the Rosemere logo on the side pulls up beside us, I look over at Amelia. "We'll be okay." She says with a slight smile. One of Jacquie's minions shoves both Amelia and I into the back of the van and begin the drive back to the hellish boredom of Rosemere.

Not for long though.

As we arrive, the new mesh, barbed wire topped gates swing open making me sigh. Now we've just got to survive for a few days before we're out of here forever. It's quite a strange feeling knowing that your Status Quo was about to shift forever, never being the same again.

As we get lead out of the van and into the cafeteria, it was oddly empty. Well, considering the fact that it was almost lights out, it was normal. Jacquie gives us a fake smile. "So glad that you two are back, now go to your rooms." She then turns and leaves, Amelia smiling at me. "Lets go find the others, hopefully their rooms haven't changed." We set off down the hallway, all of the memories flood back of what we've previously experienced here.

I knock on the door that is hopefully Frank's and I hear a rustling inside. He then opens the door and just holds onto me with no questions asked, he's just happy to see that I'm alive and that I'm okay. "It's okay Frankie, we'll be out of here soon." I whisper to him, he lets go and nods. "I t-trust you Gee." I smile, taking his hand in mine as we go off to find the rest of our group.

We then find Amelia with Loki and Gracie sitting on Gracie's bed, Amelia has already started explaining what we'll do to escape from here once and for all. We decided to wait for about three days, as this would mean that Jacquie would've let down her guard, either that or she'll think we're being suspicious and scrutinize us even more than she already did.

Everybody is in agreement that this will work, either by dumb luck or excessive planning. Loki seemed extremely happy to be 'back to his old ways' of using the Tesseract to escape tight situations and Frank seemingly disregarded the plan altogether and was just happy to see me, even though this was how we were meant to get out of here.

I walk back to Frank's room after all the planning has been done, we go inside and shut the door. "Jacquie's come up with a new drug." He says, and I nod. "She tried to use it on me, but somehow I'm immune." Frank sighs. "Well, she used it on me and I'm not," he starts, looking at the wall. "It knocked me unconscious and then, when I woke up, I co-couldn't move. Jacquie said something about it r-recreating sleep paralysis. She turned off the lights and then... there was like this thing, well, this demon that b-burnt away when Ray turned the lights back on. W-what if it comes back tonight?"

I look at him sympathetically, wrapping my arm around his shoulders. "It wont, trust me. I'm here now and I want to keep you safe, and I've failed once and I'm not going to let it happen again." He looks comforted, like he can finally rest easily without that fear eating him up. I guess me being here helps the situation as well.


Three days fly past and I get woken up basically in the middle of the night by Loki hissing for me to get out of bed. He greets me at the door. "C'mon, lets get everyone's stuff and get out of here." He then says as we walk towards the locked room. Earlier that day I had stolen the key off of Ray, which I'm not actually proud of, anyways we arrive and I unlock the room, Loki giving me a thankful smile before he goes off to look for his stuff. He finds it with a rather triumphant 'Aha!' I grab everbody else's things before we all meet up in Loki's room.

"Ready guys?" I ask, getting a variety of nods and smiles as we all place our hands on the Tesseract with our boxes of stuff under our arms. We dissapear from the hell of Rosemere in a flash of blue lightening.

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